If I mention E/N blogs in here, is this a safe space?
I don't know what that means, so I'm gonna go with no?
If I mention E/N blogs in here, is this a safe space?
open question: has there ever been a worse email sent into either podcast than the "Is pizza an open-faced sandwich" email
Dave Lang and Griffin McElroy on the same podcast.
Giant Bomb 21 | skate 4 biotcg
Giant Bomb 21 | skate 4 biotcg
I still have no idea what that last bit was supposed to mean.
Dave Lang and Griffin McElroy on the same podcast.
He was trying to say "biotch"
I'm definitely more partial to Jeff's idea of a #skate4 TCG.
Well, if EA ever did make Skate 4, you can bet your ass it would have real money card packs in there somewhere.
Well, if EA ever did make Skate 4, you can bet your ass it would have real money card packs in there somewhere.
Aaaaand the English language continues to be a trash fire.
Imagine if they did Tony Hawk's Skate. Would that be a bombshell or just a bomb?
*dude grinds a card packet to make it open* oh sweet a platinum Bob Burnquist!!!
Wasn't there a UPF in the last year or so where they played Skate? I found a 2013 UPF where they play it but that seems too long ago (Ryan's in it, so...)
Far Cry 2 is a nice bit of escapism from shoveling snow all day. Damn Indiana.
Ha ha, the struggle to revive the second buddy. So good.
Random, with Rorie's Apple hate I wonder what he thinks about Apple not abiding by the government's wishes to unlock phones regarding information of the San Bernardino shooting.
Dave Lang is such a cool guy, giving a lowly upstart some of his time.
Dave Lang is such a cool guy, giving a lowly upstart some of his time.
Random, with Rorie's Apple hate I wonder what he thinks about Apple not abiding by the government's wishes to unlock phones regarding information of the San Bernardino shooting.
Real talk, Apple products are some of the worst and that Android commercial with the piano that's been running lately is an interesting way of looking at it.
Real talk, Apple products are some of the worst and that Android commercial with the piano that's been running lately is an interesting way of looking at it.
batman is cool as a mysterious dad figure background guy for cass, damien, steph, tim, and sometimes dick and jason
Also half of his villains aren't (Negative word) Batman. And another third of what's left aren't also just evil versions of Batman with different names.
How? Like, I totally get how people could have a problem with the story after how 2 ended, but the game itself is pretty fantastic. It still has very little competition in terms of third person shooting gameplay five years later.
It has tons of great moments, too. The long airport shoot-out near the end of the game....Man. Maaaaan.
Ooh, is it time for our bi-monthly Max Payne 3 fight?