SmokeMaxX said:Fuck this shit. She friendzoned you, so she has no right to cockblock you. Tell her to go bug someone else.
Yeah I know, I gotta be more stern something im working on though
SmokeMaxX said:Fuck this shit. She friendzoned you, so she has no right to cockblock you. Tell her to go bug someone else.
Shawsie64 said:Thanks
Yeah it sucks but when she comes back agreed to go on a wine your up the Barossa Valley just gotta not get attached... ah well only live once
DualShadow said:I heard it's nice up there at Barossa, will need to visit one day if I'm ever out that way.
At least you guys can keep in contact over Facebook or some shit, would be worth staying friends cause if you ever end up in Germany. I had a friend do this and he even spent a day or two at her place and she showed him around and everything.
Shawsie64 said:Well if your ever down let me know, we usually just hire a minibus, $30 each and drives you to all the wineries drinking free wine all day![]()
Yeah ill keep in touch, shes a nice girl and no point not speaking to her, the more the merrier![]()
subversus said:Fed up with online dating sites. It's too easy therefore I don't appreciate a relationship. Also pre-first date routine got too stale. I need to try out new ways. Now what about that social life? I heard some people have it...
I'm too lazy to go to nightclubs, I have no hobby other than gaming and drawing shit. Hmmmmm.....
DualShadow said:Not a huge fan of wine but cant complain with free :lol Yeah if I'm ever down there I'll hit up up for sure and we can go cruising for ladies lol.
Whats up with chicks on dating sites that list only looking for "new friends", should I even bother messaging them? Or do chicks just not like putting "looking for dates" ?
Shawsie64 said:No worries
Yeah iv found most of the ones wanting "new friends" just put that there as a fallback thing if they meet up with someone they dont like can say I was just looking for friends..
DualShadow said:Whats up with chicks on dating sites that list only looking for "new friends", should I even bother messaging them? Or do chicks just not like putting "looking for dates" ?
jamesinclair said:My rule of thumb:
One instance of cheating = mistake, everyone deserves a second chance. It'll be hard, but if you really love her, you can get through it.
A whole month of banging another dude? Inexcusable. She's the scum of the earth. Find a way to dump her so that she spends the next year trying to piece her life back together. Burn her pictures, delete her phone and unfriend her on facebook. Make sure if you ever see her again, you have a hot girl on your arm with some of your cum in her hair.
Shawsie64 said:Yeah I go on mine when at work, kills time.. got a few roots off it too so why not :lol
Good going man, good to see you're clearing your head a little and are sober about it. I'd say it's a blessing indeed, better to find out now than find out she can't be trusted when you have a home and kids together.Zio said:Thanks for the input everybody. I think I'm going to go with the break up with her because I don't want to live the rest of my life in doubt of her being faithful to me route. She is weak-minded and insecure, and is not the person I thought she was. If she ever wants to be happy with someone, she'll have to work on that. And after what she's done, I don't think I can ever go back and would rather be with someone I can trust and be happy with instead. It's still gonna be hard for a while, but this might be a blessing in disguise. It's probably gonna happen tonight. Perhaps I'll update you on how this worked out later on...maybe it'll be useful for someone else. Thanks again.
DualShadow said:Not sure if I would go on it at work but I had a look last night and god damn they want you to answer a shit load of questions :lol
My favorite was, "Which is bigger, the Sun or the Earth?" :lol
Shawsie64 said:Way I see it is im doing fuck all at work anyways might aswell talk to some girls in my down time :lol
What one you use? I use oasis active..
DualShadow said:I signed up to OkCupid cause I was bored, might try Oasis Active since it seems to be primarily Aussie?
I joined on the weekend so haven't really gotten into it yet. How you finding Oasis?
Shawsie64 said:yeah its mostly Aussies.. Iv found it ok, few weirdos but met up with a few girls, slept with a few from oasis.. my housemate used to have a new girl every week come over our place off oasis..
Just dont take it too seriously and you'll be fine and yeah its free too so nothing to loose![]()
DualShadow said:Sweet sounds good, I think the weirdos are probably everywhere :lol
Had a girl message me saying "Hey Cutie" and that's all, she was ummm less then desirable.
I'll check it out though, not expecting anything so if I do it's all a bonus![]()
Thanks man.
Yep.Aesius said:POF is fucking weird. I signed up a couple days ago and had messages from seven different girls within 24 hours. On OKCupid I average one message a week. The content of the messages on POF are pretty skeezy/lame. One really fugly chick wrote her number in her message. Another only wrote "ur cute". And one messaged me three times, with "hi" as the subject and body of the message. WTF?
I mean, these girls are pretty homely, so do they really think they can get away with such little effort when us guys have to handcraft a "just for you" personal message to the girl JUST to get a reply?
Aesius said:I mean, these girls are pretty homely, so do they really think they can get away with such little effort when us guys have to handcraft a "just for you" personal message to the girl JUST to get a reply?
Aesius said:POF is fucking weird. I signed up a couple days ago and had messages from seven different girls within 24 hours. On OKCupid I average one message a week. The content of the messages on POF are pretty skeezy/lame. One really fugly chick wrote her number in her message. Another only wrote "ur cute". And one messaged me three times, with "hi" as the subject and body of the message. WTF?
I mean, these girls are pretty homely, so do they really think they can get away with such little effort when us guys have to handcraft a "just for you" personal message to the girl JUST to get a reply?
a posh hammer said:hey gaf, just a quick question. How would it be best to ask a girl out over facebook? Pathetic some might say, but i have met her more than once and she is great. Just I couldn't go for it last night because my current friend-with-benefits was also there, and she is a bit crazy.
Qwerty710710 said:Sigh..... I don't know guys I don't think this girl is interested in me unless she is afraid to show it. We had a good first date we barely had any slicent momements. We made each other laughed we flirted a bit, and we both agreed we would contuine to talk to each other.I texted her later that night saying it was a good time and I would like to do it again.She did reply back about a day later, and we barely have talked to each other this weekend. I texted about a couple of hours ago but still no reply back.Then again she went to Atlantic City on fri/sat,and to NYC today. I just wish she would text me first instead of me doing it all the time. Am I just worrying to much and need to calm down or things might not be right between us.
You're being too needy.Qwerty710710 said:Sigh..... I don't know guys I don't think this girl is interested in me unless she is afraid to show it. We had a good first date we barely had any slicent momements. We made each other laughed we flirted a bit, and we both agreed we would contuine to talk to each other.I texted her later that night saying it was a good time and I would like to do it again.She did reply back about a day later, and we barely have talked to each other this weekend. I texted about a couple of hours ago but still no reply back.Then again she went to Atlantic City on fri/sat,and to NYC today. I just wish she would text me first instead of me doing it all the time. Am I just worrying to much and need to calm down or things might not be right between us.
Well, we'd been together 4.5 years when I found out, and that was about 14 months ago.NutJobJim said:Wow, how long have you been together since you found out?
Mike Works said:You're being too needy.
Magik said:Would you rather be considered a lazy person than a hard working person? Would you rather be a person who just complains instead of a person who is solution oriented?
Sure, this stuff can go on a CV/resume, but thats a different topic for another day.
Actually, you know what? Let's dial it back a bit. What do you consider is a positive trait?
For starters, "hard working" means you're not a lazy piece of shit who sits around at home all day. Means you're driven to get something, whatever it may be. Means you probably have a job.Danj said:Well, yeah, obviously I don't want to be considered a lazy person or a person who just complains, but that doesn't make stuff like "hard working" "trustworthy" "punctual" etcetera positive traits, I wouldn't have thought? I mean, aren't those basically the same things everybody tells every employer so they can get a job? Also, what does being hard working have to do with dating anyway?
TheBranca18 said:plentyoffish in my area is full of divorced single moms with three kids who are overweight and try to hide it in their pictures. I've met two really good looking women from there but be warned, ask for their facebook, otherwise I wouldn't bother. Need to filter on there.
jamesinclair said:99% of PoF users here have had their first kid before they turn 20.
In fact, this one girl had a hot picture of her in a hooters uniform. Picture number 2? AN ultrasound. WTF?
OKC users are more educated/less babies, but theres a much smaller batch of girls.
My new online dating goal is only to message 18-19 year old girls.
Why? Why the fuck not? :lol
Danj said:Well, yeah, obviously I don't want to be considered a lazy person or a person who just complains, but that doesn't make stuff like "hard working" "trustworthy" "punctual" etcetera positive traits, I wouldn't have thought? I mean, aren't those basically the same things everybody tells every employer so they can get a job? Also, what does being hard working have to do with dating anyway?
Aesius said:POF is fucking weird. I signed up a couple days ago and had messages from seven different girls within 24 hours. On OKCupid I average one message a week. The content of the messages on POF are pretty skeezy/lame. One really fugly chick wrote her number in her message. Another only wrote "ur cute". And one messaged me three times, with "hi" as the subject and body of the message. WTF?
I mean, these girls are pretty homely, so do they really think they can get away with such little effort when us guys have to handcraft a "just for you" personal message to the girl JUST to get a reply?
The Shadow said:Welcome to the PoF experience. Just the other night I got a message from a 40 year old PhD (allegedly) that simply said she wanted me to take her doggy style. No picture on the profile.
With free sites, you have to go through a LOT of crap, because anyone can join. Pay sites on the other had have that filter requirement of money. No one is ever going to pay anything if they just want to mess around or aren't serious.
On the other hand, I've had some pretty good dates from OKC and that's predominantly a free site. YMMV.
I wish you both the best of luck, but it'd be interesting to see how this works out long run.lunarworks said:Well, we'd been together 4.5 years when I found out, and that was about 14 months ago.
Aesius said:Yeah. I've actually got a date on Thursday with a very cute girl from OKCupid. Her profile says shes 5'10", which is approximately 5 inches taller than the tallest girl I've dated :lol
I'm 6'1" though, so it shouldn't be too awkward. Hopefully she won't wear heels.
MiDNiGHTS said:Speaking of height. How much does being a tall guy help in getting girls? Like would a woman go for a uglier tall guy over a much better looking short guy?
MiDNiGHTS said:Speaking of height. How much does being a tall guy help in getting girls? Like would a woman go for a uglier tall guy over a much better looking short guy?
I'd say it depends on the circumstances (how tall is she, how tall are the guys, etc.). If the guy is shorter than her, I'd say it's more likely she'll go with the taller guy (though not necessarily).MiDNiGHTS said:Speaking of height. How much does being a tall guy help in getting girls? Like would a woman go for a uglier tall guy over a much better looking short guy?
Holy shit. Does she need her citizenship or something?womfalcs3 said:I dated this girl for two weeks. She then asked me to marry her, and I was like, "give us a year or something". She said, I'll give you "2 months".
I really do like her, but I'm not getting married right now.
womfalcs3 said:I dated this girl for two weeks. She then asked me to marry her, and I was like, "give us a year or something". She said, I'll give you "2 months".
I really do like her, but I'm not getting married right now.
MiDNiGHTS said:Speaking of height. How much does being a tall guy help in getting girls? Like would a woman go for a uglier tall guy over a much better looking short guy?
MiDNiGHTS said:Speaking of height. How much does being a tall guy help in getting girls? Like would a woman go for a uglier tall guy over a much better looking short guy?
soultron said:Holy shit. Does she need her citizenship or something?
Holy shit. Bail the FUCK out.womfalcs3 said:I dated this girl for two weeks. She then asked me to marry her, and I was like, "give us a year or something". She said, I'll give you "2 months".
I really do like her, but I'm not getting married right now.