I suspect the staff bugbears with XCOM 2 will revolve around the timers. Jeff "path of least resistance" Gerstmann and Brad "Brad Shoemaker" Shoemaker will make it so.
Drew would disagree, but unfortunately he never played the game.
I'm getting flashbacks...
"I read the wikipedia article and know you won't like it."
Get a Platinum Sukamon (the one that looks like poop) as it doubles the EXP you get. Eventually level it up to a Numemon as that allows you to equip more Tactician USBs, which also double EXP.
For DNA Digivolving, make sure you have your ABI up on both before you actually do it. If you need more ABI for some reason after that, you might have to go back down and de-digivolving a DNA Digimon makes you lose one of the components.
I got my first DNA Digimon the other day. A Palidramon that I digivolved into an Imperialdramon. I actually forgot Palidramon was a thing. He's kind of lame. Imperialdramon is cool as shit, but Wargreymon does way more damage on my team. It's too bad a lot of cool shit is locked behind super late game quests. I find Omnimon to be overrated, but I'd love a Magnamon, Jesmon, Alphamon, or Gallantmon.
Trying to get a Beelzebumon Blast Mode now to take advantage of that Pre-Order DLC. He seems pretty awesome.
I'm not deep in, but the story isn't that bad so far. At the least I'm finding it to be enjoyable.
I think his designs are definitely hit or miss. I think Haru, Joe and DeSu2 MC are fantastic designs, but there's also a bunch of misses.
I don't think so. I'm still figuring out the mechanics of the game, like I just learned what ABI actually was last night lol. Right now I'm just trying to get my favorite digimon from S1/2 and the bit of Tamers that I saw.
I admit to marking out really hard when I saw that the game has DNA Digivolving.
So I want to start collecting all pokemon games. Stop me gb gaf.
So I just finished Personal 4 Golden. (It's one of the best games of all time, definitely.)
Will this Digimon game fill the void left in my heart?
No, something's changed with that art in the last 7 years. It's...gaudy now.
Plus I still don't know why they didn't go with like, Doi in DeSu. /shrug
So I just finished Personal 4 Golden. (It's one of the best games of all time, definitely.)
Will this Digimon game fill the void left in my heart?
anyone else have one of these bad boys growing up?
I'm sure it's where the idea for Grip started
Trails of Cold Steel, homie.So I just finished Personal 4 Golden. (It's one of the best games of all time, definitely.)
Will this Digimon game fill the void left in my heart?
Sriracha is a godlike addition to pizza.
Trying to find non-counterfeit carts for any of the Gameboy/GBA ones is a nightmare. They also super expensive. I expect prices to go up as the Virtual Console ones hit and a nostalgia run starts.
There's also some weird side games that can be tricky to get.
I actually have a decently sized collection of the mainline games. Only ones I'm missing are the GBA Remakes (which are stupid expensive and I wish I had) Black 1 and 2, HeartGold, Pearl, X, and Omega Ruby.
I kind of want to go and complete it, but I haven't for the reasons I stated above.
It's a better monster collecting RPG than Persona, but it's very much worse in every other aspect. If you go in knowing that, there's fun to be had. It's a solid 7.5-8/10 game for me right now purely on the gameplay and I'm a little over half done.
The first two are still backlogged and unbought.Trails of Cold Steel, homie.
Unfortunately, Nocturne isn't available on PSTV. That's the only Sony platform I have. I'd totally go for it otherwise.
The first two are still backlogged and unbought.
Those Quantum Break recommended PC specs are frightening (minimum, too!).
You don't need to play the first two trails games to play Cold Steel. Same world, but separate story and mostly separate characters.
If you're craving a really good story and characters, all of the trails games are definitely the way to go.
watching XCOM 2 QL. what the heck, Dan barely built any radios. he only made contact. huh
Comic Vine and Gamespot are merging.
Giant Bomb and Tested are the two Whiskey sites still standing.
unless you count youtube dot com slash anime vice
Waiting for Giant Bomb to be absorbed into GameSpot. Any day now.
So I just finished Personal 4 Golden. (It's one of the best games of all time, definitely.)
Will this Digimon game fill the void left in my heart?
Anime Vice is the secret best Whiskey Media property.
NinjaEdit: Nevermind. Their Youtube channel is not inspiring my confidence like the site did.
watching XCOM 2 QL. what the heck, Dan barely built any radios. he only made contact. huh
Professional videogane journalist is bad at game he reviews, news at 11.
Its why I continue to not understand why people care so much for reviews
Waiting for Giant Bomb to be absorbed into GameSpot. Any day now.
Therell be more resources available for content via partnering with GameSpot, including more video content (like 13 Things You Should Know About Deadpool). Well be covering a broader range of entertainment news between the two sites.
well, i'm not saying he's bad at the game or anything. i'm impressed he didn't max out the Avatar bar like i did. but i don't understand why he didn't just build the radios to complete the networks for more perks. kinda odd to me.
so you mean comic vine will become gamespot's outlet for "nerd culture"
great stuff
You are also a monster.Yes!
The Wike comment subscwibe shirt gets so much use.
The saga is finally complete.
I think that (hopefully) Giant Bomb makes a heck of a lot more money than comic vine.
I doubt it. CV is one of the biggest comic sites on the net for traffic and has next to no overhead. This reads more that Gamespot is already posting about Marvel movies and Star Wars trailers so they might as well merge editorial.
Unfinished: Hitman Beta 02/11/2016
VIDEO ON FEB 12, 2016 08:00 AM
I doubt it. CV is one of the biggest comic sites on the net for traffic and has next to no overhead. This reads more that Gamespot is already posting about Marvel movies and Star Wars trailers so they might as well merge editorial.