Why? I thought it was a really fun game that finally changed up the formula fatigue that the Zelda franchise had for tons of games. It's not the end all be all of games ever, but it was a different take on anything Nintendo has done in a while while allowing the player to play through the game however they wanted. the Master Sword Trial DLC was basically a VR missions type of gameplay which I LOVED. I've played and beaten tons of games and Breath Of The Wild is one that I find myself thinking about every month or two even though I beat it in March and then only came back to it to play the DLC. It's a good game, probably the best one this year, in a year that we have tons of games, BotW did something very different. Cuphead is my second in line as that game is totally different but also insanely fun.
I'm mostly trolling. I can appreciate it for what it did, and would actually have no problem if it won GOTY. It's just the only one of the major "GOTY-type" games this year that didn't hook me at ALL