Hey guys, maybe a few of you remember me from a couple days ago. Vinny uploaded his Project B.E.A.S.T saves, so I re-did my Duna mission with the official Luda Lander, and made of video of it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiRt376Q0J8. This attempt went way smoother than my other attempt with the Luda Lander I tried to create myself. Although during decent onto Duna, I was very sure I was going to crash and everything would die. It looks a lot less stressful when its sped up 600%.
Seeing how much delta-v I have at the end, I figure I can send the lander to a lot of other bodies in the Kerbal system. I think my next target is Eve (fake Venus) and its moon Gilly. I have an idea involving Gilly that would probably give the Beast crew a panic attack.
Hah, just saw somebody else posted this a few minutes ago!