Twin Tails
Played Division for some time, no longer need to play anymore Division.
upf was a good one
shame hitman didn't work, brad had the right idea firing it up
Division is awesome. Dunno why it's got Mixed reviews on Steam, I think it's just people hating Uplay or whatever? Weird. Anyway, it's pretty incredible. I haven't been this in love with a game's setting since Black Flag and this is even better. Had some amazing Dark Zone experiences too.
upf was a good one
shame hitman didn't work, brad had the right idea firing it up
Yeah, really enjoyable UPF this week.
See I thought that too because Steam is a fickle bunch; hilariously there's a person with a review that reads "Can Uplay the game? No i can't." Has played 4.9 hours of the game. I love that feature of Steam so much.
But most of the negative reviews seem to be same missions, same enemy models, boring environment. I suspect a few people might be new to the MMO format.
It isn't really like an MMO though. It's a third person shooter. Like, what were these people expecting? As for environments, I think it's the opposite of boring, but that's personal taste.
What's the twist in Layer of Fear? I'm never gonna play it.
Having neither watched the QL nor ever seen any footage of the game I can assure you that you killed your wife/child/sibling and/or were already dead when the game started.
Index funds.guys what should I do, I'm at a crossroads - I got roughly 12k on Day 15 of Summer and I don't know what to spend it on. I feel like my farm is a decent size and I don't know if investing in a lot of blueberries will be that great halfway through the month. Should I start getting a Coop and ranching?
It isn't really like an MMO though. It's a third person shooter. Like, what were these people expecting? As for environments, I think it's the opposite of boring, but that's personal taste.
Basically it's a kind of typical open world game with shit to collect and side activities to do, with linear third person shooter story missions, which imo are pretty good overall.
And then there's the Dark Zone, which is its own kettle of fish, and is really where the game is most unique. It isn't really like anything else. It's like a huge high-level dungeon where you're just farming for gear and stuff but also there are other players who may or may not jack your shit and also you can hear people who are near you, which is such a great feature.
I'm still on my self-imposed pizza ban for all of 2016. Don't ask why
That reminds me of the time I watched about 30 minutes of Heat before realizing that Robert De Niro and Al Pacino were not the same person.
I can't really explain how that happened.
I'm on a self-imposed McDonalds ban for this year. I'm allowing myself one visit a month.
I was leaning on fast food too much. >_>
That reminds me of the time I watched about 30 minutes of Heat before realizing that Robert De Niro and Al Pacino were not the same person.
I can't really explain how that happened.
The division is fun if you're playing with someone
I'm playing alone and having fun.
I'm playing alone and having fun.
But what if the reason you're having fun is that you have an unknown split personality disorder and have in fact been playing with your other personality this whole time?
I finished the thing alone and enjoyed it. I am definitely more positive on the whole game than the bomb crew is. Well except for the story stuff, all of that is indeed dumb. It does have it's issues though and that definitely includes the end game.
But what if the reason you're having fun is that you have an unknown split personality disorder and have in fact been playing with your other personality this whole time?
I don't know what I like more.
Alex and Vinny playing a horror game and being jumpy
Or Dan and Drew playing a horror game and being jaded about horror games.
From what I've heard Layers of Fear isn't a terrible horror game though.
It's no Countless Rooms of Death, that's for sure.
Am I just super racist/sick when Rise of the Tomb Raider confused my by having this guy as an enemy?
Because THIS is your side-kick during the game. (They even joked about that guy looking like Austin during the E3 stream)
When I first played it I was certain that this was supposed to be your later-to-be sidekick (especially because you first see that enemy type in a "Flashback-scene") So I thought "Oh, that Jonnah guy was once with the bad guys but he changed sides. So it was a little weird when I shot him in the head.
Tell me I'm not wrong here, please.
Is caviar the rich peoples' HDD?
Jonah looked like a fat Nathan Drake to me.