TehOh said:
This episode kind of cemented for me just how terrible a person that Kurt is.
- Yes, the bully was kind of creepy, but Kurt tried to GET HIM EXPELLED because he couldn't handle attention from another gay kid that he didn't choose to like.
- He made his newlywed parents give up their honeymoon because he wanted to go to a new school rather than deal with his problems.
- He got all of his friends to get in a massive fistfight
- Even after Sam got hurt, Kurt never thought to mention the truth about why he's so bothered by the bully.
I understand what Kurt is going through, but wow, he is just acting like a spoiled brat who would rather save face over NOT ruing somebody's life.
I think Murphy's aim is to make us care about Kurt, but the more this goes on, the more I think that Kurt is awful.
Also, I kinda feel bad for Finn. He's getting the shaft.
Oh come on, the guy is physically assaulting him and threatening him. It goes WAY beyond simply some unwanted attention.
He didn't WANT to go to a new school, his parents did what any parents would do in such a situation which is make their kids come first. They are very concerned, and rightly so, by the turn that bullying is getting. To be honest I found it very creepy in this episode.
Kurt is surely very afraid of the possible retribution, I don't think he's acting like a brat. He's been harassed, insulted, pushed and shoved and made feel horrible for WEEKS but the bully(ies?). He's just speaking out, which is exactly what most people that are victim of bullying don't do.
I think Finn represented well what the average person does in the face of bullying, ie nothing because they also fear retributions.
[edit] sorry didn't see the posts after yours
But anyway, I'm also not really utterly happy about this episode. I think Sue's bit was downright idiotic. I really really really didn't like it. It felt like something written just to get her some airtime.
I like her, but the marriage to herself was dumb imo.
Kurt storyline, well to be honest I expected it since I read recently Blaine was gonna be made a recurring character. So something had to happen. I'm also ambivalent about Kurt. I know the show is all about stereotypes and such, but sometimes he's
too stereotypical. Oh well, the wedding was kinda cute and I actually like Shu's song

The wedding did seem to happen really fast, but whatever frankly. The dancing bit at the beginning was fun although I don't know why they insist on making Finn sing.
Also Furt makes me think of Fart, LOL.
Quinn is so bland, even her singing. I don't care for her at all. I don't care at all for Emma either, so I was pretty happy she wasn't on the show.