the holder of the trombone
is it possible in 2030 i will look back on the hype videos of 2015 and be all "lol i can't believe I was ever dumb enough to get hype over that shit"
No, we'll all be dead by 2030.
is it possible in 2030 i will look back on the hype videos of 2015 and be all "lol i can't believe I was ever dumb enough to get hype over that shit"
is it possible in 2030 i will look back on the hype videos of 2015 and be all "lol i can't believe I was ever dumb enough to get hype over that shit"
the secret is to never get "hype" in the first place before a game's not out
ooh, brad can still read katakana
Remember when that dude closed a car door in an E3 demo and everyone lost their shit?
Where did this Game Tapes series(?) suddenly come from?
I don't know if the tape idea is as great as they thought it would be. Mostly B-Roll is not that interesting. Old E3 press-conferences would be more entertaining.
yeah needs more shitting on dudes in suits. This is pretty good but mainly becomes how familiar they were with the game itself and any memories they had of it rather than just riffing off what people on stage are talking about.
Yeah but it does make it pretty easy to dismiss those complaints. Seriously, we're at a point where people complain about "content drought" when there's one day without a new video (like this Tuesday).
Man, imagine Majestic in 2016
How cool could that be
Isn't that just stuff like google ingress? Or I love bees?
That's insanity but wanting to be in one already pretty much takes away all the tension of being in one so sure why notI would love to be in something like The Game, the Michael Douglas film.
the secret is to never get "hype" in the first place before a game's not out
or to assume every game is mediocre until proven otherwise.
the assumption that something will be incredible before it comes out seems to be a feeling that is mostly exclusive to games. Sure, there are film fanboys that get overly excited for their next comic film but it's nowhere near the weird ass expectation that the next major AAA console exclusive will be the best thing that's ever happened ever.
some gamers need a sense of perspective
or to assume every game is mediocre until proven otherwise.
the assumption that something will be incredible before it comes out seems to be a feeling that is mostly exclusive to games. Sure, there are film fanboys that get overly excited for their next comic film but it's nowhere near the weird ass expectation that the next major AAA console exclusive will be the best thing that's ever happened ever.
some gamers need a sense of perspective
No, it's pretty similar to how film fanboys act actually.
I dunno, I know I like what I like. I don't really feel the need to assume everything is mediocre.
You should also visit specific music forums.
Made me never want to discuss music tastes as seriously as I use to do.
I used to like music, than I talked about it on a forum. Turns out, I'm basically Hitler.
Now I just listen to podcasts.
The worst elitist pricks I ever saw on a forum was probably people discussing metal music.
There were meltdowns when uc collection got reviewed worse than it "should"well i didn't lump star wars into that hype machine stuff because i assumed that was a given.
the point being that there is a big chunk of the gamer population that is heavily invested in an unreleased thing being so huge and fantastic that it's just entirely unreasonable. With the pending release of Twilight Princess HD, we have over a decade if not more of this behavior documented to show how stupid this getting-hyped-for-unreleased-thing is and yet it keeps happening.
Like, i cant wait to see the salt when Uncharted 4 gets a 7 from Polygon even though no one will have played it when that review comes out