Felix Lighter
Just realized there was no Project Beast today. Da fuq.
Buzz Aldrin had to postpone last second.
Just realized there was no Project Beast today. Da fuq.
Which staff member would buzz aldrin punch?
My money is on dan
wtf Xavier Woods is going to fucking DIE.
Who eats three peppers when they only have to eat one?
I recently started following rorie on Twitter and there is nothing on earth more pure than this man's love of dogs
They're only habaneros, he'll live
oh, I know. Hope he had himself a tub of ice cream after that though.
The slapstick in the latest Beastcast was too thick. It was funny that one episode, but it it's too much to be a regular thing.
The advancement of peppers the past several years seems staggering, at least from the perspective of my bland white midwestern palette. Seems like only a few years ago everybody was calling habaneros the hottest pepper in the world on food shows and shit, but since then it's been like this dick measuring contest of upping the ante. Habaneros ain't shit, it's all about ghost peppers! Ghost peppers ain't shit, it's all about this pepper that's only identified by a letter and 6 numbers!
Like, I tried jalapenos on my Subway once and it kinda ruined my dinner.
The advancement of peppers the past several years seems staggering, at least from the perspective of my bland white midwestern palette. Seems like only a few years ago everybody was calling habaneros the hottest pepper in the world on food shows and shit, but since then it's been like this dick measuring contest of upping the ante. Habaneros ain't shit, it's all about ghost peppers! Ghost peppers ain't shit, it's all about this pepper that's only identified by a letter and 6 numbers!
Like, I tried jalapenos on my Subway once and it kinda ruined my dinner.
The war continues until someone breeds a plant to just blow capsaicin bubbles.
when you're brad and you haven't spoiled a game in 5 minutes
y'all got that bone dust?
Buzz Aldrin had to postpone last second.
when you're brad and you haven't spoiled a game in 5 minutes
impossible because it's never not happened.
Shortest QL incoming?
Shortest QL incoming?
What's to Quick Look? Can't they just reuse the footage from UPF and call it a day? There's not much more to say about the game. I guess it's an excuse to play more on camera. Which, I bet they're going to do this week on UPF... again. Though, I necessarily wouldn't mind. It looked kinda fun. Even Jeff seemed to be getting into it a bit. Scoops even streamed some today (he has a higher score than Brad).
Dan to reveal how you can dagger in a way that reveals a deeper meaning in the whole game.
I don't think I'd like Devil Daggers. It looks just frustratingly hard, and boring too with no real level design or variety and just more of the same enemies. I can appreciate the skill based challenge of it and the fact that it was just made by a few people, but that is not my kinda game.
Plus the look of it makes me think of metal music and that's never a good thing.
What's to Quick Look? Can't they just reuse the footage from UPF and call it a day? There's not much more to say about the game. I guess it's an excuse to play more on camera. Which, I bet they're going to do this week on UPF... again. Though, I necessarily wouldn't mind. It looked kinda fun. Even Jeff seemed to be getting into it a bit. Scoops even streamed some today (he has a higher score than Jeff, but trails Brad).
when I think daggering, I think Dan Ryckert
Checking out some Street Fighter V stuff and i discovered that Laurais apparently Sean's older sister.
They really are starting to head into SF3 territory
the problem isn't qls of games they played on upf, the problem is using upf as vehicle for playing random new steam releases instead of focusing on backlog and retro titles (aka what upf was in its inception)
mind, this is obsolete criticism in the case of devil daggers since it was the only thing last upf had going for it
well thankfully they have another weekly feature where they play retro ga- oh wait
That was the first Old Games Show in months, and it happened entirely by accident.
I want a American Truck Simulator series from GBEast, Truckin' Thursdays or something.
One video was enough for me.
That sounds like something a sedan driver would say.
I don't even have a driver's license!