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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

I feel like I just took a punch in the stomach. I just read something that fucked my mind completely up and I feel like I have absolutely nobody I can talk to about it.

I'm freaking the fuck out.

Miney, the PM someone you feel comfortable talking with sounds like it would be my advice too !

Ugh its Monday here, GAFsisssss


and its already november wtf. where did the year go ;____;

I feel like I just took a punch in the stomach. I just read something that fucked my mind completely up and I feel like I have absolutely nobody I can talk to about it.

I'm freaking the fuck out.

I'm not much use, but I really hope you found someone you can trust and talk to, and that you feel much better now. Do take care.
Thanks ladies. :]

I was losing it for a bit but I'm alright now. I apologise for dropping a bomb on this thread like that. :/ I've put my big girl pants back on though and I'm ready to get back in this.


So, am I the only one whose gotten extremely bored with all the "should I have sex with/how can I have sex with this girl" threads on the OT forum? It's like they're designed around some tedious creepy template. Usually I don't complain about threads like this but the sheer volume on the front page has me going WTF m8.

"should I sex pregnant woman"
"my penis vomited on itself"
"I want to win her heart "
"developing a crush on your tutor."

Maybe I'm just cranky but it's just really getting old. Isn't there an official dating age thread? Do these dudes really need to post a thread about every person they want to stick it in FFS?

Rant over, sorry


formerly Oynox Slider
I mean, I agree of course.....

But I rather enjoy the drama. And sometimes I allow it to reinforce my stereotyping of the average gaffer. Er....cause they do it to me, so it's, like, fair. Right? XD

Half the posts I read on this forum make me raise an eyebrow. "Eh?! What?! Are you real?! Oh my god. You're probably still in school. Argh! Age crisis!" I then close my phone down and do some good productive office work. Then I get bored and it starts all over again.


I just tend to stay away from those kinds of threads were a girls' opinion would get shat on immediately, there's just no point. Less frustrating for me too to just ignore those threads :p Some of the responses girls get in those threads are just awful and makes me facepalm so hard.
I just tend to stay away from those kinds of threads were a girls' opinion would get shat on immediately, there's just no point. Less frustrating for me too to just ignore those threads :p Some of the responses girls get in those threads are just awful and makes me facepalm so hard.

Ohhhh don't get me wrong. I don't post in them! No way no how! But every time I click, shake my head, and walk away with a little less respect/faith in humanity.

Kidding, yeah. I shower every day. I don't have a bath tub though which bums me out. Just a small stand up shower. :/

I have a bathtub but it's mostly used for bathing the dogs :x I donno why but i prefer shower to bath .... haha. I think it's probably the waiting for the tub to fill up and then I dont feel quite as clean as with running water?

I love hot spring baths though. Very nice. Just soak and relax and forget my troubles away~

Also, yes, those threads. I dont even click on them >___< "Should I get involved with someone in a relationship?" "Should I sex a preggy lady?" "How do I win her heart?" etc

Sometimes I scratch my head at GAF OT :x

:< I feel like I have to apologise for both of your bad experiences :<
aww! You don't have to do that! By and large my experiences with Japan have been amazing. I wouldn't want to work as a diplomat to Japan if I didn't love it ^^ Heck I'd even move to Canberra to do it.


Kidding, yeah. I shower every day. I don't have a bath tub though which bums me out. Just a small stand up shower. :/
Feeling your pain ;.; my old apartment had this amazing deep bath that I used all the time, and now I'm back to boring old showers.

I keep missing spots when I shave my legs. orz
Someone halp.
haha, for me it's always that section right above the knobbly bit of my ankle.


I keep missing spots when I shave my legs. orz
Someone halp.

I see it when I dry my leg then reach back into the shower and grab the razor for that one spot.

Otherwise I get this problem more for the "nether-regions" even when I think it's super smooth

EDIT: I have also just found girl gaf topic. Hello! :D

I contribute http://wornontv.net/ as part of fashion and TV entertainment adjunct


I see it when I dry my leg then reach back into the shower and grab the razor for that one spot.

Otherwise I get this problem more for the "nether-regions" even when I think it's super smooth

EDIT: I have also just found girl gaf topic. Hello! :D

I contribute http://wornontv.net/ as part of fashion and TV entertainment adjunct

Hello! *waves*
I see it when I dry my leg then reach back into the shower and grab the razor for that one spot.

Otherwise I get this problem more for the "nether-regions" even when I think it's super smooth

EDIT: I have also just found girl gaf topic. Hello! :D

I contribute http://wornontv.net/ as part of fashion and TV entertainment adjunct

Hiiiiiiii <3

today feels like monday for me :x cuz it was holiday yesterday haha~


Rolling Girl
Dragonz I'm with you. ;~; <3 Most of the time I'm lazy and just put on stockings or pantyhose but that doesn't work out so well in the summer, but tomorrow being cool and rainy gives me a good opportunity at least.
Dragonz I'm with you. ;~; <3 Most of the time I'm lazy and just put on stockings or pantyhose but that doesn't work out so well in the summer, but tomorrow being cool and rainy gives me a good opportunity at least.

My arms and feet get so hairy that I have to shave them regularly, too. AND I even get little hairs on my face that I have to pluck.

I recently had hormone testing done and everything came back fine. Thanks, Scandinavian and French genes.


Thanks, Scandinavian and French genes.

....not my first choices for what comes to mind for "hairy genes"... At least you won't go bald? :D

I actually really want to laser my pits. I don't mind shaving everything else, and I know laser isn't a 100% hair-free solution, but I've heard it helps, and that's enough for me.

Hiiiiiiii <3

today feels like monday for me :x cuz it was holiday yesterday haha~

4 day week, woooo!


I've seen you around so often and wondered why you weren't here!

Perfect gif, and thanks! I'm happy to single out the girl gaffers here a bit. Most of my IRL friends are nerd fellas, so I feel like I've walked into something special --- as goofy as that is.

Hello! *waves*

*keeps waving*
^ I know right!

Dragonz I'm with you. ;~; <3 Most of the time I'm lazy and just put on stockings or pantyhose but that doesn't work out so well in the summer, but tomorrow being cool and rainy gives me a good opportunity at least.

Curse you and your cool weather. I can wear stockings for like 2 months a year and then it gets too hot again. Plus I hate that horrible stubbly feeling so I end up shaving everyday :s

I'd kind of like to try waxing, do self waxing kits work? I have a pretty low pain tolerance but I am also very lazy...


^ I know right!

Curse you and your cool weather. I can wear stockings for like 2 months a year and then it gets too hot again. Plus I hate that horrible stubbly feeling so I end up shaving everyday :s

I'd kind of like to try waxing, do self waxing kits work? I have a pretty low pain tolerance but I am also very lazy...

Waxing is a mixed bag. It hurts like hell, but will last about a good month (3-6 weeks depending on your usual hair growing rate). I usually don't do it though; I hate the pain, and I hate that you gotta wait for it to grow in a bit for the best results (you can't rip out stubble after all). I'm like you, I tend to keep shaved.... nothing like, almost literally, sliding into bed when you tuck yourself in with shaved legs. xD

If you do go for it, I'd get a salon or something to do waxing for you. They're fast, and they're less likely to miss a spot that you trying to peak around your entire leg.

Also, don't do your armpits.


I always hate shaving the knee part, it's the most difficult spot for me. There's always an annoying strand left somewhere and I sometimes end up cutting myself a bit. Ugh


Right... Who really uses their bathtub anyway.

I like using the bathtub at least once a month. Just to justify buying all these nice bath bombs from LUSH... :(

I also don't shower every day. That's something I learned people do quite recently actually. I'm fairly certain it's a cultural thing. I've always been under the impression it's normal to take a full shower 2-3 times a week. In fact my hair dries out so much if I shower it 3 times a week, so I stick to 2. Body-wise I can see the benfit of showering every day, but once again - I do it every 2nd day. Water in the UK is very hard and drying and I have sensitive dry skin to begin with - if I was to shower every day my skin will literally start to peel off.... :(

Also, hey girls - I've been away for a while. I missed you. <3


What heavenly world is this!?! If I buy one of these I don't think I could go back to my plain salt baths...

It's true. I keep buying them even though I rarely have the time to use a bathtub. I just smell them and before I know it I'm giving my money at the cashier...

Speaking of giving my money without thinking, I just ordered my dry skin Memebox... Can't wait to get it >.<
Behold, my new boots. Which I have dubbed "The Nut Crunchers"! Sorry for the shitty quality, took it at my friends house and the lighting in his house is awful!

YesNOnoNOYes said:
Are they heavy??

Thick rubber, so yeah, they're rock hard and fairly heavy.

Those are some nice boots Jezebel. o: I also like the rest of your outfit from what I can see of it.

It's probably the most "girly" outfit I've got. The rest is just spikey armbands, baggy black combat shorts/pants, and metal and rock band t-shirts! This outfit is simple enough. Black denim halter top, black denim shorts, black belt suspenders underneath the shorts for added flare on the legs, lacey stockings, and one of these badboys on each arm. Can't see them in the picture though!

What's the platform height on those? I could pull it off but I'd strain my neck trying to talk to people. I might be as tall as my SIL in those.

About 5-6 inches I think. So yeah, they add a considerable amount of height. These are gonna be incredibely useful at gigs. No more climbing on my friends backs to get a good view of the stage!
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