Correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought the person running a quicklook was suppose to be showing off the game and explaining what it is, what you can do in it and being able to answer questions that someone who put 10-20 hours into a game could feasibly answer.
Why is it in every quicklook I have ever seen with Brad running it, most of it is him being like "Man I put some time into this game" and the other person being like "Okay well can you do x?" and him being like "Uhhhhh... I don't know" pretty much all the way through it along with him constantly being like "Oh man I never saw this, oh man I didn't know you can do that" all through parts he has played previously.
I know the GB guys have sort of had snarky jokes and responses to people telling Brad he is bad at games over the years and laughing it off.
But the reality is... he's kind of surprisingly ignorant about them at the very least.
I wouldn't care if it was like a one off case or something but he's always like that and I find it to be baffling.
If you put some time into a game, especially if you might quicklook it, one would think you might pay some attention to it as you play and maybe look and fiddle with different things to see what they do, it's not like he has to know everything back to front but being able to having a pretty decent understanding of the fundamentals of a game as most people would after putting some significant hours into it, is pretty important if you're showing it off.
The others don't generally seem to really suffer from this same problem nearly as much.
It seems like he would be better off doing blind quicklooks so then you get pretty much the same result, but you don't have expectations.