Breaking Brad: Cuphead
Breaking Brad: Ruiner
Breaking Brad: Anything but Destiny
[any Brad feature other than Dota or Destiny]
[any Jeff feature other than PUBG]
[any Jason feature]
Breaking Brad: Cuphead
Breaking Brad: Ruiner
Breaking Brad: Anything but Destiny
[any Brad feature other than Dota or Destiny]
[any Jeff feature other than PUBG or C64 era games]
[any Jason feature other than fighting games and Monster Hunter]
Truly the next Daniel Day Lewis.
Can't believe he was Jared Leto all along. Thats some face/off shit
Listening to the Beastcast and Dan's Destiny 2 addiction might be getting out of hand lol
why what happened?
He said he wanted to go to bed directly, so at least not all hope is lost.After that first raid he run he continued playing for 4 more hours.
Not sure of his state of mind after the latest video though
Can't believe he was Jared Leto all along. Thats some face/off shit
Yoshis Island, Kirby, and Castlevania are all good picks....guys, what SNES game do I even try first if I'm just gonna spend an hour messing around with it? I only ever played SMW and LttP as a kid I guess.
Long term I'm excited to play the RPGs I never played, but right now, hmmm. Maybe Kirby?
The theme of MASH really is called Suicide is Painless.Maybe during Quick Looks they should talk about the game they're playing instead of MASH.
How did they do on the raid yesterday? I couldn't tune into the stream all day, Fridays are podcast days.
Yoshis Island, Kirby, and Castlevania are all good picks.
Damn. Did those 5+ hours help them grind some levels at least? I wonder if they're gonna try this again with another raid knowing how much time it takes them. How frequently do new raids get added? I know nothing about Destiny.It went quite well for the first few hours but then they got stuck on the final boss for like 5+ hours until they called it off and said they'll be doing it on Monday. However, Brad mentioned that they all have to be light level 280 & above. If one of them couldn't get there then it's basically a waste of time.
20-40 hours of Destiny raiding is necessary to unseat Destiny 2 from any awards.
This is all for the greater good.
20-40 hours of Destiny raiding is necessary to unseat Destiny 2 from any awards.
This is all for the greater good.
Damn. Did those 5+ hours help them grind some levels at least? I wonder if they're gonna try this again with another raid knowing how much time it takes them. How frequently do new raids get added? I know nothing about Destiny.
20-40 hours of Destiny raiding is necessary to unseat Destiny 2 from any awards.
This is all for the greater good.
I've been slowly going through Mother 3 for the last few months, found my way back to it again last night. I've been playing along with the Fangamer world book / guide thing, alternating between playing through a couple screens and then catching up in the book, and it turns out that playing through a game when you have progress physically represented by a bookmark is a surprisingly cool feeling. Kind of makes me wish there were more portable games that had a book as an integrated part of the experience.
(And yeah, I continue to be surprised by just how damn good the game is.)
I've been slowly going through Mother 3 for the last few months, found my way back to it again last night. I've been playing along with the Fangamer world book / guide thing, alternating between playing through a couple screens and then catching up in the book, and it turns out that playing through a game when you have progress physically represented by a bookmark is a surprisingly cool feeling. Kind of makes me wish there were more portable games that had a book as an integrated part of the experience.
(And yeah, I continue to be surprised by just how damn good the game is.)
Jeff's perspective.Are the "directors cut" PUBG videos just video captured from a different team member than the original video? I guess I don't see the point if they all have shared audio anyway?
LIke, e.g.,
My Big Fat Murder Wedding
My Big Fat Murder Wedding (Director's Cut)
Brad counters with "if it was a bad game you wouldnt have spent 20 hours in the raid!"
Its probably gonna be 10 again though. Same way D1 got in. By Brad taking his stand
Played about an hours worth of Cuphead this morning, and damn is it a fun game.
The "Dark Souls" comparisons are kind of overblown though, it's not necessarily tough, but you do need to learn each of the boss's patterns for each 'stage' of their fights.
I think at worst, I died 4-5 times to a boss, and others I beat first try.
Im so mad I wasnt in the thread for Dan glitching through a cube or Vinnys entire Yoshi fruit saga last week.I liked the juxtaposition of Jeff saying SMO might be finally making good on the bullshit that is SMS followed by a bunch of clips of SMS being bullshit
The video on Youtube is over 9h long but it only shows the last 2h I think.
On the Amazon Fire TV at least.
It's also the type of game that gets easier the more stuff you unlock.
I like how Nintendo "gift wraps" Star Fox 2 on the SNES Classic games menu. Like we should be grateful for something that we paid for after they made it a living hell to find one of these classic consoles. For something that most people who really wanted to play it would've found a way more than a decade ago.
Thanks, Nintendo.
This SNES Classic quick look has been good so far.
Brad counters with "if it was a bad game you wouldnt have spent 20 hours in the raid!"
Its probably gonna be 10 again though. Same way D1 got in. By Brad taking his stand
I mean, they' all played enough to be "raid ready" (so, 20 - 30h) on their own. Vinny is the only one in the crew that hasn't played it.
Aside from PUBG, that's probably the only game this year that really almost everyone will have played for a significant time.
It'll be on the list and Brad won't even have to fight for it.
Wasn't a "living hell" to get one in Europe and I like the gift wrap. It's a nice little touch. Grumpy Mc Grumpington.
Okay. What do you want me to say to this anecdote? Congrats? Good for you?
Congrats. Good for you.
Vinny has been playing it with his family. He left Bakalar and their PC plans in the dust.
Whenever you buy a new game on the 3DS it's also gift wrapped. That's not new. And you're not the only person who bought a SNES mini. The whole process of pre-ordering was super easy here.
No need to be so passive aggressive. If you want to complain, by all means go on and complain.
Golf Story is such a chill game.
Browsing PSN's current sale.
Remember Battlefield Hardline?
Damn near forgot that game existed. EA probably want us all to forget that game existed. Jeez was that poorly timed.
Browsing PSN's current sale.
Remember Battlefield Hardline?
Damn near forgot that game existed. EA probably want us all to forget that game existed. Jeez was that poorly timed.