Apologies in advance... kinda long.
I'd been talking to a girl I met for a couple of weeks before we settled on something to go do one day. I had tickets to a concert and she had mentioned she was busy with work and Thanksgiving plans, but that we should try to go out soon. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask if she was off the night of the concert, and if she'd like to go with me. Boy it didn't take long for her to respond, she was ecstatic and we started setting up plans to go. Spent the next couple of days working out some details and once the weekend rolled along I started on my journey to pick her up. I managed to avoid the traffic she had been warning me about on the way there, and soon enough I was at her place and she was waiting for me outside.
Right of the bat, of course, I look like a total dork for accidentally turning off the car. Totally didn't mean to, just wanted to get out of the car and finally get to meet her, but force of habit of getting out of the car and always taking my keys with me got the best of me, and before I could stop myself the car was off. She laughed and I had to laugh at myself as well, but in any case, I stepped out and I said hello, have her a quick peck on the cheek, and we got in the car and took off downtown.
The entire drive we started talking about various different topics and interest of ours, never a dull moment, many laughs, so engaged in the conversation that I missed one exit, then took a wrong exit a few more miles down. Told her my internal GPS wasn't working tonight. We finally got to the parking garage for the concert venue and we parked and started our walk to the venue, well actually, to the place we were going to have dinner first. Since the two places are next to each other we figured we'd do that and then walk next door and see the concert. So we get to the restaurant and apparently it's reserved for the night for a private party... oops. Didn't say anything about that on the calendar. We were way early for the concert anyway, so we walked around looking for another place to have dinner. There was a restaurant along the way but I'm pretty sure it's really upscale, I'd have been ok with it, but my wallet may have cried a little. We kept walking and around the corner from the venue, we came across another restaurant that looked nice and we walked in to sit down and eat.
Still having a great conversation, it's turned flirty at this point, and once we ordered and got our drinks (sodas, she didn't want alcohol at this point, and there wasn't anything non-alcoholic appealing on the menu) and started talking some more, at some point, I don't quite remember how, I probably said something that didn't make much sense, so she joked that someone may have spiked my drink. I turned it back on her and told her (due to the flirting I figured it was fine) that yeah, "someone" must have, and that she was just trying to get me drunk and she was like "DAMN, you caught me!" and we joked around about that for a bit (who knew... rape can be funny! [I'm totally kidding don't ban me plz]) Then we had what can only be described as the most awesome dessert ever. Fried tempura banana w/ ice cream with some berries tossed in for good measure. So. So. So. Good. I'm pretty sure she was having a moment or two with the dessert (I kinda was too) and she raved about it the rest of the night.
So we finally make our way to the concert venue after we finished dinner, and ran into my brother and sister at the show.. oops, lol. Kind of a possible awkward moment but we both took it in stride, I went and got a few beers at some point and my sister and her talked for a minute or two, not sure about what, they say about the concert... heh. Anyway, so we sit down and all 3 acts were actually really great. Throughout the night we kept getting close to tell each other things since it was so loud, and that was really cool since we were close the entire night.
At some point she got her phone out and started facebooking and texting... which I don't mind, It wasn't excessive, and it was only during the concert when it was loud and we were both into the music. Myself, I've always been a "I won't check my phone on a date" person, and despite what the other person does, I always keep mine in my pocket. She leans into me and says (screams?) "check your phone", so I did. Apparently the text was to me, lol. Thanking me for a wonderful dinner, and for the concert. "Also... u smell super yummy. And yes... i'm sober lol!" Probably ruined it by not just turning and kissing her right there, but I texted her back since the concert was still going on, and since we were sitting, I put my hand on her leg and just started rubbing it a little, nothing too naughty, just getting her comfortable with me touching her I guess? I dunno, just seemed right, and she went with it, so it was all good. I told her I was sober too (unless someone spiked my drink) and she goes "That was me!" lol. She seemed to dig my air guitar solo in the middle of one of the songs, and she joined in with air drums, and we rocked out the rest of the entire concert. It was seriously the best date I've ever been on.
Until... (ok, not really that bad, just a boneheaded move by me) We walked back to my car and I go to turn it on... dead. Hello headlights. Ugh, lol. Luckily someone was around to help give me a jump and 10 minutes later we were on our way. We talked the rest of the way back home and finally got back to her place. I got out and since she's living with her dad at the moment, I didn't want to get a shotgun blast to the face, so I met her at the other side of the car, and she told me she had a great time, I told her I did too and then we had a quick kiss before she walked into her place.
Since I had a bit of a drive before getting home, I turned on spotify on my phone and listened to what we heard at the concert the whole way home, and I pretty much had a smile on my face the entire drive home. Once I got home I saw I had a text thanking me again for a wonderful night and that she's up for a 2nd date if I am. We kind of took it from there over text for a little bit, and for the past week since Saturday night. I'm fairly excited about this, it's only been one date, but it went about as well as it could possibly go.