Well, we both wanted it to work, we really did. But she was always so busy (she works Fridays and Saturdays until 1am, which is hard when we are both in high school), which made it really hard to stpend time with her and become closer with her, and also I'm still really inexperienced, so there are things I should have done which I didn't. We got along so great, liked each other, and both wanted it to work, but we both felt the relationship was moving so slowly, and she was the one to have to bring it up and end it.
She also really confuses me. While we were breaking up, she says things like 'you never know what can happen in the future. It may not be working right now, but we could re-connect sometime in the future and things could happen again, you never know'. She also mentioned later on that she has so many unwatched movies and I should come over sometime and watch some.
Makes me so confused

Although one thing I sort of appreciate; my birthday is on monday, and she told me she's still bought me a birthday present she wants to give to me. I thought that was nice.... Although at the same time she broke up with me 6 days before my birthday...
Anyway, this is the post-break up whitehawk talking who is in denial. The logical side of me is saying do things and keep busy to keep your mind off of it, and try not to look back.