I bought that game in a Cicuit City.
Which is coming back.... as a Radio Shack-esque (in terms of retail space) retailer.

I bought that game in a Cicuit City.
Rey Mysterio is Spider Man's joker.
Which is coming back.... as a Radio Shack-esque (in terms of retail space) retailer.
Why are people saying Skate 4?? Stop playing with my heart you scumbags
Jeffs reading of the Superman villains is great
Superman is a dumb superhero
The developers, back when they developed Goldeneye.Man, that bouncy, sticky reticle in timesplitters triggered some really unpleasant memories for me.
Who thought that was a good idea?
Yessss finally beat my friend's high score on DD. 215 I'm coming for you Kelas
can someone list the games trhat were on the derbty?
Here is the contents of the upcoming Demo Derby disc...
Playable demos of:
Timesplitters 2
Crash Bandicoot
Halo(cooperative players/single player)
Hunter: The Reckoning
Max Payne
Star Wars: Starfighter
Extra Features:
First look on:No Doubt talks about the sountrack on the game Malice
Splinter Cell
ToeJam & Earl
lotus Challange
Video Verdict:Dead to rights
Hitman 2
James Bond 007
Crash Bandicoot
Jet set Radio
Blood omen 2
Max Payne
World series baseball
Bonus: People on the Internet discussing the disc back in 2002
The developers, back when they developed Goldeneye.
What exactly is the superman talk everyones talking about?
Is it cringey?
Jeff starts reading a list of Superman villain names. It's not cringey at all, it's pretty hilarious
Dan isn't looking forward to BvS despite liking BMan.
Dan isn't looking forward to BvS despite liking BMan.
I'm kind of in the same place, after seeing the final trailer I and I'm sure many others would have been fine with just a stand alone Bat flick. Now they're going to jam all that shit in just to rush in to make the Justice League film.
Good thing is that they're going to make a stand alone Batman film, so that's great.
Batman punched those dudes really good in that last trailer, that's about all I've got for BvS.