Wow, reading back on these last handful of pages, I would have thought they canceled all their Thursday/Friday shows to stream Destiny 2 those days instead. It's one week people, relax.
I'm pretty sure hotline miami 2 had the exact same pause screen that year too.
All I'm saying is Cuphead shouldn't aim for a chump award that galak-z can win.
It should go all the way with best visuals.
Why not both?
I don't think former winners invalidate a category (hey Mordor!) and when it comes to style I think that's something Cuphead should win because it nails it's theme in such an unimaginably perfect way. It could win best graphics too, but I think there are more competitors there. When it comes to style nothing can match it.
I'm mostly kidding about the galakz part, but yeah, those are all fair points. I guess horizon is this year's best viuals also.
stylewise i did not like galak-z top-down and the cutscenes were horrrrrrrrible.
the only funko things id ever consider buying
the only funko things id ever consider buying
I can't handle Brad shitting on Mega Man X's music.
who would ever pick behind??
Is Cuphead actually difficult or Ori "difficult?". Because the latter wasn't bad at all.
Is Cuphead actually difficult or Ori "difficult?". Because the latter wasn't bad at all.
The only defense is if you have a cat that loved to spin the roll. Otherwise, it's over or you're an inhuman monster.
I'm not ajrw I high way round ny toilet paper is. Depends on the way I'm holding it when putting it on the holder I guess.
are you alright
I've got 50 Euros in my Steam wallet I've got enough games to play already should I buy Cuphead it's my Birthday today I feel like I should buy more stuff.
I've got 50 Euros in my Steam wallet I've got enough games to play already should I buy Cuphead it's my Birthday today I feel like I should buy more stuff.
Use it to invest for retirement.
The creator of hits like After Burner, Outrun, Space Harrier, and Virtua Fighter is gaming's Tommy Wiseau.
Yes Swery I can see that.Nah, Deadly Premonitions is closer to that. He made one hit(Deadly Premonition) and is mainly known for just that.
Yes Swery I can see that.
But man Alex's pull on Yu Suzuki as Tommy.
Tbf, in the case of shemnue.
I can see it.
What the fuck.
everything about Mega Man X makes it seem like a Genesis game that was accidentally released on the SNES instead
Guys, I don't know how much longer I can watch of this raid. ;~;