stump sock
perfect. now I just need to watch that clip again.
perfect. now I just need to watch that clip again.
What's it from?
The worst thing about it is that they don't even prepare you for those last puzzles, every other solution is use X thing on door, click here and you're done, but that last one, as you said, is simply on another level of bullshit.
I feel like most adventure games of the era at least attempting to prepare you for their final puzzles, yeah. Some other games of the era, Curse of Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, the X Files game, Zork Grand Inquisitor, all absolutely did this.
I have no idea what the people behind Phantasmagoria 2 were thinking. I have to assume they either never had it playtested to that point, or the solution was so fucking arcane you had to memorise all those secret files you dug through hours earlier.
Was the Sierra 1-900 hint line still a thing when that game came out? Everything about that last puzzle screamed "call us and pay us to finish the game!"
What's it from?
took me way too long to find this
roughly 1:08:12
I've been rewatching all the Mario Party Parties and finally got to 5.
I wish the crowd could be a little quieter, especially the "skill!" and the "drew!" guys.
What was the phantasmagoria puzzle? I remember thinking it was complete bs at the time when I watched it but I can't remember the specifics of it.
The skill guy was the only one who went overboard, but as a whole I think the crowd added a ton to it and made it the best MPP and as a result one of my all time favourite videos on the site.
still fav jeff reaction from fleshplaythough
still fav jeff reaction from fleshplaythough
still fav jeff reaction from fleshplaythough
The skill guy was the only one who went overboard imo, but as a whole I think the crowd added a ton to it and made it the best MPP and as a result one of my all time favourite videos on the site.
You're lucky. I would have nothing to play it on so I keep stopping myself from spending more than twice as much on Story of Seasons.It's getting really hard to not buy Stardew Valley. It could make a good palate cleanser in between Hitman episodes.
It's getting really hard to not buy Stardew Valley. It could make a good palate cleanser in between Hitman episodes.
It's getting really hard to not buy Stardew Valley. It could make a good palate cleanser in between Hitman episodes.
Stardew, Oxenfree, DMC4:SE, or Subnautica.
do it.
on a side note sorry i've been a bit absent on dungeongaf last few days, it's been a busy weekend
tiamat you could probably play stardew on a toaster
Thanks to all the deals on PSN cards lately, I wanted to preorder SOMETHING, just to be able to load all these cards onto my account thanks to Sony's weird limit on how much you can hold there. And, well, I'm putting my faith in Austin Walker: it's Invisible Inc. for me, pretty much solely on his recommendation. Your taste will be judged when it unlocks next month, Austin, your taste will be judged.
Stardew, Oxenfree, DMC4:SE, or Subnautica.
DMC4:SEStardew, Oxenfree, DMC4:SE, or Subnautica.
Stardew, Oxenfree, DMC4:SE, or Subnautica.
UPF, I'm tracking down the timestamp
It's pretty damn fun.
In one of the many GAF clans, helping everyone out. Feels good.
This Clash Royale the kids are into these days is good.
Figured this crowd would appreciate this. Here's a boss from Enter the Gungeon.
I have high hopes for the No Man's Sky review thread.
It's pretty sad to look forward to a review thread, especially one that's months away, but here we are.
I still wish Brad would've turned on Drew at the end of MPP 5. Would've been the greatest heel turn since Bash at the Beach.