Amiibo for your amiibo!
oh dear
Amiibo for your amiibo!
So someone who is commenting Skate4 on EA videos is also who sent in that email right? My money's on Burgerdicks.
Even with 300 it's big selling factor seems like a rip off of Sin City just applied with a different color palette.
Didn't funkystudent send that email?
I still loved 300's action scenes. it was very well done. Snyder does fight scenes really well.
Didn't funkystudent send that email?
I sent a completely unrelated Skate 4 email that didnt make it.
EA really should make Skate 4 though. SK4TE.
What if it's free to play with card based trick system.I'd be up for a Skate 4. Can't be worse than THPS5.
What if it's free to play with card based trick system.
I'd love a Timesplitters 2 + 3 remaster, I'd even settle for them going on the PS4 as classics at this point. I'm still hoping that the multiplayer remake thing some ex Free Radical people were working on actually comes out.I'd pay a lot of money for a Timesplitters 2 HD remaster
But both of those movies aren't good.Synder is only as good as the material he is working with. Even then, that Watchmem ending was and still is a total wtf given how it played out in the comics.
So really, the only good movies he's made are 300 and the Dawn remake.
What if it's free to play with card based trick system.
But both of those movies aren't good.
I think the ending works fine. They couldn't get all the subplots into the film and I think it was still able to get the point across that the comics had.
Brock Lenser is a cool dude.
I didn't hear, was just something that seemed to make sense after they started reading the EA comments.
The Smallville fight is the one and only good thing about Man of Steel.
Watching this demo derby and you know what, the Xbox Crash game wasn't bad
the ending doesn't make sense from a ideological standpoint, especially if youre going into it knowing the reasoning behind why the ending is what it is in the graphic novel. It wouldn't have taken a whole lot of time on film, hell the comics basically show how the creature is developed over a span of like 1-2 panels in the final comics until it ends. You could've cut the hallelujah part in half and still had ample time to explain the exploding kaiju ending.
Watching this demo derby and you know what, the Xbox Crash game wasn't bad
I rather play this than lets say crash's so slow compared to the ND crash games though. His jump is so sluggish compared to the older games, for example.
The whole point was uniting earth against a common enemy. The ending achieved that. That's why I did not any problem with that. It doesn't matter if that enemy is a made up alien race or Doctor Manhattan. Also the subplot with the people, being kidnapped was a bit more involved than a couple of panels. There was also lots of stuff about that in the pages of the newspapers you get to read.
but why would the russians give two shits about an american science project gone wrong? Manhattan has been giving them shit for decades by then and if it wipes out the USA then so be it. He's been the golden boy for american since his inception, he represents their biggest enemy. I'm not buying a scenario where they shrug and buy into america's fear of having lost control of him, at least not immediately after they declare that he's gone rogue and killed a city full of people for reasons.
An exploding kaiju of alien origin makes much more sense wrt uniting the world. It has no ideology, it has no history of stomping USA's opposition to smithereens, it's a neutral foreign force that has just wiped out a chunk of one of the biggest cities in the world and there's possibly more of them coming.
So yeah, maybe the film's ending works for some but it doesn't work nearly as well as the comic's ending and kinda doesn't work that well on its own, either. I can go on at length about this because that ending has bugged me since the script of Watchmen leaked like a decade ago but i dont think i'm going to change any minds here.
I've tried on 3 different occasions to read comics, but I just can't do it. My brain either wants to watch a visual thing or read a book.
I can read comics more than books these days. the last book I read was the last HP book. good stuff but I really have no interest in reading books these days.
I really wish I could read and enjoy them! Like I said, I've tried multiple times to get into it. I can't imagine not reading books though.
C) Watchmen was an okay movie but one of the coolest things I always loved about the comics is that relentless comic panelling. It's so cool.
I've not watched the Demo Derby yet but based on this post I'm going to guess that the Timesplitters 2 demo is the first level.That Timesplitters game. Damn that is way too close to Goldeneye.
I can't read or even listen to the audiobook versions of fiction these days. I get restless and just can't do it. I read a lot of non-fiction though, even though it's in theory even more boring.
I do love manga though
I've not watched the Demo Derby yet but based on this post I'm going to guess that the Timesplitters 2 demo is the first level.
Yeah. Having people on the staff that worked on Goldeneye is probably why that level ended up being a more direct take than the others.yup. IIRC most of that game's levels were parodies/takes on other games in the genre. that one just happened to be goldeneye
Not sure who thought putting time splitters 2 and halo on the same disc was a good move but I suppose that's why I've never been put in charge of demo discs because what do I know.Halo made everything else on that demo disc seem like shit.
I wonder what Kickstarter typewriter Austin is talking about in the Californium QL?
I did a bit of snooping and saw this...
...which is a Bluetooth Keyboard.
I want this well made dumb thing!
Halo made everything else on that demo disc seem like shit.
I don't read comics much (and I read way too little overall) but I like the concept of X-Men so I've bought some individual story archs on Comixology. Takes like 15 minutes to read through one so I don't have time to get bored.I've tried on 3 different occasions to read comics, but I just can't do it. My brain either wants to watch a visual thing or read a book.
I don't know, I've never exactly been a Halo guy so it's probably just me, but that Halo demo looked pretty boring and repetitive. All the environments seemed like they repeated.
I don't know, I've never exactly been a Halo guy so it's probably just me, but that Halo demo looked pretty boring and repetitive. All the environments seemed like they repeated.
I don't know, I've never exactly been a Halo guy so it's probably just me, but that Halo demo looked pretty boring and repetitive. All the environments seemed like they repeated.