I gotta start putting KH on in the background so I can catch up for this one, huh.
I wish they didn't do so much of that faker game. I still have no idea what you're supposed to do for that.
There are more interesting jackbox games to play.
faker game was amazing this time around
I thought when West played it it didn't look that hot but maybe the smaller number of people made it good
It's a little confusing at first but they figured it out and it became amazing, yeah. They just didn't pay enough attention at the start though to be fair the rules are also explained kinda badly to begin with.
Everyone follows the prompt ("raise your hand if ___", "point to the person who ____", etc.) truthfully but the Faker only knows the generic action ("raise your hand", "point to someone", etc.). When the prompt is revealed, it's a matter of justifying what you did if needed and trying to find out who the Faker is (and pinning it on someone else if you are the Faker). Importantly, you have 3 rounds to deduce the Faker but you also want to consistently vote for them if you can because if everyone else is convinced you're wrong, you still get points for each round you individually guessed correctly. (I believe the Faker also gets points for the number of rounds they evade you?)