Jesus christ why was 8.8 bad for TP?
Yeah I'm being the GB newbie here. I remember reading about it but not really why it caused such an uproar.
it came at a time where zelda fans were literally crying at the e3 reveal of twilight princess.
so yeah. People thought TP was going to be the REAL sequel to their favoritetest game ever, the ocarina of time, especially after having to play that kiddie crap CELDA.
so to have their beloved OoT 2.0 not get an 11/10 was simply unacceptable. Mind you, the controversy over 8.8 happened before anyone outside the press had actually played the game
them were dark times, glitches
if you want to read more, here ya go
edit: aw man, some of the screenshots are busted at that link. what a shame : /