Couple of things to note from the Midnight Screenings video:
* The blogger that got cancer returns, she managed to pray herself into remission.
* The Chinese guy who converted to Christianity gets slapped and disowned by his father for converting.
* The court case is about a professor who preaches to one of her students outside of class.
* The villains are the ACLU, who wish to use this court case to prove that God is Dead.
* They prove that Jesus existed... using verses from the Bible.
* At one point, the government forces pastors to submit their sermons from the past three months, with the implication that the government wants to censor them.
* The closing argument is about how if the professor loses the court case, this will be a slippery slope leading to Christians around the country being rounded up and executed. This convinces the jury that God's Not Dead.
And most shocking, there was a trailer for a PureFlix movie... about Columbine. Holy shit.