Random non-Destiny 2 Raid story because I'm in a good mood + silent raging at the same time.
For the past 3 months, I've had constant issues with my internet dropping out daily. It would do it for 10-15 minutes in a row, 2 or 3 times a day.
Constant calls to my provider, constant rebooting of everything, it always seemed remotely tolerable but irritating.
After losing a lot of patience, I finally got off of my ass and replaced the router that I had bought myself as well as the modem the cable company gave me earlier today.
I get home to try it out, and it's worse than ever. I call the tech support line again, we talk through sending a tech or not, and the guy randomly goes "Hey, I don't mean to be insulting, but we see all of the speedtests that you run through us, and your internet is intolerably slow for you paying for 175MB down." I laughed and said yeah, that's why I'm calling again, and he said "Just so you know, your equipment isn't really built for the speeds that you're paying for. You should really have a high speed 3in1 modem/router combo that's built for this." I said I appreciate that statement, but why are you the first person in three months to mention that, especially since I get the modem FROM you.
He said he's seen it before, this would fix it, and can't answer for why no one else mentioned it.
You know what? The son of a bitch was right. Hooked the new combo up, and we are cruising down the internet superhighway at rates I only dreamed of.
So yeah. I'm stoked this is working great, and I'm pissed I dealt with this for 3 months.