I hope we get some trucking this week.
I hope we get some trucking this week.
Minor MGScanlon spoilers from the newest episode, i guess:
Dan playing it cool during the credits then holding in his laughter when the Chapter 2 preview started playing was amazing. I was dying.
Also i forgot how good Sins of the Father is. What an awesome Metal Gear song.
Project BEAST 2: Bringing Every American Stuff Trucking
Such a damn shame they botched the usage of it as badly as they possibly could.
I was hoping BEAST 2 would be X-Com 2 but this works as well
I hope we get some trucking this week.
Project Beast has finally made made me come out of my lurkering ways to post in this thread.
Well, ideally it's not most, but everyone.According to the internet, that room costs over 800 bucks for the night (plus taxes). I know most people get fucked on their wedding night but really?
I'm kinda bored watching 90% of Project BEAST but then the highs are so high. Sorta like wrestling.
Yo that's pretty cool.Project Beast has finally made made me come out of my lurkering ways to post in this thread. I've been playing KSP since its very first public release. I think I discovered it on the something awful forums. Being huge fans of GB and KSP makes this feature one of my favorites on the site, I hope they continue beyond the Mun and explore the Kerbol system.
This has become a very long post so I'll try to make the rest quick. I had a couple close calls, like almost crashing into a planet and nearly running out of fuel, but I managed it. I landed a Kerbal on Duna and brought him home safely. All using the Luda Lander. I wonder if GB East knows that they're already set up for interplanetary travel. I recorded the flight, but its about 50 minutes long. I'll try and edit out the boring parts and see if its good enough to upload.
I'm kinda bored watching 90% of Project BEAST but then the highs are so high. Sorta like wrestling.
Gah I think I'm gonna have to restart my XCOM 2 playthrough. I am just getting crushed on the Avatar Project completion level and I think I should have expanded the Resistance sooner since I'm having big income troubles.
I think I also need to strike a better balance between using all my soldiers and using only the experienced ones; I feel like I don't have anyone exemplary since I keep switching people out and taking 2-3 rookies each mission which gives me a bunch of mediocre soldiers.
Project Beast has finally made made me come out of my lurkering ways to post in this thread
Project Beast has finally made made me come out of my lurkering ways to post in this thread.
I think they're too far apart in style to even joke about Huber/Bosman being hired by GB even though it's almost tradition at this point whenever another site announces layoffs.Bad news to wake up to with regards to GT. Such s shame. One of my favourite sites is gone.
How come I don't get a welcome every time I come into this thread
The backbone of this country is the independent truck.
The backbone of this country is the independent truck.
Project Beast has finally made made me come out of my lurkering ways to post in this thread. I've been playing KSP since its very first public release. I think I discovered it on the something awful forums. Being huge fans of GB and KSP makes this feature one of my favorites on the site, I hope they continue beyond the Mun and explore the Kerbol system.[/URL]
How come I don't get a welcome every time I come into this thread
welcome back big bro
Related, does Xcom2 come in a boxed form, or is it just a download code? Authentication through Steam would be fine if the disk actually installs something.
So has anyone suggested a 6 hour stream of Alex playing American Truck Simulator called Big Mutha Truckers or some other trucking game related pun >_>
I have a feeling the music would create rights issue nightmares if they did that. Because it would technically not be music from the game.
Speaking of welcoming home big bros, today is the seventh anniversary of this
I would totally watch 6 hours of this. There's something weirdly calming and meditative about cruising games like Truck Simulator.