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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Random mini rant-- my mom keeps bugging me about marriage.


Ahem. Hello. It's insane. I'm still in graduate school, I don't want children, I have a job. Again, I'm only 26! The people I know getting married all come from rich, rich (like multimillionaire) families. They can afford to get married! They're also all superficially Christian, in the sense that they do the whole omigod Christian morals thing, so it seems pretty obvious they just wanna bang and live together without the stigma.

Ughhhh. My mom doesn't get it. She won't leave me alone about marriage EVERY TIME I HAVE A BOYFRIEND.

...hi everyone. So how are y'all?
I'm also 26 but I don't have a steady bf currently, so instead I get the "when are you going to get a bf" question from my mom (and my dad, and my sister).

And I get the "it's only downhill from here, so you better lock someone up soon" from my friends. :) One of them straight up said "you've only got like 5 good years left."
Random mini rant-- my mom keeps bugging me about marriage.

...hi everyone. So how are y'all?

awwwwwwww bunbuns :< that's rough. I totes understand tho. my parents are the SAME.

>____> always talking about "past expiration dates soon" etc *rolls eyes*


oh, and as to your question: im good, its Friday here \o/

I'm also 26 but I don't have a steady bf currently, so instead I get the "when are you going to get a bf" question from my mom (and my dad, and my sister).

And I get the "it's only downhill from here, so you better lock someone up soon" from my friends. :) One of them straight up said "you've only got like 5 good years left."

aaa meow too ;___;

some people can be suuuuuuuuuuper neurotic and pushy when it comes down to things like this.

My grandma is giving me the same treatment that yall are getting. She wants to be a great-grandmother, and wondered if she should head to my work and ask why they haven't hooked u with me. ( ._.)
Come from an Asian family. Found out how much my fob parents hated that my long term boyfriend was white after we broke up. They were never high on me getting married and having kids. Now I know why... They didn't want me getting married to a white guy and having kids with him.

My parents are a disappointment.

I've got a thing for this black guy at my school. My parents would have a heart attack.
Ughhh yeah the "when are you getting married" talk is annoying. The "kids" talk is even worse T__T. My mom asks me about babies all the time, I think she's upset all my older brothers noped the fuck out of having children.


I´m glad my parents are easy going people when it comes that. They always let me free to decide things for myself and couldn't care less about the race or gender of my potential love as long as they treated me well. Never really pushed for kids either, just maybe a comment or curious question every now and then.

Sucks that not everyone has it that easy. It really shouldn't be any of their business. Or at least not after their kid reaches adulthood.


My mother is always telling me how she regrets getting married so young and how having us ruined her life so I don't really get the marriage/kids talk.

Plus everyone in the family considered me completely undateable until I got a boyfriend at 20 so I think they're just surprised I got this far.


Ughhh yeah the "when are you getting married" talk is annoying. The "kids" talk is even worse T__T. My mom asks me about babies all the time, I think she's upset all my older brothers noped the fuck out of having children.

My parents expected me to have a family by age 19. Because my grandparents did, apparently. >.>


Junior Member
these cuts are so cute but look too much like what I had before :/ be sure to post your cut once you get one though :3 what's your situation now, long hair, medium hair?

Right now it's a grown out A-line. It's just at my shoulders.

This isn't a great example, but the most recent picture of me.


Here's another hairstyle I had that I really liked a lot. (back in the day) It was a bi-level cut... although I wish that my longer side was really really much longer (like maybe toward my abdomen) than what it was. I still have yet to grow my hair if I want that, though.


I got some haircuts I'm throwing around for when I go to the Salon again in a week or two since my hair is getting long enough towards it's a pain to maintain. I'm going for something around shoulder length but I'm finding it hard to find something I'm completely satisfied with though. Here is my ideas for now:

I'm going for something shorter than usual so not having hair so long will be odd but I'm wondering if I should throw in some purple in my hair colorings too or go all purple.
I love the last hairstyle. c:

Saw this earlier on Imgur, female hairstyles applied to men with long hair:








I fathom that someone looks better than I would with those hairstyles. Haha. I'm jealous, I tell you!

My parents expected me to have a family by age 19. Because my grandparents did, apparently. >.>

So much responsibility can challenge your life greatly at times.

Also, sorry ladies for the long reply posting. I just lost my internet but it's back and running. yay! Lastly, I need to stop being more a lurker at times. :b That is all.



Hello, ladies. I wanted to share a story from Planet Money I thought was v interesting: When Women Stopped Coding

It features a p striking graph:


The show tries to find some explanations to that turndown.

What a super bummer. I work at a Big Tech Company here in Seattle. My team had a small round of layoffs recently (less than 10% of the team) and the end result is that of the forty or fifty people under my manager's manager we have exactly zero women now. That ratio isn't that whack across the company but situations like this aren't totally atypical either.

I've got a lot of complicated feelings on the subject--all of them are bad. I always consider myself a good-but-not-remarkable programmer: there's no question I make more money today than I should in large part because the labor pool is artificially smaller than it should be thanks to the gender gap. So sometimes I have crises of bad self-esteem, that I don't deserve what I have. But also it frustrates me to no end that I know we have to put up with employing a lot of shitheads and jerks simply because there aren't that many options when you go to hire.

Anyway, I hope you find the story interesting. There's some glimmer of things improving at the end of it there.


I would have loved to study computer science. I dabbled in a few courses because of engineering requirements. But I went to a school that wasn't very welcoming. Most of the people either treated you like you only got in because you were a women/minority were obnoxiously patronizing and singled you out, or were just classist assholes e.g. "you should have learned that in high school" in regards to a lot of the basic programming stuff.

Actually it's why I didn't last in engineering. I know some people are a lot stronger than me in that regard, but dammit if that isn't just a super fucking hard burden to bare.


Makes me wonder if I should study Computer Science more seriously if I have the aptitude for it.

I wish there was a Sociology/Statistics/Computer Science program so I could do everything I wanted. :(
My parents expected me to have a family by age 19. Because my grandparents did, apparently. >.>

Never understood that old school mindset. Having kids that early seems like one of the worst things a person can do. Most people don't even have the financial stability, and accomodation to look after kids comfortably by themselves or as a couple at that age these days. My mum and dad had me in their 40's and my brothers in their mid 30's and they said that waiting and planning was the best thing they ever did. Dad had a well paid job as a construction site manager, and mum had (and still has) a long term job as a bank teller.

Another thing they did that they're glad they never did was that they didn't marry either, which saved them all sorts of money that would've otherwise been spent on wedding preperations and the like. I only know of a few other families who have done the whole long term planning thing and their wellbeing, and relationships always seem better off for it. Compared to the younger couples who had kids and got married earlier who mostly are divorced now with multiple kids, dealing with stuff like child support and stuff. Feel sorry for those people sometimes.
bunbuns! so cute <3 that's a very lovely pic of you both *____* i love how the v fingers gives you bunny-ears-like thing <3 haha

izzat bunbuns' master???? :> so adorbs~ .... he's a GAFfer???? :O cutecute~

yesssssss airbnb seems fun :> and awesome way to experience houses that otherwise would be totally outside most experiences :D

CS yeah, so odd to hear. My bestie was in CS, but she went down the graphic route eventually. She now works in one of those special effects studio. I didn't realise CS was that bad for women actually :< Hope it will improve in the future...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm a woman in CS and I have never experienced sexism at work. I've worked in 4 different offices over about 11 years.

I don't play online much but I haven't really experienced sexism either. The most hateful hatemail I've gotten (after beating some idiots in PvP in the Souls games, usually) were just the typical slurs (usually racial more than gendered, I guess some people don't realize I'm female due to lack of mic, despite my name and avatar), such as the n-word and other stupid crap that's easily ignored. All in all, quite mild.

I also never get catcalled or anything when walking down the street. I've been groped exactly once, over ten years ago, in the subway.

So it boggles my mind that these stories of sexism, harassment, misogyny, etc. are so widespread everywhere. Am I just ridiculously lucky, or what?

Of course, I know my personal experience is anecdotal. It would never, ever occur to me to dismiss other people's experience, or to accuse them of lying, exaggerating, playing the victim, yadda yadda. I get infuriated when I see people, usually guys (but not always), say "there's no major sexism problem, look, Amy Hennig is doing fine and isn't complaining! QED!". Like, WTF? It doesn't happen to me, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't believe those who say it happens to them. It's called having good faith, FFS.
I'm a woman in CS and I have never experienced sexism at work. I've worked in 4 different offices over about 11 years.

I don't play online much but I haven't really experienced sexism either. The most hateful hatemail I've gotten (after beating some idiots in PvP in the Souls games, usually) were just the typical slurs (usually racial more than gendered, I guess some people don't realize I'm female due to lack of mic, despite my name and avatar), such as the n-word and other stupid crap that's easily ignored. All in all, quite mild.

I also never get catcalled or anything when walking down the street. I've been groped exactly once, over ten years ago, in the subway.

So it boggles my mind that these stories of sexism, harassment, misogyny, etc. are so widespread everywhere. Am I just ridiculously lucky, or what?

Of course, I know my personal experience is anecdotal. It would never, ever occur to me to dismiss other people's experience, or to accuse them of lying, exaggerating, playing the victim, yadda yadda. I get infuriated when I see people, usually guys (but not always), say "there's no major sexism problem, look, Amy Hennig is doing fine and isn't complaining! QED!". Like, WTF? It doesn't happen to me, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't believe those who say it happens to them. It's called having good faith, FFS.

Morri so lucky~ :> And I dont think it's a bad voice to contribute with <3 It's nice to hear that some of us are experiencing an awesome environment with less sexism somewhere in the world!!!

bunbuns, she is now working for a mid-size special effects in Vancouver, but it took her awhile to find jobs. The market is tight and she had to relocate from Toronto to secure employment. In her case, it's not through connection, she interned in Toronto for a year with very little pay to build her resume up. But yeah, it is a very competitive, small market, and a lot of the studios are opting to go overseas for cheaper talents.

She got her current job just through applying online though, so there seems to be pockets where niche skills with niche software are still viable (though disappearing).

And d'awwwwwww you and your Sir are adorable <3

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Morri so lucky~ :> And I dont think it's a bad voice to contribute with <3 It's nice to hear that some of us are experiencing an awesome environment with less sexism somewhere in the world!!!
Yeah, I guess I want to say that there is hope out there for women in tech. ^^ It feels so depressing to think I'm just particularly lucky though. It's like saying, "I'm lucky I only get sexually harassed weekly by construction workers, at least I've never been raped". Which is a thing I've actually heard before. :'(
Yeah, I guess I want to say that there is hope out there for women in tech. ^^ It feels so depressing to think I'm just particularly lucky though. It's like saying, "I'm lucky I only get sexually harassed weekly by construction workers, at least I've never been raped". Which is a thing I've actually heard before. :'(

Yeah hahaha ....I hear you ! It can become a sad "at least" thing and fast but I think you should totes be glad about your experience and ... idk about other women, but I like to hear good positive news so it's nice to hear your side of things.


I, unfortunately, can't say I've shared similar experience.... though Im not a woman in tech / CS XD;;;;

Ahhhh well :>

*bounces* Hope all y'gals are having a fantabulous day!! <3
does anyone have a good book recommendation? it's getting colder and I just want to snuggle up in my warm room and get lost in some fun fiction. unfortunately I haven't been able to find something to really draw me in since forever. :l especially in the fantasy section a lot of stuff tends to get too cheesy (especially romantic stuff) or too weird and over the top. what was the latest book you just couldn't put down GirlGAF? I'm talking adventure, humour, suspense and/or magic...just nothing too sad/depressing.

Right now it's a grown out A-line. It's just at my shoulders.

This isn't a great example, but the most recent picture of me.


Here's another hairstyle I had that I really liked a lot. (back in the day) It was a bi-level cut... although I wish that my longer side was really really much longer (like maybe toward my abdomen) than what it was. I still have yet to grow my hair if I want that, though.


I'm sure the stuff you posted will look great on you! you should go for it :3


Random mini rant-- my mom keeps bugging me about marriage.


Ahem. Hello. It's insane. I'm still in graduate school, I don't want children, I have a job. Again, I'm only 26! The people I know getting married all come from rich, rich (like multimillionaire) families. They can afford to get married! They're also all superficially Christian, in the sense that they do the whole omigod Christian morals thing, so it seems pretty obvious they just wanna bang and live together without the stigma.

Ughhhh. My mom doesn't get it. She won't leave me alone about marriage EVERY TIME I HAVE A BOYFRIEND.

...hi everyone. So how are y'all?

My dad has been slightly doing this.
He once said:
"A man who has no wife, no one will respect him"

I laughed so hard I nearly passed out.


You can try The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman. I think it's in the urban fantasy genre. I read it sometime last year and thought it was decent.

Sussex, England. A middle-aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long gone, he is drawn to the farm at the end of the road, where, when he was seven, he encountered a most remarkable girl, Lettie Hempstock, and her mother and grandmother. He hasn't thought of Lettie in decades, and yet as he sits by the pond (a pond that she'd claimed was an ocean) behind the ramshackle old farmhouse, the unremembered past comes flooding back. And it is a past too strange, too frightening, too dangerous to have happened to anyone, let alone a small boy.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
does anyone have a good book recommendation? it's getting colder and I just want to snuggle up in my warm room and get lost in some fun fiction. unfortunately I haven't been able to find something to really draw me in since forever. :l especially in the fantasy section a lot of stuff tends to get too cheesy (especially romantic stuff) or too weird and over the top. what was the latest book you just couldn't put down GirlGAF? I'm talking adventure, humour, suspense and/or magic...
A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. R....

just nothing too sad/depressing.

I'd recommend the Warlords Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell. Really cool and interesting take on the Arthurian legends. Maybe The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch?
I read one of Drizzt Do'Urdenn thing a while back, it was pretty fun :> Forgot title though :<

Discworld fantasies are usually a great bet for adventure, humour and magic !!! I love the Ankh-Morpork ones but most of them are great :>

Terry Pratchett is one of my favourite authors :D


thanks gals :3 will check the stuff out

and I've actually been meaning to get into pratchett so thanks for the reminder! :)
Please do! Pratchett is one of my favorite authors ever! <3 (This is where I tell the story about how I met him once and he kinda hit on me. D:)

I'd also suggest Bujold's The Curse of Chalion, and the other two novels set in that world. Just recently discovered the author, and my sister in particular is obsessed. She's read about a dozen of her novels in the past two months.
Please do! Pratchett is one of my favorite authors ever! <3 (This is where I tell the story about how I met him once and he kinda hit on me. D:)

I'd also suggest Bujold's The Curse of Chalion, and the other two novels set in that world. Just recently discovered the author, and my sister in particular is obsessed. She's read about a dozen of her novels in the past two months.

whaaat? I wanna hear this story! :D
whaaat? I wanna hear this story! :D

yes yes, i'd like to hear it too, pauuuuuuuuuuu

Saw this posted at OT yesterday. I couldnt really got on board cuz I have this irrational aversion against swear-language... but now that I've re-watched it.... I think it is a very strong and expressive ad, the messages are really good, and I really like the core of the ad.

..... I just felt like it will antagonize some viewers on first glance, but ... on second thought, maybe those exact audience are the ones that needs to be shaken off their complacency.... like myself. tone of the message shouldn't overcome my support for the actual message being broadcasted, cuz it really is a valuable message to be highlighted.

go girlz <3

i think that article distills why i had problems with it at the first glance, thanks Cat <3

but i donno. even if its exploitative, isnt it sort of good that people are talking about the issue more?


.... im still of two minds about this, after all >___<;;;;

basically its an ad i cant quite get behind, i guess..........................


i think that article distills why i had problems with it at the first glance, thanks Cat <3

but i donno. even if its exploitative, isnt it sort of good that people are talking about the issue more?


.... im still of two minds about this, after all >___<;;;;

basically its an ad i cant quite get behind, i guess..........................

It's good that women's issues are relevant and being discussed, with or without this video's existence. And these things do need to be addressed, but I also think this type of exploitation should be properly called out.

Here's a good example, imo, where instead of using young children to sell T-shirts, a young person voluntarily chooses to take action (and coincidentally is still about buying something):

Maybe it's not pay inequality or sexual assault, but even just representation does make a significant impression on young people.
It's good that women's issues are relevant and being discussed, with or without this video's existence. And these things do need to be addressed, but I also think this type of exploitation should be properly called out.

Here's a good example, imo, where instead of using young children to sell T-shirts, a young person voluntarily chooses to take action (and coincidentally is still about buying something):

Maybe it's not pay inequality or sexual assault, but even just representation does make a significant impression on young people.

Oooh, thats a great example :>

I agree on calling out commercialization and exploitation of feminism issues, too.


whaaat? I wanna hear this story! :D
We were talking about airport security and I mentioned being Colombian so I get stopped a lot when showing my passport and stuff. He asked if I ever had TSA officers stop me because I was rather attractive. :/

There was also the time Markus Zusak (author of The Book Thief, which I love) messed up on the little epigraph he was doing when signing his books and just said I probably didn't even read them anyway. I have no idea where the hell that comment came from, but it makes me not too eager to meet other authors. :/


So I went to the gynecologist today for the first time and OF COURSE I get the really attractive male doctor all looking up at my coocha.

Fml, kill me etc


So I went to the gynecologist today for the first time and OF COURSE I get the really attractive male doctor all looking up at my coocha.

Fml, kill me etc

My first gyno told me if I ever had sex before, told him no....he laughed.

But the handsome doctor trope is real. There arensome handsome fella over there. Oh lord
We were talking about airport security and I mentioned being Colombian so I get stopped a lot when showing my passport and stuff. He asked if I ever had TSA officers stop me because I was rather attractive. :/

There was also the time Markus Zusak (author of The Book Thief, which I love) messed up on the little epigraph he was doing when signing his books and just said I probably didn't even read them anyway. I have no idea where the hell that comment came from, but it makes me not too eager to meet other authors. :/

ok this does sound weird :l maybe it's a book author thing. all the comic guys I met were very cool :D


ok this does sound weird :l maybe it's a book author thing. all the comic guys I met were very cool :D
It's just hit and miss in any medium, I think. I've met some book authors and comic creators who were incredibly sweet. I've also met some who have been complete and utter assholes. I just don't want to ruin my enjoyment of a really good book by remembering that the person who wrote it went out of their way to say something weird or mean to me. :(
It's just hit and miss in any medium, I think. I've met some book authors and comic creators who were incredibly sweet. I've also met some who have been complete and utter assholes. I just don't want to ruin my enjoyment of a really good book by remembering that the person who wrote it went out of their way to say something weird or mean to me. :(

I unterstand. they should be grateful you're supporting them anyway. ò.ó kinda like when I saw the singer of my favorite band live and he was a complete diva on stage. acting bitchy about the lighting and being in a real bad mood in general. I also convinced some friends to come with me saying he was the bomb and stuff and they were completely shocked I think haha. I still tell myself he only had a bad day and probably is a really nice guy normally though. :l
So, got my mitts of the Bayonetta double pack for Wii U and beat the second game. Easily my game of the year so far by a long stretch. Shovel Knight is a distant second. There's a thread about female gamers and devs opions of the game, the character, etc. And I was wondering what we all think of it here. May as well repost my opinion from the thread...

Juke Joint Jezebel said:
As a member of the aforementioned demographic, I personally love the character of Bayonetta. She's got just the right balance of sexuality, sass, confidence, and bad-assery and that makes her a pretty appealing and likeable character to me. And I love how the former and the latter really come into play during the gameplay with the whole "hair bodysuit" gimmick, it's unique and adds to the spectacle, and after getting over the intial absurdity of experiencing it in the first game, I loved it, just adds to the outlandish and over the top feel of it all. In any other game the whole concept of a character who strips to attack would usually come of as sleazy, or creepy but here it works surprisingly well.

A good example for other developers to follow. Make a character sexy/sexual by all means, but make the character an enjoyable one too. Not boring or shallow like most sexualized characters, make it a trait of the character, not the focal point.
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