So much confidence gained tonight. Like, I leveled up.![]()
Haha... I know alcohol plays a part of it (especially on the girl's part), but it just feels so good to make a cold approach and pull it off successfully. Like, even though I didn't get any tonight, I danced with and chatted up several girls tonight, even having a lesbian kissing me for enjoying the dance, lmao
It's funny I just looked back at the previous thread and how much more confident I was beginning to become.Thanks for responding with some positive advice!
I know I'm the one that needs fixing of course, but I'm troubled by a hell of a lot right now and it's all too much to deal with. I almost can't focus on anything, and that makes sorting myself out an incredibly hard task to manage.
I have no one to open up to, and I think that's part of the reason I'm stuck in a rut right now.
I worried for about 5 months whether what I studied was right for me (and still do), and in doing so all of the jobs have been taken up. I was so sure for the whole of my life that I wanted to get into what I studied, but the final year completely destroyed that passion. Being jobless also sucks of course, but having other problems to deal with makes the whole process incredibly depressing. I'm trying to remain positive for 2012, and hopefully something good will happen.
It's funny I just looked back at the previous thread and how much more confident I was beginning to become.
Shit has gone downhill.
It's funny I just looked back at the previous thread and how much more confident I was beginning to become.
Shit has gone downhill.
Edit: Nevermind...
Ok dating Gaf, I have a quick question. Going over her house tonight to watch a movie for our third date. Any suggestions for proper attire? And I don't have a tuxedo that buttons up the sides, so that's out. Are some comfy pajama pants acceptable, or should I dress as if I was going out?
Ok dating Gaf, I have a quick question. Going over her house tonight to watch a movie for our third date. Any suggestions for proper attire? And I don't have a tuxedo that buttons up the sides, so that's out. Are some comfy pajama pants acceptable, or should I dress as if I was going out?
I remember reading that post when you posted it. It was awesome back then, and even moreso now. Fantastic job, Etrain. Digging your new-founded successes. Now, I want to see something from TK.
I left work sick today, and right as I was leaving, the girl whose drink I was going to write my phone number on walks right past me. GRR. Would've stayed and tried to make small talk, but I looked like death and felt the same. Walking out to my car though, I looked over my shoulder and saw her glancing my way before averting her eyes.
Funny you should mention me because I recently started seeing some opportunities. One of them in particular almost seems like a sure thing at this point. I'm trying to stay grounded and all, but I have a pretty good feeling about this one.
I slept with a girl last night and she called me a slut today. Teh Fuck? I'm not a slut.
Was she joking, perhaps?
I'm not sure. It was over text so it could very well have been in a joking fashion. I simply replied, "You certainly didn't complain last night."
Let's see where this goes.
As much as I give you shit, TK, I'm always rooting for you. Glad to see you sound positive about this.
Dress up as Robotnik and then it will be okay for you to vent your anger or annoyance. People will laugh and she will be impressed.
I slept with a girl last night and she called me a slut today. Teh Fuck? I'm not a slut.
Haha. That's actually a pretty good idea, although I don't think that I could come up with a decent Robotnik costume on such short notice. Any other ideas? I took one look at the invite and felt like punching the guy in it (who happened to be wearing a Sonic hat of sorts) in the throat. I need to be able to control myself. XD
EDIT: You know, actually, after thinking about it for a while, I'm pretty sure that I can get through this. Still, pray for me. Haha.
Made this mistake before! I keep getting bit by this girl (she would be flaky about responding to chats and request to do things), but I keep chasing her tail since her looks went a long way in my book. It took me way to long to realize that she was never going to change her ways.Argh, women.
I have a very simple rule when it comes to women. They get one flake. One.
No there's this girl who is either genuinely the most disorganized/unlucky chick in the world, or a master manipulator running a psych experiment to see how much I keep biting this electrified bait.
She's flaked twice, but in both instances, she sets up the next meeting on a specific day. So I think 'well, if she's just not interested or fucking around, why would she be so specific and set up the next meet for me?'
She's also a model, so shallow as that may be, it's buying her some leniency.
So much confidence gained tonight. Like, I leveled up.![]()
You can do it.
Ugh.Today might be the night that the bubble bursts for me.
All this is based on speculation and just random gut feelings I've been ignoring for the past few weeks.
You'll remember a few weeks back I mentioned about the girl I'm seeing getting a call from her ex pissed off about me posting on her wall and her trying to block his account from my facebook page.
In any case, not long after that, I asked if she had NYE plans, since it was only 2 weeks away at that point, and well, plans for that usually are hard to come up with last minute.
In any case, she said she had a friend's birthday to go to, despite me saying I wanted to spend NYE with her, but I figured "alright, maybe it's a good friend, had it planned out for a while, whatever"
So, fast forward to today. I hadn't seen ol' ex post on her page in a while, seemed strange but I figured maybe he got the idea.
Today she's saying she's getting ready for a birthday party (maybe the bday party was rescheduled?) and a few minutes ago posts "Happy birthday _______", the ex's name. Ok... fine... whatever. Not pleased, but whatever. It's just friends hanging out I suppose.
Then I go to the guy's page on a hunch...
His profile pic is a pic of him and her nose to nose... and I feel like shit all of a sudden.
Is there something going on still? Is he holding on to hope that he can win her back? He just posted the pic thursday... me and her saw each other wednesday night.
It's the dude's 21st birthday, meaning alcohol will be involved... and fucking hell, nearly a month and I'm going to be pretty irate if there's shit going on between them especially when she specifically asked me a week ago if I was seeing anyone else, and how she "doesn't like to share"...
Maybe I'm blowing it out of proportion, but I don't think so.
I'm sitting around with my cousin right now and I'm burning up inside at every thought that is coming up in my mind.
I'm going to go lay down for a few minutes. Talk me off the 6 foot ledge, GAF.
Been sitting in my car listening to music for the past hour...
Only thing I can even imagine that would remotely work in her favor is that the pic is on his profile, and it might be an old pic trying to make her see them together again and consider getting back with him which case she needs to drop him.
I'd call BS on that due to the fact that she posted something about buying gifts to the two men she loves (I figured dad and another family member or me?) Then realized birthday boy tonight is surely getting one of said gifts. She's got all dolled up tonight, Mani/pedi and posted it all over her wall ... usually she doesn't change til after I arrive to go on our dates.
Been sitting in my car listening to music for the past hour... if my tail lights weren't out I'd have gone driving around to clear my mind. Ugh...
Change of plans.
Bear in mind that this entire exchange took place in text messages, because she hasn't been at work for the past week (since her boss gave her some extra time off because of her birthday).
As I mentioned before, she invited me to the party, and I had initially decided to not go. She didn't really seem to be disappointed, as she more or less understands my thoughts on drinking, Sonic, etc. Thing is, once I accepted (again, via text), she was really excited. As we talked about it more, she continued to stress the fact that she happens to be really annoying whenever she's drunk. I told her that I didn't mind, and I even said that it wouldn't change my wanting to hang out with her.
She eventually sent me a text message, telling me that she was having mixed feelings about me seeing her drunk, since I'm a co-worker. (Yeah, insert cringe here.) I responded by saying that she needn't think of me as just a co-worker, and I told her that I'd just not go to the party if she'd prefer that I not attend. I did, however, mention that we should hang out another time.
I kinda wish that much of the conversation had taken place in person, but hey, I'll talk to her the next time that I see her, which should be tomorrow. I won't be confrontational about it or anything. I'm clearly trying to be cautious, since we're obviously co-workers, but I think that she'll make it difficult for me to break out of this co-worker role, regardless of whether or not she's interested.
On the plus side, at least my reason for not attending is no longer because I doubted my ability to not be a complete ass at the party. I don't want to make her uncomfortable, as there's a variety of individual elements that I get the feeling will make things complicated between us. She's totally worth it, though, so I'll keep at it.
So where does GAF go to meet girls who don't like going out?
And don't say library, girls who read are worse than girls who like going out.
You're being way too accommodating and available with this girl. Can you see how unattractive it is to be following her around like a puppy instead of being the one leading the interaction?
You need to do the exact opposite of what you're currently doing. When she says she gets annoying she she drinks, you can say, "yeah, I heard about that..." If she doesn't want you to go to the party, you should go. Instead of "keeping at it," you should be willing to walk away. Can you see how one attitude is following and the other is leading? The power dynamic needs to shift, because you gave her your balls gift-wrapped, and she has no reason to go out with a yes man.
Nope, don't even think about it.[Sonic-themed]
Only thing I can even imagine that would remotely work in her favor is that the pic is on his profile, and it might be an old pic trying to make her see them together again and consider getting back with him which case she needs to drop him.
I'd call BS on that due to the fact that she posted something about buying gifts to the two men she loves (I figured dad and another family member or me?) Then realized birthday boy tonight is surely getting one of said gifts. She's got all dolled up tonight, Mani/pedi and posted it all over her wall ... usually she doesn't change til after I arrive to go on our dates.
Been sitting in my car listening to music for the past hour... if my tail lights weren't out I'd have gone driving around to clear my mind. Ugh...
Girl came over the crib and brought Will Ferrell movies (score). Watched 2 movies, made out, had sex twice and she made mac and cheese for me after. Feels good man
Err, I personally know a girl that does that as a joke. Probably a joke. Stop worrying (this rule applies to everyone ever).
Why did you delete the message dude? I noticed it before I left the house yesterday but didn't have the time to read it.Edit: Nevermind...
Barely noticed you with your new avatar!You can change direction. Afterall, life's a cycle of highs and lows. Fortunately, life always goes on.
That was a lot of cliches, I know. Still, stay positive.
Gonna settle down, supposed to see her tomorrow, let things go until the end of the day when I'm taking her back home. I'll just bring up the picture at that point, cause the rest is honestly just speculation on my end... pic is the only solid reason I have to be upset, so I'll mention I saw it and ask her what's up, and let things go from there.
I'm not really fretting out now. I just thought it was odd more than anything. I'm usually not that aggressive on the first date. Felt good and worked out for the best.