That final livestream thread is tough to read. Wishing the best to all of them.
I have good newsthey use that principle to get home. Even if they do it in the slowest way possible by jettisoning their remaining fuel
Pretty sure they were misled by the visuals:they're so afraid of their remaining fuel exploding from atmospheric heat that they eject it super early, even though the actual heat they're experiencing is mild and it just looks scary on screen
Is there an XCOM-2 QL coming? I've seen the EX... I already bought the game but I'm having trouble getting into it. I'm hoping for motivation via QL antics.
It would suck if all videos are removed from GT
It sounds like people are furiously archiving their youtube, at least.
Alright GiantBombGAF, a question only you can answer: when I walk into the office today, sit down, set my phone on the cradle, what do I watch first? Project BEAST or the Hulu cut of RAW?
Alright GiantBombGAF, a question only you can answer: when I walk into the office today, sit down, set my phone on the cradle, what do I watch first? Project BEAST or the Hulu cut of RAW?
I need to know how much you hate yourself, life and your fellow man before answering.Alright GiantBombGAF, a question only you can answer: when I walk into the office today, sit down, set my phone on the cradle, what do I watch first? Project BEAST or the Hulu cut of RAW?
Why would anyone live there?2013 references
I need to know how much you hate yourself, life and your fellow man before answering.
Definitely wrestling then.A little, a little more, and a lot.
I am absolutely not okay.
Time to watch the Epic Yarn QL and pretend there's still joy in the world.
That sure is a good question.
At least I have unlimited bandwidth. It might take me 3 days to download a game the size of The Witcher 3, but I can download it 10 times in a month if I wanted.
Real question: I assume you're using wired. If not, and you feel that you are limited to wi-fi, you're not. Have you heard of powerline adapters? If not, they are devices you plug into an outlet by your modem and in another outlet by whatever devices you want to use internet on. From your modem, you connect an ethernet cable to the first wall device. Then from the second wall device, you plug another ethernet cable into the device that will use the internet. Basically, your home's electrical system become a long ethernet cable linking your device directly to your modem!
There is one caveat: They typically don't work well when one or both of the outlet adapters are plugged into a surge protector (it affects the speed capability). There is a way around this, but it costs more. It's the same devices, but with an outlet built into them.
I've used the non-pass through versions, and for me, my PS4 has gone from 1 to 2 Mb/s via Wi-Fi to closer to 30Mb/s via Wired.
Danny is showing GameTrailers lots of love on Twitter.
Man, I can't imagine a world without YouTube. And in fact, despite being 19 when YouTube launched, it's sort of hard to remember a pre-YouTube world, to remember the Wild West of so many various video players. I remember watching said videos, but remember very little about those video players, since YouTube absolutely perfected (well, not immediately) everything.
RealPlayer is still a threat.
2 megs is the speed on wired for me. It isn't my internal network that's slow. It actually works pretty great. It's that fast internet is literally not available where I live. The best option I have is Fixed-Band Wireless and that only gets me the 1.5-2 you see.
It's a lot better than what I used to have. We used to use satellite for a while, but that was basically the same speed, WAY worse ping and got throttled to dial-up speed after only like 5 gigs. We then used 3G as our main internet, but Sprint got rid of unlimited plans and kicked us off of our grandfatherd plan because we were heavy users. Even if you can find an unlimited 3G/LTE plan, you're still going to have the same problem of speeds getting throttled after a tiny amount of usage.
Don't you have to listen to every Important (marked Yellow) tape to triggerI can't fathom Drew spending 30 minutes or more just listening to tapesThe Huey Exile and Quiet leaving?
Sad, but every news I heard from them over the last 5 years told the same story, that of a swifter a decade later.
Yeah, codec shenanigans, versions, hiccuping streams, few videos being more than 3m long. I lived in that world for 10 years and it's surprisingly fuzzy here too.
The realest of threats.
Reasons like this are why the things Adam Orth was downright ignorant. It's also why XB1, if it released as it was presented in May 2013, would've had an even rougher go of things.
Archiveteam is attempting to archive the site and content. Unfortunately GameTrailers is blocking us so it's a more manual and ugly process than normal.
If you do IRC, feel free to hop on to EFnet #archiveteam where we're loosely organizing.
I'm lucky that my internet ping and uptime is consistent enough that always online never really is a problem. I can see how others who aren't as lucky can have major issues.
For me, it just delays me playing a game by a couple days if I can't get a physical copy. PC being all digital for me is a bit of a hassle, but it isn't a killer. I do think that people like me are a huge reason that all digital isn't going to take off for a while. That and major ISPs like Comcast instituting bandwidth caps are giving a reprieve on physical media's execution.
You hear a lot about the all digital future from people in the games press, but it's far easier to see that as a possibility when you live with Silicon Valley internet.
That Daniel Bryan speech fucking tore me in two. Fuck man ;_;
Is there anywhere to watch the Bryan speech online?
I don't even watch wrestling but Daniel Bryan has been a guy on my radar simply for being really cool, and man his speech made me tear up a little bit.
Is there anywhere to watch the Bryan speech online?
Is there anywhere to watch the Bryan speech online?
If my plan had a data cap that cut the connection, I'd probably have a real bad reaction. There's nothing to be done about the state of the internet. None of the cable companies I've talked to want to expand their service out this far, even though it's a ten minute drive to their local office.
I just don't fucking get it.
I didn't really get to see much of Bryan perform, but that was a fantastic speech. Pretty easy to see why people were nuts about him. I was wondering how people felt about it but the WrestleGAF thread's already back to talking about diva butts they'd like to eat and memeing it up about Reigns so I closed that tab pretty fast.
WWE's YT channel should have it up soon.
I haven't seen much of him in the ring, but yeah. Dude is incredible.
Will probably be on their youtube soon enough.
LMAO from the Project BEAST comments on the site
HA! Love Apollo 13.
Watching East play Kerbal caused me to watch Apollo 13 a week ago lol.
I really, REALLY want to hear Jeff's thoughts if he ever reaches the end game stuff in The Witness, I mean, I already was hearing his voice when I got to thecolor changing panels.
Watching East play Kerbal caused me to watch Apollo 13 a week ago lol.
Hi, welcome.Project Beast has finally made made me come out of my lurkering ways to post in this thread.