Eh, it's nice that their localizing the game, but I have zero urge to sit in front of my computer to play a JRPG for 60+ hours.XSEED is the bestest.
I now know why someone called Maria cheat mode during the last stream.
edit: or just a more fun way to play?
Eh, it's nice that their localizing the game, but I have zero urge to sit in front of my computer to play a JRPG for 60+ hours.
Sure, but it's like people in that thread can't even comprehend the fact that some people will be mad that they can't finish the trilogy on the platform they started playing it on. Some people are overreacting in anger, but a lot of the disappointment seems pretty justified to me.It sucks, but we've known for a while that they weren't gonna do anything with the PSP anymore and there's too many licensing issues to even think of bringing the Vita/PS3 version over.
I have a laptop that can easily run it, so it's fine with me at this point.
I played like 10 so I'm equipped to school both you suckers.
Sure, but it's like people in that thread can't even comprehend the fact that some people will be mad that they can't finish the trilogy on the platform they started playing it on. Some people are overreacting in anger, but a lot of the disappointment seems pretty justified to me.
It sucks, but we've known for a while that they weren't gonna do anything with the PSP anymore and there's too many licensing issues to even think of bringing the Vita/PS3 version over.
I have a laptop that can easily run it, so it's fine with me at this point.
Yep. Falcom and Sony both aren't going to want to deal with programming, QA and release of a PSP game in 2017, especially since Sony recently killed the PSP download store. The PC version can be done all in house, so it's actually possible to put out.
As you mentioned, the PS3/Vita versions are licensing messes. They are made with the involvement of 2 other companies XSEED would have to cut in. For a game that's so niche as is, that would probably be giving away any profit they would've earned.
So yeah, I prefer handheld for the Kiseki games, but I totally understand why that's not feasible and PC only is better than not at all. Hopefully this means they've found a way to bring the Crossbell games too, since The 3rd bridges right into those.
Stop lying to me
I don't wanna say it's guaranteed because you never know, but yeah SC was a much more natural stopping point for the Trails games. If you're gonna do 3rd, there's a much stronger chance we might see the Crossbell games (which do have PS3/Vita versions that we would hopefully be able to get).
That's my line of thinking as well. Zero and Ao seem like much better bets now. Not sure bets, but very good ones.
The only problem I see with releasing them is that they can run into the same issues SC did being late releases on dying platforms. Assuming The Third manages to release early next year (and that'd be a very fast turnaround), the earliest we could see Zero is late 2017. That would mean releasing Ao as a PS3/Vita game in 2018. That's pretty damn late. Not impossible, but tricky.
Maybe XSEED can figure out how to do something with the Chinese PC versions of those or are those similar messes to FC/SC/3rd Evo?
I think boxed amiibos will probably be worth a lot. Have you seen what a copy of melee goes for these days? There are so many copies of that game out there and it's still treated like gold. Never underestimate Nintendo nostalgia.
so I played the division for 7 straight hours with a friend last night and I'm loving it. The problem is that it REALLY makes me want Destiny 2 on PC. If Destiny 2 ever comes out that is.
I now know why someone called Maria cheat mode during the last stream.
edit: or just a more fun way to play?
She's absolutely super duper easy mode. So much so that I only play Richter as a matter of principle.
The only reason I'd want to pull 10 Pokemon is if they all were Gardevoir.
wait what
Is that Jeff Bakalar?
so I played the division for 7 straight hours with a friend last night and I'm loving it. The problem is that it REALLY makes me want Destiny 2 on PC. If Destiny 2 ever comes out that is.
While death is a challenge, the pirate ship is a baby Rondo stage overall.
I'm waiting breathlessly for some late game Rondo.
Hitman is really good, you guys. Although my first few attempts at the new mission were even more bungled than Brad's.
Minus Jesper KydGot the collectors edition, should be here by next week. Really excited for it, it looks like the sequel to Blood Money we all wanted.
PlusMinus Jesper Kyd![]()
Minus Jesper Kyd![]()