That helicopter LOL.
I love how Austin is just putting his friends (or people he already knows) in the freelance articles. Shit is pathetic.
I love how Austin is just putting his friends (or people he already knows) in the freelance articles. Shit is pathetic.
Playing the Hitman beta got me even more hiffie than watching he Unfinished did.Was sweet.I sabotaged the fighter jet and caused it to just eject the target.
Edit: Guess I just walked in on some beef. Wish it wasn't only asshats that the duders respond to in this thread.
Is it weird that I will be crushed if Rorie isnt on the Dark Souls 3 quicklook?
Max Payne 2 is still pretty alright.
(I can't remembered how I fixed the black thing the last time. I do remember fixing it.)
The Guest Column thing was worth it just for skinship, the most lovecraftian romance term.
Don't know how anyone can hate it.
Don't look. Touch.The term is amusing, but that article was awful.
It made me less likely to even look at the ones that came after it.
Don't look. Touch.
The term is amusing, but that article was awful.
It made me less likely to even look at the ones that came after it.
hey Austin I don't really have anything to add in regards to your post but I want to make sure this jam gets to you because you are very unlikely to actually come across it in Vinny's playthrough
what framerate are you getting
I can't force the game into fullscreen or lock it to 60
Framerate is all over the place but sticks to 300 average. I assume you have this installed?
I also just played it, and it made me go back and start a playthrough of Absolution on the PC. Damn, this is a grungy, ugly game. I mean that in a good way. I'm a few hours in on PC.
I have a preorder of the new game and it seems that it's not launching til much later in the year; I'm genuinely unaware of how exactly the release of this game is working. That's a rarity for me.
help i started playing stardew valley and i dont know if i can stop
1) It's an idealised form of Harvest Moon; the best one in years, by all accounts. On PC. For $15.Sell me on it. I need something to play.
I share a very similar opinion with Dan on the game. Probably not a top 5 Zelda and a not so attractive artstyle, but it definitely has some of the best dungeons in the franchise.
I'm eager to go back and see if I enjoy that stuff. All I remember is how disappointing it was post-Windwaker, how awful the art was, how terrible it started and how much I hated playing as Wolf Link.
So far, all that stuff is still 100% true. Other than that, it was the most forgettable Zelda for me. I really hope I can see it in a new light.
Having listened to the TP music a lot (Zelda has to be some of my favorite non-Persona game music), it's just alright to me. There's some great tracks on there, but it doesn't feel like a standout cohesive piece like Windwaker's OST is. Good, not amazing.
Mostly excited to have a thing to breakup Fire Emblem with. Those games are amazing, but there's only so much punishing Turn Based strategy I can take before it killing me. Definitely going to have to put some less frustrating games in there if I hope to beat all 3 campaigns and remain sane.
Fuck. I need to stop getting so upset when I see a dev I like follow someone/something on twitter I find even mildly bad. It leads me to conclusions that that person might be "pro/anti" whatever and it bugs me, and I hate myself for it. I know it's a cliche at this point, but I do think I need to stop being so offended at shit, but I don't know how. Sorry for bringing this on y'all, but I have no one I can talk to about this sorta thing, and Giant Bombs just been a place I feel like I finally belong somewhere without getting angry all the time.
The sailing music in Windwaker is some of the greatest music in video games. Loved sailing around in that game.
It's easy, just stop caring about things so much. Life is so much easier when you don't give a shit about stuff that isn't really a big deal.
Caring too much about what other people think can only lead you down a bad road.
Nothing beats the sailing music in Wind Waker. The way it transitions into other pieces based on events and weather is pretty much god tier world building through music.
See, that's what I want to do, but I find it really hard, i wish it was easy, then i wouldn't of cared enough to post about it. I liked it when i didnt have the ability to look through every persons likes/subscriptions/follows/playlists etc so you could find out tons of useless shit about them. I end up drawing connections that I shouldn't. I wish i was a lot more apathetic about shit like that. fuck im getting emo all up in this thread...