Escape Goat
I'm beginning to think Krypt is Ryan Murphy. Holy crap son. Relax.
Teh Hamburglar said:I'm beginning to think Krypt is Ryan Murphy. Holy crap son. Relax.
We don't think you're delusional because you like the show.krypt0nian said:Nah, if he thinks I'm delusional because I like a show he doesn't fuck him. Now with the shiny ball shit. smh
BertramCooper said:We don't think you're delusional because you like the show.
We think you're delusional because you refuse to acknowledge that it's in any way flawed.
You're surprised that I'm calling you out when you've viciously attacked anyone who dares say anything ill of Glee? I'm merely scoffing at your ignorance.krypt0nian said:Where did I say that? Just like I supposedly atk anyone that doesn't like it? That was another of your failed theories.
Overall by a vast distance, I think the show is more positive than negative. I enjoy most parts every week. I watch it because it makes me happy.
You freaks watch it to bitch on the internet, then atk people for honestly enjoying something.
That's beyond pathetic. Then then for Fate to personally atk me, when he's supposed to be a friend....there are no words.
krypt0nian said:Where did I say that? Just like I supposedly atk anyone that doesn't like it? That was another of your failed theories.
.krypt0nian said:Plenty of people post criticism and I scroll past them.
ZephyrFate said:You're surprised that I'm calling you out when you've viciously attacked anyone who dares say anything ill of Glee? I'm merely scoffing at your ignorance.
BertramCooper said:
I don't have it, but iTunes says it's a minute and 11 seconds long. So I'm guessing that's the show version, but I don't know for sure.DMPrince said:how long is Trouty Mouth? is it just the show version or an extended one?
Now that I think about it, I could see someone like Santana turning Sex On Fire into something magical. Just thinking outside the box a bit, it doesn't always have to be Use Somebody that gets covered.dead souls said:I don't think that it would be possible to butcher a Kings of Leon song, since they are a pretty awful band. A Glee cover could only be an improvement.
The first season actually did some dramatic stuff rather nicely. The show in its earliest form focused very heavily on the feeling of isolation and hopelessness one feels when growing up in a small town and has big dreams. That's one of the things I miss about the show.Ignatz Mouse said:The show's most revolting moments, IMHO, are when it tries to do heavy drama or else when it focuses on Shu and pushes his behavior way past relatable or acceptable. Or when the pop songs are especially garbage.
I would be a troll if I didn't actually watch the show and then came in here bitching about how bad it is. A lot of people do that already, but I'm not one of them.Emonga said:Just add the sad little trolls like Bert and Zephyr to your ignore list if they bother you so much, guys. They only feed on your attention - ignore them and they will just whither away.
Oh man, you should look up the definition of trolling if you think I'm doing any such thing. Critiquing a show =/= trolling.Emonga said:Just add the sad little trolls like Bert and Zephyr to your ignore list if they bother you so much, guys. They only feed on your attention - ignore them and they will just whither away.
anaron said:Why are people so opposed to actual discussion? These threads are created to discuss the merits of said television show, not to endlessy circle-jerk its (apparent) inability to having flaws.
See FanDumb: The Willfully Blind
I really don't understand why you're acting like such a petulant little asshole.krypt0nian said:Way to miss the point. Excellent job.
BertramCooper said:bwahBWAHHHbwahbwahbwahaBWAH. </Peanuts Teacher>
anaron said:Way to miss the point. Excellent job
You're saying this after completely missing anaron's point. You actually don't care about any objective discussion of the show. It stifles this thread and makes people hate the show more.krypt0nian said:Way to miss the point. Excellent job.
And frightens many that come into this thread. I do not watch the show on a regular basis anymore, but pop in to keep up and occasionally share news. The last two pages of this thread are just reminding me of how a Lost thread would get sometimes. There are some here that are having active, thoughtful discussion, but there are also many that are just constantly beating the same drum ad nauseam. Just makes me think if Einstein's definition of insanity.ZephyrFate said:You're saying this after completely missing anaron's point. You actually don't care about any objective discussion of the show. It stifles this thread and makes people hate the show more.
ZephyrFate said:You're saying this after completely missing anaron's point. You actually don't care about any objective discussion of the show. It stifles this thread and makes people hate the show more.
I know it just pains you to be wrong, you know... ever (and you should really work on that because humility is a virtue), but you conflate criticism of each episode to be equivalent to hating the show. There's a fine difference and you seem to just blend them together when they are not mutually exclusive.krypt0nian said:How is it objective to watch a show you admittedly hate week after week then run here to tell everyone how horrible it is? Then do it all over next week? It's called shitting on the thread.
Plenty of people post flaws but still enjoy the show overall. There's nothing wrong with that. No one is trying to stop negative comments here or anywhere on GAF.
I totally got anaron's point. But he was incorrect in this case.
You claim I "shit up the thread" with my critcisim, but I ask you again, what exactly have you contributed?krypt0nian said:How is it objective to watch a show you admittedly hate week after week then run here to tell everyone how horrible it is? Then do it all over next week? It's called shitting on the thread.
krypt0nian said:Would you like me to quote myself the vast number of times I explained that I don't care if people hate the show, that I rarely even debate them? Would you then like me to quote myself exposing that it's the few tools here that watch a show they obviously hate and have vocally said so, only to week after week show up to bitch here? (which several people agree with)
You said I oppose critics of the show, which means you missed the whole point. I ridicule Bertram as that's all he deserves here.
ZephyrFate said:I would hope that flaming stereotypes are NOT the types of gay characters that 'help' kids. Characters like Blaine, given any actual realistic traits, would be better suited.
Brittany S. PierceTeh Hamburglar said:"Stop the violence." ~ Britney Pierce
Brittany S. Pierce-Lopez when Santana and she get marriedPhoncipleBone said:Brittany S. Pierce
wow, that's a better representation of how he sings than any Glee auto-tuned thingEmonga said:I just found out Darren Criss has a new single out. It's completely adorable. Perfect song for the spring.
Emonga said:Brittany S. Pierce-Lopez when Santana and she get married
Mumei said:That said, Kurt isn't really a positive portrayal of a flaming gay kid, anyway.
And the wild inconsistency between episodes. Sometimes they are firing on all cylinders, and the show is glorious then.BertramCooper said:I'll give credit where credit is due - Brittany is still pretty damn funny.
I got a good giggle at "I don't even remember putting that in there."
What's frustrating is that they get many of the little things right. It's the big picture where everything gets screwy.
TheChaos said:He really isn't. He's very petty and self-absorbed. Then again every single student in that club (with the exception of that Asian dancer kid) is a huge fucking tool.
krypt0nian said:
Woot! Gwyneth returns next season! Plus, they're doing an Album themed show(!) and Kristin Chenoweths April Rhodes will be back!
But it was completely out of left field.Koodo said:Oh, and Blaine and Kurt's hookup was sweet, though Kurt is still a nasty bitch.
I think you forgot to shut off portions of your frontal lobe. I've started doing this.BertramCooper said:But it was completely out of left field.
For weeks and weeks, they'd established that Blaine was interested in Kurt in a strictly platonic sense. Hell, he was more attracted to Rachel, for chrissakes.
And then after one single song to a dead bird, he falls head over heels for him. Ridiculous.
I'm starting to think krypt0nian is writing the show.Koodo said:I think you forgot to shut off portions of your frontal lobe. I've started doing this.
Maybe there should be an advisory sign before every episode.