Whats all this steak business about?
Giant Bomb going keto
Whats all this steak business about?
When you cook sunny side up eggs, are you supposed to JUST cook the bottom? I always flip the egg and break the yolk 99% of the time.
Here's a little trick, if you have a cover for your pan, use it. It cooks sunny side up eggs perfectly using the steam. I used to flip the egg and would break the yolk like 60% of the time but with the cover you literally crack the eggs and pop it on and leave it for a few minutes. It's awesome!
Giant Bomb going keto
Lifehacks like these are why I come to the Giant Bomb thread.![]()
Here's a little trick, if you have a cover for your pan, use it. It cooks sunny side up eggs perfectly using the steam. I used to flip the egg and would break the yolk like 60% of the time but with the cover you literally crack the eggs and pop it on and leave it for a few minutes. It's awesome!
You guys should add some crunch to your eggs. I know a special recipe..
Your ellipses intrigues me.
I always got the impression that Jeff was OK with it at first but then it got ridiculous when kicking dudes into spikes or off cliffs became basically the best strategy of the game.
Speaking of which, how are you playing it? I keep trying to go back to the game but it seems like there is a crippling performance bug that makes the game basically unplayable. I've tried on multiple machines, multiple OSes and nothing works. The game will run fine for a while then degrade to single digit frame rates
I put the egg in a wide cup and turn it over in the pan and let the steam trapped in the cup cook the top, it makes the shape perfectly round and it doesn't let the sides get burnt and brown, which I really dislike.
the hell is a wide cup
A bowl?
the hell is a wide cup
?! then why not just say bowl? Who puts a bowl in a pan!?
My mom worked in a diner and showed me how to do it, it's how my whole family has done it and it makes some tasty ass eggs, I tell ya hwat.
what a motley crew Shoemaker has managed to assemble for this nonsense...
you think Jared will be sober for this? how long until Brad's first exasperated "OH COME ON!"
what a motley crew Shoemaker has managed to assemble for this nonsense...
you think Jared will be sober for this? how long until Brad's first exasperated "OH COME ON!"
Maybe I need to get in on some of these cooking tips. My eggs always end up weirdly shaped and burnt.
Jared's tolerance level is like one glass of wine, so you never know!
im gonna need a gif
after 4 hours he will ragequit after a wipe and go play trials
im sorry
is the stream up for you guys :<
wait someone is level 23? won't they be pretty much useless
Jeff is the weak link here.
oh man, 5 noobs and 2 of them are only 26. this is going to be rough.
for those who don't know, towards the end, you're fighting level 27 and 28 enemies with elemental resistances. which means you're probably doing between 60 and 80% of the damage you should be doing, not even counting the shields if you're 26.
party chat really doesn't broadcast?
really? the raid is 26?