Baconsaurus Rex
Where do you put your hands when making out? Head, back, ass? And goddamn, I need to improve my kissing. Next time I'll make a move first, no need to be shy.
Where do you put your hands when making out? Head, back, ass? And goddamn, I need to improve my kissing. Next time I'll make a move first, no need to be shy.
see attractive girl at bus stop or on the bus, no obvious/readily available easy excuse to start a conversation
what do?
just interested to see how different people respond.
Where do you put your hands when making out? Head, back, ass? And goddamn, I need to improve my kissing. Next time I'll make a move first, no need to be shy.
2011 was crazy, girl wise. Broke 8 hearts, and had my heart broken once. It sucked, but not as much as making girls cry. How do lifelong lotharios do it?
News years resolution: Don't go around breakin' young girls' hearts.
What about the rest of y'all? Girl wise, what have you learned in 2011 that's gonna send you into 2012 with new swagger?
Similar scenario for me.
Don't let one girl fuck with your head so bad that you're stuck on her, resist it because you know shit's bad for you, hook up with other girls, then break their hearts because you can't feel into it all because of this one demon girl from hell.
That's what I'm going into 2012 with.
2011 was crazy, girl wise. Broke 8 hearts, and had my heart broken once. It sucked, but not as much as making girls cry. How do lifelong lotharios do it?
News years resolution: Don't go around breakin' young girls' hearts.
What about the rest of y'all? Girl wise, what have you learned in 2011 that's gonna send you into 2012 with new swagger?
Well i'm probably about to break up with my GF of 4 years. So i guess 2012 might be a year of getting back out there for me.
Before this thread gets shut down I want to say that I've learned a lot from it and I hope to learn more in the next thread.
Much thanks to the people who give solid advice on a regular basis.
see attractive girl at bus stop or on the bus, seems to be making occasional glances in your direction,not necessarily outright indicating any sort of interest, but enough to go on. no obvious/readily available easy excuse to start a conversation.
what do?
just interested to see how different people respond.
So who else thinks Soultron should make OT3?
Well right now I'm just trying to work on my anxiety issues... but I think things are starting to get better. I'm a bit more relaxed when I talk to girls. Plus, I'm able to maintain eye contact for longer periods of time and I can keep a conversation going for a while.I've been away for have things been goin' for you, ladywise?
God I feel like I need to vent, but I feel like I cannot tell anyone irl so I might as well tell the internets.
I posted how a few months back how a girl at the office joined the project I am on. I had an interest in her so I worked up the courage to ask her to lunch in person and not over office IM, she told me she eats with co-workers, but I can join her. So I ate with her and her two co-workers. I found out over that lunch she has a boyfriend who she has been seeing for a few years and she lives with him and two other roommates. I was crushed.
Fast forward about a year, a few lunches later, co-worker happy hours, etc. I thought I could put all my feelings aside her months ago when I found she has a boyfriend, but my feelings for her are stronger than ever. You may as well bail out now because I am going to get sappy. I am 30 now and at this point in my life I do not think I am going to meet anyone ever again in my life like her. To me she has the greatest personality, she is on the bit dorky side, which I love about her. We both have sarcastic/witty personalities and love to throw insults back and forth at each other. We share exactly the same interests etc., etc. The way she laughs and her smile honestly kill me on the inside and makes my day at the same time. She is probably no super model, but she is adorably cute to me. The way she dresses, her mannerisms, etc. I often hope each day as I go into work that I will encounter her during the day just so I can talk to here, even if the conversation lasts for a minute or two in the hallway. I feel like I am on top of the world when we talk to each other. As of the new year though it feels like a yo-yo where she is into me one day and then there are days I feel like I am the one initiating everything, even coming on too strong. By that I mean trying to forcing conversations, etc.
But going on with my life like this is crushing me. I cannot stop thinking about her, even when I am not at work. Sometimes I even go in to work telling myself that today is the day I am going to give up on her and just move on. Then something happens and I am back in contact with her and all of that just goes to hell. Just as an example I was even at fucking lunch today and my co-worker friends were telling me that they think I am going to get married to her. I did not even bring up her up during lunch and they have no idea about my feelings for her. They told me other co-workers thought the same because of the way we act towards each other. I do not think they realize she has a boyfriend. It made me feel horrible during lunch. I have to admit deep down I actually want it to be true, but I know in reality it is never going to happen. This is pretty much why I am posting all of this online now, I feel like I have snapped.
I am almost at my wits end, I almost feel like taking her aside at the end of the work day and letting it all out. I want to tell her from the first day I saw her to the present that I have always liked her and what are the chances I will meet another person like her in this world. All of this could jeopardize my career, she has a boyfriend, so all of it would be in vain. Well that is it internets, I have no fucking idea what to do, but I just wanted to get this all off my chest in hopes that I feel better.
I am almost at my wits end, I almost feel like taking her aside at the end of the work day and letting it all out. I want to tell her from the first day I saw her to the present that I have always liked her and what are the chances I will meet another person like her in this world. All of this could jeopardize my career, she has a boyfriend, so all of it would be in vain. Well that is it internets, I have no fucking idea what to do, but I just wanted to get this all off my chest in hopes that I feel better.
So, another of these threads is ending. I have to think hard and ask myself if I've learned anything from them. I wish I could provide a list of accomplishments, but I cannot think of any. This is over the course of 2+ years I think? Doesn't bode well.
I guess that's what it comes down to. There's some sort of scale I keep balancing where it tilts one way and I crave change more than anything, but then it can so easily swing the other way and I become content and complacent not wishing to bother myself with the hassles that have been experienced by other people in this thread. Reading post after post of people going through various girlfriends and only ending up in heartbreak at the end of it doesn't help.Well, posts like this sure do grate on me, if you really are looking for some change. Do you just enjoy focusing on the negative? Stop doing that.
Thanks for the advice. Deep down I know what you are saying is something I have to do and have been thinking for awhile now. But there is also this little voice that is telling me not to give up and I am never going to find someone like her for the rest of my life if I do not pursue her. I think next week I am going to put even more of an effort to try and avoid her. As I mentioned I have failed before, but I know it is what I need to do. I think I am going to avoid the physical contact you mentioned though, not that I think it would happen, but I am paranoid that it could be construed as sexual harassment or something like that.You're in the friendzone with a very taken girl. If you tell her you like her, then her interest will probably plummet. If you want to show interest, do it physically; touch her hand, brush her shoulder, etc. She'll immediately stop thinking of you as a talking robot at least.
Frankly this girl's a lot cause though; I'd take lessons from what you're learning here and apply it to the next girl. Start off by being recognized as a man and someone that she could date instead of a brother or child. Live your own life and stop fawning over someone. There's nothing a woman find less attractive than being catered to; it implies that the man is less good than she is.
You may have hit the nail on the head. I moved four years ago for my job so I live alone. I still have a close circle of friends and I see them almost every weekend, but I do not go out nor date as much as I used to. I know I should be putting in more of an effort, but working long hours during the week puts a damper on things."Love" is born out of contact, and it looks like you are not exposed to much else out there. Do you have a good circle of friends? do you go out a lot? when was the last time you had a date?
I know life is not like the movies. But I do not want to be alone the rest of my life and I have never met someone like her before in my life. I feel like if I do not pursue her I will regret it for the rest of my life.At that point, she was the THIRD girl who I felt this way about. Moral of the story is that there are great news. There are DOZENS of girls whom you can have a connection with, and as much as we want to believe in the fairy-tale soulmate sappy story of forbidden love, it doesn't happen like that in the real world. You have rose-colored tinted glasses on because of your limited interaction with her. The girl you are meant to be with, will not only be perfect for you, but things will happen so naturally that you will wonder why you both love each other so much so fast. I found a girl that has those same characteristics that I liked (even better ones) and she loves me back. It all happened naturally.
I am not a crazy, at least I hope not! So I would never confess love towards her. I think what I typed out above is what I wish I could do, but I would never do that in reality. I try to avoid conversations with her about her boyfriend because then I feel like I will be that creeper.If you are hellbent on pursuing this, ask her how her relationship with her boyfriend is. Let her be the one to reflect on her relationship. If she's unhappy and breaks it off without your influence, then you have a shot. Don't confess your love, as you will be the creeper that's after someone else's gf.
You may have hit the nail on the head. I moved four years ago for my job so I live alone. I still have a close circle of friends and I see them almost every weekend, but I do not go out nor date as much as I used to. I know I should be putting in more of an effort, but working long hours during the week puts a damper on things.
I know life is not like the movies. But I do not want to be alone the rest of my life and I have never met someone like her before in my life. I feel like if I do not pursue her I will regret it for the rest of my life.
I am not a crazy, at least I hope not! So I would never confess love towards her. I think what I typed out above is what I wish I could do, but I would never do that in reality. I try to avoid conversations with her about her boyfriend because then I feel like I will be that creeper.
Not to pick on you but I've been having this thought ever since I started reading this thread; why do guys think that the girl they are so enamored over is a one of a kind girl as in they will never meet a girl like her ever again?Thanks for the advice. Deep down I know what you are saying is something I have to do and have been thinking for awhile now. But there is also this little voice that is telling me not to give up and I am never going to find someone like her for the rest of my life if I do not pursue her. I think next week I am going to put even more of an effort to try and avoid her. As I mentioned I have failed before, but I know it is what I need to do. I think I am going to avoid the physical contact you mentioned though, not that I think it would happen, but I am paranoid that it could be construed as sexual harassment or something like that.
You may have hit the nail on the head. I moved four years ago for my job so I live alone. I still have a close circle of friends and I see them almost every weekend, but I do not go out nor date as much as I used to. I know I should be putting in more of an effort, but working long hours during the week puts a damper on things.
I know life is not like the movies. But I do not want to be alone the rest of my life and I have never met someone like her before in my life. I feel like if I do not pursue her I will regret it for the rest of my life.
I am not a crazy, at least I hope not! So I would never confess love towards her. I think what I typed out above is what I wish I could do, but I would never do that in reality. I try to avoid conversations with her about her boyfriend because then I feel like I will be that creeper.
Reading post after post of people going through various girlfriends and only ending up in heartbreak at the end of it doesn't help.
And well, I'd like to focus on the positives. But what would those be in this case?
see attractive girl at bus stop or on the bus, seems to be making occasional glances in your direction,not necessarily outright indicating any sort of interest, but enough to go on. no obvious/readily available easy excuse to start a conversation.
what do?
just interested to see how different people respond.
This is the wrong attitude to take. Have you met every woman on the planet? You may meet the girl of your dreams tomorrow. You may meet her on a trip to the store. But you won't meet her if you spend your non-working time moping about this girl.
If you have little time outside of working, ask yourself if you have the right job. Working is important, but what's the point of making money if you don't have time to spend it? If you're stressed out, take a week off. Hop in your car and just drive. Book a trip to Vegas.
Basically, you need to distance yourself from this girl. Keep your interactions professional. Be polite but avoid talking about non-work issues. Don't think about topics to discuss with her unless they're work-related.
I hear you guys. Honestly the way I feel now, I am 30 now, friends/family/co-workers are getting married and having kids at this point and I feel like I am being left behind in life. I feel like I am in a rut. Get up, spend 8+ hours at work for 5 days a week, go to bed, see same friends over the weekend. Wash rinse, and repeat. Like right now it is a Friday night and I spent 12 hours at work and too tired to do anything. Seeing and talking to this person makes me happy and makes me forget this depressing rut I am in. I have never met the right person up until this point and I have not had feelings like this for so long for a girl before like this person at work. I thought a year ago any feelings for her I had would fade over time, but they are worse now. I know there are plenty of fish in the sea and there are probably others similar to her, but it is depressing after all this time finding someone like this person and it is something I can never have. I have worked so hard in my life to get where I am at now and if one thing I have learned it is never to give up on things in life. But I feel like that no matter how hard I work for this girl, she will never be obtainable.Not to pick on you but I've been having this thought ever since I started reading this thread; why do guys think that the girl they are so enamored over is a one of a kind girl as in they will never meet a girl like her ever again?
I ask because that thought process is poison and I say this as someone who's been down that road. You have strong feelings for her because she's your type and she just so happens to be accessible to you (you guys work together). She then becomes more appealing because she is unlike any other girl in your life but that's only because you haven't been looking. You can describe to me all her mannerisms and quirks that makes her unique but there are other girls just like her. You're putting so much pressure on yourself and dampening your own motivation when you can be using that energy to be looking for that girl who's right for you. There is nothing for you to be regretting about this girl because she is taken. That is beyond your control. No one deserves to beat themselves over someone who's unavailable.
EDIT: Beaten, I type too slow.
I also want to add my two cents in regards to moving this/next thread into the Community section. I practically post exclusively there but I find it that this thread is more productive in Off Topic. After all, wasn't this thread made in response to all the girl-age threads flooding OT at one point?
So, another of these threads is ending. I have to think hard and ask myself if I've learned anything from them. I wish I could provide a list of accomplishments, but I cannot think of any. This is over the course of 2+ years I think? Doesn't bode well.
I hear you guys. Honestly the way I feel now, I am 30 now, friends/family/co-workers are getting married and having kids at this point and I feel like I am being left behind in life. I feel like I am in a rut. Get up, spend 8+ hours at work for 5 days a week, go to bed, see same friends over the weekend. Wash rinse, and repeat. Like right now it is a Friday night and I spent 12 hours at work and too tired to do anything. Seeing and talking to this person makes me happy and makes me forget this depressing rut I am in. I have never met the right person up until this point and I have not had feelings like this for so long for a girl before like this person at work. I thought a year ago any feelings for her I had would fade over time, but they are worse now. I know there are plenty of fish in the sea and there are probably others similar to her, but it is depressing after all this time finding someone like this person and it is something I can never have. I have worked so hard in my life to get where I am at now and if one thing I have learned it is never to give up on things in life. But I feel like that no matter how hard I work for this girl, she will never be obtainable.
If anything it feels good typing this out, it is something I could never express irl.
So who else thinks Soultron should make OT3?
30 is not too old. If you were a girl, then yeah you might start to worry (biologically speaking), but people are getting married later and later in life nowadays so you're not necessarily "behind".
Like I said before, throw a wrench in your routine. Working too hard? Take some time off. It's great that you've worked hard to get where you are, but when are you going to start rewarding yourself for that hard work? Don't say retirement; while you should always plan for the future, you can't sacrifice everything.
Unfortunately, relationships are one thing where all the hard work in the world may not pay off. But there's nothing wrong with failure. Have you ever applied for a job you didn't get? Work hard during school and not get a scholarship? Don't beat yourself up if you don't succeed. Take it as a learning experience and move on. Apply for another job. Study for another scholarship. Meet another girl.
Well I was sort of thinking of positives that I could say about myself. But I'm happy to hear that there a still some happy outcomes that are still possible.I am happily married to my wife after 7 years of being together. That's a nice, positive outcome, right?
Perhaps it's a sick way of trying to find comfort in the excuse of how badly things have gone and that I'd rather be right about that than be happy about something I cannot even think of.I'd wish you would stop whipping the shit of yourself. It's like there's this strange detachment in your posts, like you enjoy failing.
I hear you guys. Honestly the way I feel now, I am 30 now, friends/family/co-workers are getting married and having kids at this point and I feel like I am being left behind in life. I feel like I am in a rut. Get up, spend 8+ hours at work for 5 days a week, go to bed, see same friends over the weekend. Wash rinse, and repeat. Like right now it is a Friday night and I spent 12 hours at work and too tired to do anything. Seeing and talking to this person makes me happy and makes me forget this depressing rut I am in. I have never met the right person up until this point and I have not had feelings like this for so long for a girl before like this person at work. I thought a year ago any feelings for her I had would fade over time, but they are worse now. I know there are plenty of fish in the sea and there are probably others similar to her, but it is depressing after all this time finding someone like this person and it is something I can never have. I have worked so hard in my life to get where I am at now and if one thing I have learned it is never to give up on things in life. But I feel like that no matter how hard I work for this girl, she will never be obtainable.
If anything it feels good typing this out, it is something I could never express irl.
Wasn't too bad, although nothing of course happened.Going out to a decent bar tonight.
Should be good!
I'm going simply to have fun with my mate, but if anything were to happen so be it.![]()
Wasn't too bad, although nothing of course happened.
My mate managed to kiss a girl for the first time though.
Anyway went out again tonight, just danced stupidly in front of others, but I didn't really care.
Might be my last update in this thread, but things are still looking up at the moment. I ran into the girl a couple of times before she went to her sisters wedding and she was already making plans for us when she gets back. I started to distance myself a bit after all the rescheduling, but she wasn't having it and got more aggressive with letting me know she's into me. So hopefully she'll follow through and we'll actually go out sometime this week. Still in a "wait and see" mentality with all this, but after the way she was acting last week I have a pretty good feeling things will work out.
Before it closes I would like to thank everyone in this thread. I appreciate all the advice, discussions, and varying perspectives you guys brought to the table. There have been a lot of changes over this past year and now have a large group of friends that can offer me more personalized advice, so I don't think I'll be in OT3 all that much. At least, I hope I'm not, I think I was in this thread too much as it is. Either way thanks for all the conversation, you guys have been great.
It's good to see you're doing well, and your positive attitude will lead to success. You should still stick around in Girl-Age to give advice or talk through situations you encounter. There's always room to improve.
I failed hard last night.
I was in a club, sitting next to a really nice French girl and she was looking at me but my mouth wouldn't open, what the fuck is wrong with me?
The thing that was mainly preventing me was that she was sitting next to this other guy, and she kept on touching him but only in a friendly way. I think he might have been gay, but I wasn't sure. I didn't even find out.
No confidence, man. After my last big relationship![]()