Did not expect the cast to be this early
Did not expect the cast to be this early
Did not expect the cast to be this early
Anybody in here play the div yets? How's it treating yah?
You fucking beat em Gerstmann.
My dishes are saved!
dude, powerbombcast
No Man's Sky hinges 100% on its late-game content. If the entire game is just go to a planet, get materials, build a better ship, go to the next planet, repeat, I'm not interested.
More of these types of games need to be like Terraria.
I don't know, I agree with you because Terraria really benefited from those boss encounters, but at the same time those encounters were really shitty when it comes to design. They felt tacked on to me, which is weird to say because you can see how much went into their designs.
But definitely, if it's just moving from planet to planet I don't think I can be interested in that.
Was this already posted in here? Because it's pretty great.
I guess the question then is if the police robots are interesting enough, but all of it is sounding so samey from location to location. Like it's cool that you're able to generate so many worlds but why give a shit if all you're doing is looking for that one vein of metal that you need to get to the next place?
Naruto is so badumb.
i dunno, your argument is similar to the WHAT DO I DO thing that people say about minecraft all of the time. It's all about making it your own space journey.
The best fucking part of this is you can clearly see Patrick looking at himself on the titantron.
I saw one episode like ten years ago and it was terrible so I agree with you.God.
Naruto is so badumb.
I've been playing Rondo of Blood and that game is kinda hard.
Can't wait to see Vinny try chapter 6.
at least an hour (because of time spent in menus, looking for group, etc.) but probably less than two.any guesses on how long the QL will be? It's 11 PM over here. :_:
any guesses on how long the QL will be? It's 11 PM over here. :_:
1 hour 30 maybe? Wild guess, but going by previous QL Live recordings it's probably gonna be something like that.
Maybe we'll get another ESO situation! That's one of the longest QLs ever right?
That is the longest QL.
How the fuck has Brad never played SkiFree?!
Glad he's leaving.
School use to just have student pick up trash during lunch time.I had to do Saturday school for a day in 2004 and we also had to do the "walk around outside and pickup trash" thing.
Giant Bomb XXI
We bring the coasts together in the Dark Zone to shop for fashionable tactical gear.