Aesius said::lol Two hours later and no response. Looks like this one is done, boys.
Should have called and said that instead of texting it. Doesn't translate well to text.
Aesius said::lol Two hours later and no response. Looks like this one is done, boys.
sooperkool said:Its another lets hang out fail.
Magik said:And boy was that txt conversation a horrible example of one. smh
For the love of god, if you guys are going to ask a girl out, do a little bit of prep work ahead of time and have a few locations and times ready. Take the lead and don't just dump it onto her to figure out.
What's wrong with my hair? =(RobertM said:I'll give you a good advice. Do something about your hair.
Do you guys work together or just in the same building?Jamesfrom818 said:Okay guys I need some advice on something. How do I ask out a girl from my office building if we're both running late getting to work in the morning.
I would try talking to her while we are in the elevator but its usually filled with other people and that would just make things awkward.
We usually park right next to each other in the parking structure so I'm thinking I just need to get there early and wait for her to park and strike up a conversation as we're walking.
Is there any other approach you guys can recommend?
Acid08 said:Do you guys work together or just in the same building?
Cyan said:Man, went out with a high school friend for drinks this evening. We ended up meeting up with another of her friends, who was damn cute, but kept telling me all night that she only dated guys of her race.
But she did give me her number at the end of the night.
Your hairstyle is shit, just look at this pic...grap3fruitman said:What's wrong with my hair? =(
Rubenov said:Should have called and said that instead of texting it. Doesn't translate well to text.
I wouldn't say his hairstyle is shit, but he should do something.RobertM said:Your hairstyle is shit, just look at this pic...
![]()'re one step away from looking like this guy:
You do have awesome facial hair though.
Timedog said:Hung out with the girl that got mad cause I mentioned kissing after she mentioned making love.
God damn she is weird. She brought me a little pouch full of gifts she made for me: felt sushis, a necklace, and a refrigerator magnet.
That was weird, but cool aka my type of weird, but then she got drunk and was saying other really insane stuff. Like stuff that is so insane that I immediately blocked it from my mind and can't remember it now. Bad weird. I showed up late for various reasons, and she was talking to people before I got there, and then the dudes were fucking hovering around us ALL FUCKING NIGHT, being REALLY creepy. I probably could have smashed, or at least gotten somewhere, and all my roommates (they showed up to the bar and saw us, and I decided to leave with them) were like "why didn't you stay with her at the bar after we left and then fuck her?". I am at a loss for a is possible that a girl is too weird for TIMEDOG???
Anyways, I'm willing to give her another chance, preferably without getting drunk, because we were connecting before more alcohol got into the mix (which is usually the opposite). She did immediately text me and say she wanted to hang out again "very soon".
Opinions: Should I get with this chick even if we don't fully connect, because she's really hot? I don't really don't know. I'll at least give her a second shot because there were points where I felt we connected really well.
ThisXun said:I wouldn't say his hairstyle is shit, but he should do something.
Perhaps not flatten it down?
grap3fruitman said:Uh, I don't know how I'm supposed to fight gravity.
Aesius said:She texted back.
I'm going to fucking kill it tomorrow. Once we hang out, it's done. Thanks for all of the help, GAF. Truly invaluable.
Ohhhhhh, be careful.Aesius said:In other news: I met a hot married chick last night who told me she wants a divorce. I was drunk as fuck, but working my charm like a motherfucker. Unfortunately, I was probably a little too drunk, and I think she could tell :lol She seemed really, really into me though. Got her number at least.
Exactly how I feel. Most of my friends are still in uni (I'm a no good drop outXun said:I'm so bored tonight!
I want to go out but no one is free, and I can't stand going out by myself (I find it awkward).
I hate when that happens. I was working late last night and wanted to go out, but all of my friends were either working, out of town, or not down to go out.Xun said:I'm so bored tonight!
I want to go out but no one is free, and I can't stand going out by myself (I find it awkward).
doogles said:![]()
This works for me. It also smells fantastic.
Generic said:Forever alone-age
First, I want to apologize. I'm asking the same thing I asked a month or 2 ago. "How do I socialize? Where do I go? What do I do?" I know, I know, you guys already told me, and it was good advice, but well, school caught up to me, things got busy and I had to drop everything so I could focus on that. Now, I'm back where I was before, not sure how to approach the whole socialization thing. It's 5:30 on a saturday night and I'm sitting home doing nothing. If I were to mingle, where would I go?
aktham said:Lucky bastard. Saturday is my only day off and I have to catch up on laundry and clean up the house :lol
How old are you? Do you have any other hobbies besides videogames? Do you have any friends that like going out?
Generic said:20. I have one person I could call up, but he never does anything. He's actually probably hanging out with his girlfriend right now. I could call this one other dude, but he's likewise also probably busy.
I like reading books, watching TV and movies. I'm a media sponge. No actual hobbies that have me go out and stuff though.
I am, but classes don't start until the 18th. Furthermore, it's a community college, which means that there isn't much interaction between people. Atleast from what I can tell. Everyone takes their classes and goes home. At most, they'll chit chat with some people but I've never heard so much as a whisper of "Hey, there's this party going on tonight". As for the friend in question, I already asked, and he assures me that his girlfriend's friends are all ugly.aktham said:Assuming you're in college, start talking to people in your classes. Find out where the parties happen. Don't go the party alone bring somebody with you or meet somebody there. See if your friend or friend's GF can invite a girl for a double date.
Yes, you can help it. Start talking to people, especially the ones you're scared to talk...toGeneric said:I can't help that the larger problem is me. I am simply incapable of making casual conversation with a stranger. I don't know what it is, but this is probably the main issue that's preventing me from being a more outgoing person than I'd like to be.
Good to hear this. I much prefer texting :lolRelix said:I think GAF is a bit too anti-text. I've set up dates through texting alone :lol
Relix said:I think GAF is a bit too anti-text. I've set up dates through texting alone :lol
g35twinturbo said:fa real!
*high five*
doogles said:Yes, you can help it. Start talking to people, especially the ones you're scared to Yes, it's terrifying. Do it anyway. You'll get better at it with practice.there's no getting out of a preposition here
Generic said:I get that, I do. It's just the how that escapes me. I just can't wrap my head around the prospect of bothering a random person when they're out minding their own business. I can get places like classes where you are sitting there with nothing to do, you might as well talk to someone. But stuff like in the mall, where a person is busy doing their shopping? Where do you go to socialize? The OP says anywhere is fine, but I truly don't understand how you talk to people going about their business.
I think that talking to people you're scared to talk to is easier said than done for somebody who is having a lot of trouble in this area. I personally think it's best to just strike up conversations with people you have no interest in. For example, instead of starting by trying to talk to an attractive girl, build your way up to it by talking to some random guy or old lady while you're in line at the bank or store (somebody who you don't want to bone). When you do this, that level of intimidation that one has when talking to an attractive woman is taken away.doogles said:Yes, you can help it. Start talking to people, especially the ones you're scared to Yes, it's terrifying. Do it anyway. You'll get better at it with practice.there's no getting out of a preposition here
Good to hear this. I much prefer texting :lol
I don't think she's peeved. Most girls are self-conscious about how they look in photos (especially ones that are tagged for everyone on her facebook to see), which is why she untagged herself. I think you handled it well by complimenting her and saying she looked good.soultron said:So, is she peeved and thinks I tagged her in the pictures? Maybe she doesn't want other guys to see it and think we are together? (We aren't. Haha.) I think it's all pretty funny. I just suck at FB etiquette and girls on FB.
soultron said:So, is she peeved and thinks I tagged her in the pictures? Maybe she doesn't want other guys to see it and think we are together? (We aren't. Haha.) I think it's all pretty funny. I just suck at FB etiquette and girls on FB.
I think the problem goes beyond a simple difficulty in breaking the ice. Just a few hours ago, my mom asked me to go down to the grocery store to buy her some food. While there, I saw the girlfriend of my friend, who approached me and tried to chitchat about how things were going. I managed to keep the conversation going, but it felt awkward and unnatural the whole way. I can write up a transcript if you want, but I have such difficulty talking in general.Relix said:Just say something random/funny. It works like a charm
BentMyWookiee said:I think that talking to people you're scared to talk to is easier said than done for somebody who is having a lot of trouble in this area. I personally think it's best to just strike up conversations with people you have no interest in. For example, instead of starting by trying to talk to an attractive girl, build your way up to it by talking to some random guy or old lady while you're in line at the bank or store (somebody who you don't want to bone). When you do this, that level of intimidation that one has when talking to an attractive woman is taken away.
Once you get comfortable doing that, it's much simpler to take the next step towards striking up a conversation with a stranger who you're attracted to.
I didn't tag her. That's the thing. Haha.Relix said:I just tell them to tag themselves. Women are picky with FB pictures :lol
Generic said:I am, but classes don't start until the 18th. Furthermore, it's a community college, which means that there isn't much interaction between people. Atleast from what I can tell. Everyone takes their classes and goes home. At most, they'll chit chat with some people but I've never heard so much as a whisper of "Hey, there's this party going on tonight". As for the friend in question, I already asked, and he assures me that his girlfriend's friends are all ugly.
I can't help that the larger problem is me. I am simply incapable of making casual conversation with a stranger. I don't know what it is, but this is probably the main issue that's preventing me from being a more outgoing person than I'd like to be.
Where do you go to socialize? The OP says anywhere is fine, but I truly don't understand how you talk to people going about their business.
While people in community college may seem less interested in socializing, I found that there are still some good opportunities for it. First off, if you're in the same class as somebody, you already have something in common (that class). So that could be your easy opener to a conversation.vitaminwateryum said:I feel your pain. Community college sucks pretty bad so far. I'm going to be trying more social in my classes coming up, so hopefully that'll work out somewhat well.
Not random people: employees at stores, girl behind the counter at Starbucks, person looking at the same thing you are. Smile and say hi to everyone you see.Generic said:I get that, I do. It's just the how that escapes me. I just can't wrap my head around the prospect of bothering a random person when they're out minding their own business. I can get places like classes where you are sitting there with nothing to do, you might as well talk to someone. But stuff like in the mall, where a person is busy doing their shopping? Where do you go to socialize? The OP says anywhere is fine, but I truly don't understand how you talk to people going about their business.
Fair enough. My emphasis was on not letting fear take hold.BentMyWookiee said:I think that talking to people you're scared to talk to is easier said than done for somebody who is having a lot of trouble in this area. I personally think it's best to just strike up conversations with people you have no interest in. For example, instead of starting by trying to talk to an attractive girl, build your way up to it by talking to some random guy or old lady while you're in line at the bank or store (somebody who you don't want to bone). When you do this, that level of intimidation that one has when talking to an attractive woman is taken away.
MiDNiGHTS said:Don't Community Colleges have classes or clubs where you have to interact with people more than in something like English class. Some examples of this include drama/theater and various fitness things like yoga or whatever.
BentMyWookiee said:While people in community college may seem less interested in socializing, I found that there are still some good opportunities for it. First off, if you're in the same class as somebody, you already have something in common (that class). So that could be your easy opener to a conversation.
Let's say for example you're in a science class and there's a cute girl in the class. After you take a test/quiz you could just casually say to her, "Wow, that was a pretty difficult test, I don't think I did all that well." She may respond that she felt the same way, or that she did awesome on it. In either case, you have somewhere to take the conversation. If she did bad, just be like, "Hey, maybe we could meet outside of class some time and help each other study or quiz one another." Or if she did good, you could offer to buy her some coffee if she helps you study.
From there, you're now meeting outside of class. And while you're studying, you can strike up conversation and get to know each other. If you feel like you guys click, then you can ask her out.
Another thing for community college that I found to work for socializing is to just get to class a little early. Usually you'll have to wait for the previous class to get out before you can go inside. So just walk up to another classmate who is waiting and strike up a conversation. Something as simple as smiling and saying "hi" will show that you're friendly and can lead to starting a conversation. Or you can comment on something that happened the last time you guys were in class. For example, "Did you Mr. Teacher's huge pit stains yesterday?" or "I thought it was funny/gross how Mr. Teacher was scratching himself and picking his nose when he thought nobody was looking."
Those suggestions may sound quite simple, but you don't really need much as long as it starts you talking. Also, if you find it difficult to do any of that because it's a cute girl or you're intimidated, just start with an ugly girl or some guy. It'll help you get comfortable just striking up conversations and make it much easier when you actually do try it with a cute girl.