Demo is fun. Not quite stealth SUPERHOT or Ronin in 3D, but close enough.
I'm downloading it currently. I'm all for supporting new indie stealth games.
Demo is fun. Not quite stealth SUPERHOT or Ronin in 3D, but close enough.
Love the gameplay, but it doesnt let me enjoy it before a migraine inducing, painfully written cut scene happens. Worst case of gaming blue balls of all time.
Also I don't think a billionaire with access to the most powerful technology on the planet gets to quality as 'just a dude'
These "Who's shittier: Batman or Superman?" sort of conversations are gonna get exhausting over the next few months, aren't they?
These "Who's shittier: Batman or Superman?" sort of conversations are gonna get exhausting over the next few months, aren't they?
I'm too lazy to quote all the Batman/Superman stuff, so have this.
The DC animated universe is the only version of DC stuff that I consistently enjoy. I really like how they made Batman a more compassionate character to combat the standard edgelord interpretation of the character being "just as crazy as his villians" because he's dedicated his life to stopping crime. Going back and watching Batman: The Animated Series, it's remarkable how often Batman expresses concern for the well-being of the people he's apprehending, many of whom are clearly mentally ill and need serious help. He also does a lot of detective work and shit, so that's neat. The character is way more than rich cool guy who mercilessly pummels evil, at least that version of the character.
I don't really care about Superman, so nothing much to say about that.
I prefer superman when he's bald.
I wish that, especially considering what happened with Trine 3, the only business model they tried was "make a complete game and release it"
stopa stealth em up
Yeah, I'm not even looking at their stuff until I see positive impressions.
Trine 3 was in Early Access until they ran out of money, and then, coincidentally, it was finished. One of the very worst kinds of Early Access abuse.
Red Sun Superman is my favorite depiction
If only because his naivety in trying to subjugate the world is his downfall.
Am I picking up what happened on the playdate? Did theyin Far Cry 2?accidentally execute their buddy
I think I'll reinstall and see if I can run it at 4k.
It's frustrating because there's so many good examples of Early Access. Larian's Divinity: Original Sin would be a completely different game, and probably phenomenon, without it. Project Zomboid simply wouldn't exist.It's the shittiest. I loved the first two games, and seeing that write-up where they basically owned up to their failure was a real bummer.
Announced in February, released in August, and video apologizing for the game's abject failure uploaded a week after.
Early Access: Not Even Once.
austin is a horrible monster
when austin pulls up that fc2 map and it's not littered with mission dots like a pointilist painting
brought the figurative tear to my eye
when austin pulls up that fc2 map and it's not littered with mission dots like a pointilist painting
brought the figurative tear to my eye
either way you look at it they're both maps full of nothing cool to do
I don't know much about comics but I do think Superman looks pretty cool when he's drawn middle aged like this:
Also half of his villains aren't (Negative word) Batman. And another third of what's left aren't also just evil versions of Batman with different names.
If we have to sacrifice TOGS at the altar to bring more Project BEAST... then so be it.
If we have to sacrifice TOGS at the altar to bring more Project BEAST... then so be it.
That's from Kingdom Come... Actually a really good comic book to read if you're not very into comics (I know a lot of libraries and bookstores carry this pretty popular title. Gorgeous art style.)
REVIEW ON FEB 25, 2016 06:00 AM
I'm going to guess5/5.
So, Galak-Z is still unfinished and free on PS+? Not only did I basically pay to beta test that game, but I could've waited for it to be finished and got it for free before then.
Seriously, the way 17-Bit handled that game is the grossest of gross.