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Giant Bomb XX | Donut Create Push

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Kris Kristofferson being at Dan's wrestling show, lol.

Kris Kristofferson's son is a wrestler. He was in NXT for a while but never really got on TV, so he was probably on the card for the show.

Dan is a lucky man. Dude is acting out a dream of being a pro wrestling manager and simultaneously gets to meet one of the greatest songwriters in the history of American music.


I'm on my tablet right now though.
#jokes #hilarious

I need to stop doing this stupid "#" thing but so many people on my friendslist on Facebook do it and it drives me insane.



Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I reinstalled Dead Space 3 after UPF yesterday. I never got past the initial hour, despite loving the first two games.
Them talking about DS3 only got me thinking about replaying DS1/2. I may do that soon, in between trying to finish The Witcher 3.
The only reason Fates exists is because the last one had wide appeal and sold a billion copies. Regardless of any perceived slights regarding artistic intent, any changes that were made in the name of selling more copies in other regions were likely the right decision. FE is surprisingly NOT niche for a tactical RPG. This isn't GalGun, the vocal consumers aren't the core audience here.


Drunky McMurder
The only reason Fates exists is because the last one had wide appeal and sold a billion copies. Regardless of any perceived slights regarding artistic intent, any changes that were made in the name of selling more copies in other regions were likely the right decision. FE is surprisingly NOT niche for a tactical RPG. This isn't GalGun, the vocal consumers aren't the core audience here.

If only there were a face rubbing tournament scene, Nintendo could have focused on their true audience and ignored the casuals. I hear it's great strategy these days.


If only there were a face rubbing tournament scene, Nintendo could have focused on their true audience and ignored the casuals. I hear it's great strategy these days.
I've already written to the guys at evo. I want my voice heard, my face rubbed

Tim defending his DS3 review is kinda adorable. I should watch those GI videos they talked about.

I want to see him defend the RE6 one because I totally agree with him 100%
anyone else get the feeling Jeff was a little hurt that Jason didn't make a face for him, for mount your friends? After it was revealed that Jason made one for Tim, Jeff's expression became sad. As it should have been. I mean, wtf Jason, you say you were able to make one for Tim, a visitor, right before the show started, but you couldn't make one for your boss?
anyone else get the feeling Jeff was a little hurt that Jason didn't make a face for him, for mount your friends? After it was revealed that Jason made one for Tim, Jeff's expression became sad. As it should have been. I mean, wtf Jason, you say you were able to make one for Tim, a visitor, right before the show started, but you couldn't make one for your boss?

Jeff missed a golden opportunity to end UPF by firing Jason live on the stream.
"You love Tim so much? You two can be unemployed together."


To be honest I had to turn off the Xbox demo look thing when Jeff started ragging on Superman for no reason.

I'm not even that big of a Superman fan but for some reason it winds me up no end when people bitch about him being shit while knowing fuck all about him.
My premium lapsed and then I got banned for making a joke about people who cut their own hair in chat (sorry Rorie I didn't know) so 2 quick questions:

1-Is Tim now living with Dan?
2-What is he doing out there?

Thanks weekend GB gaf.


To be honest I had to turn off the Xbox demo look thing when Jeff started ragging on Superman for no reason.

I'm not even that big of a Superman fan but for some reason it winds me up no end when people bitch about him being shit while knowing fuck all about him.
I liked him in JLA, otherwise he is indeed pretty shit.


To be honest I had to turn off the Xbox demo look thing when Jeff started ragging on Superman for no reason.

I'm not even that big of a Superman fan but for some reason it winds me up no end when people bitch about him being shit while knowing fuck all about him.
Even as a DC fan I was lmaooo.

Hopefully he reads some of the names off the gallery of rogues lol that'll be a blast


That tumblr response from Jeff makes more sense. I only saw the tweet. The tweet implied that anyone who thought a localisation was bad should just accept it or learn japanese. If he was addressing those who will never be happy unless it is a 1:1 translation - it makes more sense in that context.

Jeff missed a golden opportunity to end UPF by firing Jason live on the stream.
"You love Tim so much? You two can be unemployed together."

Jeff hardly ever makes the "I'm the boss" or "you are fired" jokes. He sits with the guys and acts like he is one of them, even though he is really a suit :D

My premium lapsed and then I got banned for making a joke about people who cut their own hair in chat (sorry Rorie I didn't know) so 2 quick questions:

1-Is Tim now living with Dan?
2-What is he doing out there?

Thanks weekend GB gaf.

1. No, near Dan. He said "neighbours" but that could be the same building, same neighbourhood or same city.

2. He moved to SF for a job. Video games but not press. Not said where yet.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
To be honest I had to turn off the Xbox demo look thing when Jeff started ragging on Superman for no reason.

I'm not even that big of a Superman fan but for some reason it winds me up no end when people bitch about him being shit while knowing fuck all about him.

Nah Jeff had a great reason. Superman is the lamest comic book creation ever invented. I'd rather have an Arm Fall-Off Boy movie or a Matter Eater Lad movie than another Supes flick. Unlike Jeff, I've dedicated a lot of my life to this shit.
Superman is just boring.

Then what makes it worse is that hes basically stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Make him too good and people shit on him for being a boring goodie too shoes, make him be a dick then you have people either complaining this ain't the Superman they know and/or whichever writer is trying to be edgy/pull a fast one.


To be honest I had to turn off the Xbox demo look thing when Jeff started ragging on Superman for no reason.

I'm not even that big of a Superman fan but for some reason it winds me up no end when people bitch about him being shit while knowing fuck all about him.

Dan was even harsher


All this Pokemon Red and Blue talk on the internet has me thinking...

Have they ever played a Gameboy game on the site?

drew played a gba game on upf once

that is the only instance i can recall of anything gameboy-related. for shame!

the game was planet of the apes, iirc

That's totally true. Here's the Bombastica where Jeff indeed played a Game Boy game -- Motocross Maniacs!

oh right
Until recently, my memory of the 90s wasn't much different then the 2000s and 2010s but after watching a lot of 90s videos lately, it was definitely very very different. I was born in the year 1980 so I have a pretty solid memory of the 80s from a kids perspective and that always felt extremely different from the 90s, especially TV. Though, that perspective is skewed due to the fact that we didn't have a VCR until I was 8 or 9 and we didn't have cable TV until I was 13 -14. I think we may have actually got AOL dial up before we had cable television. So TV was 3 sometimes 4 channels, ABC, CBS, NBC and if their was no clouds, PBS and movies were censored, and commercial filled, Sunday night event. Maybe if I had access to a VCR and cable in the 80s, I wouldn't have seen the 2 decades as so different.
I remember I wiped a Yellow version with an event Mew on it because I was a dumb kid who wanted to start a fresh game...

I released my first Charizard I didn't realize the difference between "release" and "withdraw." And with the way the games worked then, because I furiously searched my pokemon boxes for Charizard, I had saved over it and lost him.

I was beside myself and bawling my eyes out on a plane. It's actually one of my earliest memories.


Not that I know of -- hooking one of those up to a streaming setup is probably a major pain in the ass.

All we did in school IT lessons was play Pokemon on an emulator someone had brought in on a usb stick.
That and some 1v1 2D volley ball game with blob things
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