Sleeping Lesson
Welp, I've currently got $1,500 worth of VR technology on preorder. >.<
We're like two peas in a pod, you and I.

Welp, I've currently got $1,500 worth of VR technology on preorder. >.<
Welp, I've currently got $1,500 worth of VR technology on preorder. >.<
Vinny has a reckless disregard for Kerbal life.
Vinny has a reckless disregard for Kerbal life.
Death Note, Code Geass and Attack on Titan are all very similar in a key way.
They are awful shows that non-anime fans will tell you are great. One Punch Man also comes really close to fitting in that category, but it's not quite that bad.
We're like two peas in a pod, you and I.
are they going to share any of that money they made off of your tweet with you
Thanks for taking part in the paid beta, guys.
Thanks for taking part in the paid beta, guys.
bloodlines came out after rondo. It needs to wait its turn
Hey guys, how's everythiOHMYGODTHREEHOURKERBAL
(One hour of the video is just black)
(One hour of the video is just black)
They yelled so loud at ~30min that I had to turn it off.
I really hope this doesn't mean that the Wednesday stream is just going to be this all encompassing roulette of stream features.
lol, this $130 Dark Souls III strategy guide comes with an estus flask that you can't actually drink out of
I could probably afford one of those fancy VR things all the rich kids love but I look at the games announced for them and I think "Yeah...that's probably fun for 10-15 minutes or so"
So....I guess I pass until either there is a substantial game that really needs VR to shine or those things get much cheaper.
I only need 10-15 minutes for dead or alive 3 Xtreme so that's fine.
Oh god Vinnyjust EVA already!
while Rondo isn't necessarily hard, it's got more of a challenge to it than SCIV.
I'd expect some episodes might only be a stage long.
Lucha Underground is now available on iTunes.
You heard that, Dan? Buy it. Watch it. Podcast it.