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God of War Ascension |OT| Gods up, Foes down


Doesn't make sense for weapon upgrade trophies that's for sure. Nor the combo one. Some decisions are a bit baffling.

Because of the neutered combat, getting the 1000 hit combo trophy was very very disappointing because there's no part in the game where you could get it from enemies. Sure you always had to cheese it but this time around you have to use a special ability on a rock that racks up your combo meter for some reason for 5 minutes...

Endo Punk

The story really is terrible :\ And to think I was expecting it to be better than GOW1. That game portrays his humanity and flaws far more effectively than Ascension, everything felt forced here and tiresome here. Im not a hater I really dig the trilogy but if this game didn't exist nothing would have been a miss, like UC3 I felt this game was simply made to use the leftover ideas and mechanics and then story stretched around them. Kratos deserved better.

Next Gen I really wish Sony convinces Jaffe to come back and let him work his magic on the narrative and pacing of the 4th adventure. I don't think SSM have it in them anymore. Seriously GOWA felt like a parody of the GOW formula, it is really getting stale now.
Ok, I just finished GOW: A on hard mode just a few moments ago and I really REALLY want to share my points with this game:

  • First off, the reception of this game was more than dissuading enough to put me or any one off. Ironically, it is the "Trial of Archimedes" that really piqued my interest more than anything and I immediately bought the game on a whim. I really hoped that the reception was just over-reacting [what with all the low scores and everything?]. It really cannot be that BAD, boy was I so wrong.

  • I would like to say that this game beats GOWIII in spectacle and visual quality - the LAST boss fight is a testament to this and you won't convince me otherwise. This is the ONLY complement this game will ever get from me. EVER.

  • The combat system is new which completely writes this off as just another "god of war" game. Sadly, such presupposition leads to an extremely poor balance of gameplay. Honestly, I really have no issues with this new take but it does a piss poor job of trying to orient old and new GOW players alike. While this combat system REWARDS strategy over button-mashing, it severely lacks polish and only very few scenarios does one see the benefits of the change.

  • Many-a-time I feel like I was fighting the game design rather than the enemies it also encompasses some of the CHEAPEST shots I've ever encountered in an action game... IT. IS. RIDICULOUS. Every hour that passed by only made me worried for the dreaded "trial" that would come. Boss fights are unusually easy with your typical attack pattern but with some frame-rate issues. I was hoping a more refinement engine and a 3 year dev time could offset such problems but sadly this is not the case. I fear they've spent most of their effort on the first hour followed by the last boss, everything else in between is just combat "filler" - and it shows.

  • To further emphasize my disdain for the combat system, you can tell the block & PARRY are mere afterthoughts as it is nearly impossible to utilize them in a consistent manner. This did not complement the new combat mechanic as it completely destroys and flow and rhythm of your combat. (Does SSM playtest this shit?) The one mechanic that could literally be the saving grace of this atrocious combat system and they fuck it up. Your recuperation absolute DOGSHIT , the enemies are unusually aggressive with a massive amount of damage resistance add to this fact that some of them have life-threatening combos to where YOU CANNOT RECOVER from. AND WHAT'S WORSE IS THAT 2 OR 3 OTHER ENEMIES CAN UTILIZE SAID COMBO OVERLAYED ON TOP OF THE PREVIOUS ONE CAUSING YOU TO LOSE SUBSTANTIAL HEALTH IN A FEW SECONDS. OH, AND THIS APPLIES TO AUTO-TARGET ELEMENTAL ATTACKS AS WELL. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK? It makes me so ANGRY just thinking about it.

  • The parry system is worthy of an absolute facepalm in itself. There is no tutorial for this shit other than looking through a menu and never tells you when it can be utilized. IT IS ALSO THE MOST SELF-DESTRUCTIVE SKILL - I ADVISE YOU - DO NOT USE THIS FUCKING SHIT!!! This is how the parry works: you press L1 + X, you will notice a barrier in front of you signaling the activation if successful, you will immediately disorient an enemy. This doesn't seem so bad, only that if you miss.... you activate your "kick me" sign that what follows would make you so ashamed of yourself after a massive amount of asshurt that will be delivered soon after. To make matters worse, this particular skill ONLY works to the one directly attacking you - any one included in this massive gangbang scenario will be severely unaffected in which case move back one square and activate the asshurt remark.

  • By the way. You. cannot. use. this. skill. while. the. enemy. attacks.

    That's right, the only way you can successfully use this is when you PREDICT when the enemy attacks with pinpoint accuracy. It is extremely difficult to pull off with just ONE enemy and you can see how asinine the rules apply when 2 or MORE enemies come into the foray. So while you may predict the 2nd enemy or even the 3rd strike - as long as first enemy continues his attack, activation is IMPOSSIBLE.

  • Upgrading your weapons only introduces new skills. It does NOT make them stronger (at least from what I've played). The bug enemies take just as much damage from the beginning of the game regardless of if your BoC is maxed out or not. The only sustainable way of delivering powerful blows is when you build up your rage meter to deliver devastating moves. Because it is more tactical based, this type of feature will only work with "button-mashing" scenarios. This particular combat type? Forget it. One hit and that's all it takes to disable 90% of your strongest attacks.

  • Crowd control? Almost non existent. You need to MAX out your elemental blades to even activate their specific magic attack and even then all it does is keep you from getting hurt (By the time you do this you are already near the end of the game /facepalm). As mentioned, your recuperating time is so bad that if an enemy placed a well made attack AFTER the magic finishes up you suffer the same penalty as that of the said parry description. No blocking or dodging. The tethering thing only works in a very wide area and is the closest thing to an anti-riot instrument. Sadly, this only works in wide area scenarios and if the event that such area does exist, you get tether-immune enemies for the lolz. Well done SSM *slow claps*.

  • Dodging is like jack-in-the-box. Sometimes you get hit, sometimes you don't. The fact the dodge has insane delay before initiated really gets me in these games, for this particular one for instance it's designed to work against you. Even if you did dodge "successfully" many enemies have a very wide attack range that by the time you do roll out of "the way" you only open your self up to the very same vulnerability you get from the parry scenario.

  • Specialized sklils is your only saving grace for this game but it is not without it's fair share of the problems. For one, these do NOT work the way you want it to. The game already has it's unfair share of aggressive enemy attacks and these tools are the ONLY ones that could deliver a breather. These "skills" are activated by holding the L2 followed by any of the face buttons (with exception of the X). The problem is that these have very SHORT range to utilize and it opens you up for vulnerability if it doesn't execute well enough. And to think these is the ONLY tools that can can even the odds of the "Trial" and it's still frustrating to pull off.

  • Finally, I've arrived that the legendary "trial". I was supposedly ready, I've seen all that was bad in this game. 1 and a half-hour later, I NOW see why so many have difficulties in this mode. Simply apply EVERY COMBAT DESCRIPTION from this list and that is what you have to deal with in the first round. If by some miracle you did pass this one, the rest is defined on how many more magic attacks you have reserved.

Here's my review:

Even in my angered state, I can still see that this game is a victim of having too many good ideas that does not compliment together. Yes, the new combat system's issue isn't that it's BAD, it's just poorly delivered. The set-pieces all have potential but they are never executed well enough to wow the player. Sometimes it's too short, or the constant barrage of nonsensical QTE's and overused GOW tropes as visual compensation to the player. The levels are uninsipired and lacks personality. It is as if SSM took the "didn't-get-to-use-these-assets-from-previous-games" and jumbled them all in this game. The result is a mish mash of levels attached together for the player to run and kill around.

Puzzles are not too bad by any stretch of the imagination but the poor level design only makes it a chore rather than a self-rewarding progression. Many of which has something to do with repairing/decaying certain devices and platforms. Boss battles are unmemorable, with only the OPENING and ENDING that is worth mentioning. But even then, they fall victim to camera design and ends up ruining the spectacle.

Camera issues work against the player with so many ways it's almost disorienting. Even playing on a 42" OLED screen, I keep losing sight on Kratos always only noticing a declining health bar because I was looking at the wrong side of the screen. Even at times when the camera does "behave", the coloring and levels make it difficult only serve to make Kratos blend into it which can cause massive frustrations when dealing with multiple enemy encounters.

Frame-rate jars in strange scenarios, some in cutscenes when nothing significant is happening, others at boss-fights or engine-stress levels. This work against the player since the combat does require low-latency input to help deal with the enemies, the fact that the block and dodge STILL requires a delay before activating only serves to destroy the rhythm and flow of a perfectly planned combo.

If one reads this review, one can surmise that many of these issues is something one can observe in "early" console releases. SSM released GOWIII that is significantly more polish than most built up engine sequels. To see them fall from grace like this is disheartening. It is sad that 3 years of development time on top of an already built engine deliver such lackluster results. Uncharted 1 to 2 was the exact opposite, everything from graphics, gameplay, set-pieces and polish clearly show when the foundation tech is already built in place with well designed multiplayer ON TOP OF THAT. It's no surprise one have very similar expectations to GOW: A. One wonders what went wrong as time, budget and SKILL was on SSM side.

The problem with this game is that they tried to "outdo" GOWIII with scale and presentation, leaving the rest to dust. With a prequel, this is already difficult to achieve as the themes simply would not allow such a scenario to exist. One can only imagine if GOW: A and GOWIII switched roles with GOWIII signifying as the "swansong" of the PS3's action title. This would explain why the story and gameplay suffers, the tried to force something new and at the same time trying to use the same mechanics for old. Enemies are clearly a copy/paste job from the previous game with most of the effort reserved for wide-spectacle events for QTE's. This is something many fans could easily predict or allude to based on GOW3 alone.

SSM had one chance to throw a curve ball and actually go "conservative" for once. Had there been more focus on achieving 60fps and a more refined combat system even a the cost of "cinematic" QTE's and titan sized boss fights, I wouldn't have minded that. AT ALL. It makes absolute sense that a pre-GOW Kratos will not outdo his exploits in the original trilogy. Afraid that they decided to play safe and failed to design their game around that part.

Even if I did decide to like it as it is, there is NO REASON why the game's engine is performing the way it does. I expected more from a refined engine other than graphics and spectacle, with many bugs and SOUND issues destroys any immersion I've had for this game.

To wrap things up, if this was a spring roll, it would be one the nastiest and tasteless ones out there. It is if they believe mixing good ingredients regardless if they complement each other or not would make for a very well tasting snack. It doesn't, and so does this game. And all the grandeur is lost. If this is the what the franchise is headed to than there is NO hope for this game. It is a victim of it's own success and this game tried so hard to sustain it. Unless the next GOW entails a brand new story with an even stronger/angrier Kratos, I simply lack the motivation to buy another one. I really tried to like this game, but all it did is made me the player more furious than Kratos at his peak. Personally, I believe the franchise is already burnt out and only a reboot could save it as this point.
Doesn't make sense for weapon upgrade trophies that's for sure. Nor the combo one. Some decisions are a bit baffling.

In new game + you can activate the item that gives you 10x the number of red orbs; this would allow you to upgrade everything rather easily. I think it would be better if they simply disabled trophies when you enabled items.


Ok, I just finished GOW: A on hard mode just a few moments ago and I really REALLY want to share my points with this game: The truth of the gods

Basically everything I said 20 pages ago, so I wholly agree. But I disagree on the level design and puzzles, it's some of the best in the series and the reason why it all doesn't seem to 'fit' is because SSM's little timeline jumping idea backfired on them. The bossfights were actually very good aside from the lame Manticore, but they were definitely better then most in the series.

I got that trophy in the spot of the furnace that had flame on both sides. Just used my lightning magic and kept on doing air combos. Thought it was pretty easy.

Good point, I didn't have that element maxed out yet though, only had fire and ice.


Because of the neutered combat, getting the 1000 hit combo trophy was very very disappointing because there's no part in the game where you could get it from enemies. Sure you always had to cheese it but this time around you have to use a special ability on a rock that racks up your combo meter for some reason for 5 minutes...

I got that trophy in the spot of the furnace that had flame on both sides. Just used my lightning magic and kept on doing air combos. Thought it was pretty easy.
Basically everything I said 20 pages ago, so I wholly agree. But I disagree on the level design and puzzles, it's some of the best in the series and the reason why it all doesn't seem to 'fit' is because SSM's little timeline jumping idea backfired on them.

Actually, SSM does have the tools to make these some of the best puzzles in the game. It somehow falls flat for me mainly because it's there because it's "conveniently" needed. I also failed to point out that the some of these LifeCycle puzzles are so jarring. I simply don't understand why they had to illuminate Kratos when activation is not necessary at his position, I very much prefer the shining spot at the E3 demo.

The bossfights were actually very good aside from the lame Manticore, but they were definitely better then most in the series.

They are ironically more pattern based than the standard enemy counterparts making them the least troublesome enemies in the game. GOW3 had some of the toughest bosses especially on titan. I actually have more problems fighting sirens than the final boss, which is quite telling. It's seems they've learned nothing from GOW3.
the story is extremely terrible, I am inside the Delphi's temple with the green gas everywhere, and I don't even know what the the heck I am doing in here.

Setting resources for the multiplayer was an extremely bad idea IMO


benevolent sexism

I read all your bullet points and I agree with a lot of what you said. I was feeling much the same way my first time through. My second time through (on hard) I had adapted to the combat system and I had more fun, even though I couldn't play exactly how I wanted.

But that's always been the case in GOW games for me. They give you all these moves and very few opportunities to use them because enemies cut through your combos and specials at will. In that sense, the combat didn't seem that different to me, and my major disappointment stemmed from my expectations that it would be very different this time because of all the minor changes to the move set and elemental powers and all that.

One thing I almost never had a problem with was dodging, because since GOW1 I've been using the roll cancel technique to avoid damage in clusterfuck situations. Just tap weak attack while rolling and you can roll again immediately without recovery, ad infinatum. I'm not sure if that's common knowledge for anyone other than die-hard GOW players.


the story is extremely terrible, I am inside the Delphi's temple with the green gas everywhere, and I don't even know what the the heck I am doing in here.

Setting resources for the multiplayer was an extremely bad idea IMO
Yeah they messed up with the 'point' of the game. This is closer to "Kratos goes on a adventure" then anything else/

Actually, SSM does have the tools to make these some of the best puzzles in the game. It somehow falls flat for me mainly because it's there because it's "conveniently" needed. I also failed to point out that the some of these LifeCycle puzzles are so jarring. I simply don't understand why they had to illuminate Kratos when activation is not necessary at his position, I very much prefer the shining spot at the E3 demo.

They are ironically more pattern based than the standard enemy counterparts making them the least troublesome enemies in the game. GOW3 had some of the toughest bosses especially on titan. I actually have more problems fighting sirens than the final boss, which is quite telling. It's seems they've learned nothing from GOW3.

Least troublesome, most fun is how I found it. The Castor fight, though pretty random
here's some old dude in a temple with powers, now kick his ass because HE STANDS IN KRATOS' WAY
. To me there are no worse boss fights then the kraken in 2 and the scorpion in 3. All were completely random out of the blue fights that were lame(2) and were super hard(3, I remember it completely halting my titan playthrough).

Just tap weak attack while rolling and you can roll again immediately without recovery, ad infinatum. I'm not sure if that's common knowledge for anyone other than die-hard GOW players.

It was always a little trick but not once was it ever NEEDED, this time I HAD to use it because the delay recovery on the roll is just crazy bad.


Ok, I just finished GOW: A on hard mode just a few moments ago and I really REALLY want to share my points with this game:

  • Many-a-time I feel like I was fighting the game design rather than the enemies it also encompasses some of the CHEAPEST shots I've ever encountered in an action game... IT. IS. RIDICULOUS. Every hour that passed by only made me worried for the dreaded "trial" that would come. Boss fights are unusually easy with your typical attack pattern but with some frame-rate issues. I was hoping a more refinement engine and a 3 year dev time could offset such problems but sadly this is not the case. I fear they've spent most of their effort on the first hour followed by the last boss, everything else in between is just combat "filler" - and it shows.

  • To further emphasize my disdain for the combat system, you can tell the block & PARRY are mere afterthoughts as it is nearly impossible to utilize them in a consistent manner. This did not complement the new combat mechanic as it completely destroys and flow and rhythm of your combat. (Does SSM playtest this shit?) The one mechanic that could literally be the saving grace of this atrocious combat system and they fuck it up. Your recuperation absolute DOGSHIT , the enemies are unusually aggressive with a massive amount of damage resistance add to this fact that some of them have life-threatening combos to where YOU CANNOT RECOVER from. AND WHAT'S WORSE IS THAT 2 OR 3 OTHER ENEMIES CAN UTILIZE SAID COMBO OVERLAYED ON TOP OF THE PREVIOUS ONE CAUSING YOU TO LOSE SUBSTANTIAL HEALTH IN A FEW SECONDS. OH, AND THIS APPLIES TO AUTO-TARGET ELEMENTAL ATTACKS AS WELL. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK? It makes me so ANGRY just thinking about it.

  • The parry system is worthy of an absolute facepalm in itself. There is no tutorial for this shit other than looking through a menu and never tells you when it can be utilized. IT IS ALSO THE MOST SELF-DESTRUCTIVE SKILL - I ADVISE YOU - DO NOT USE THIS FUCKING SHIT!!! This is how the parry works: you press L1 + X, you will notice a barrier in front of you signaling the activation if successful, you will immediately disorient an enemy. This doesn't seem so bad, only that if you miss.... you activate your "kick me" sign that what follows would make you so ashamed of yourself after a massive amount of asshurt that will be delivered soon after. To make matters worse, this particular skill ONLY works to the one directly attacking you - any one included in this massive gangbang scenario will be severely unaffected in which case move back one square and activate the asshurt remark.

  • By the way. You. cannot. use. this. skill. while. the. enemy. attacks.

    That's right, the only way you can successfully use this is when you PREDICT when the enemy attacks with pinpoint accuracy. It is extremely difficult to pull off with just ONE enemy and you can see how asinine the rules apply when 2 or MORE enemies come into the foray. So while you may predict the 2nd enemy or even the 3rd strike - as long as first enemy continues his attack, activation is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Wow, all those complaints about the parry mechanic? The parry mechanic is my favorite addition into this game. Because now, you can't just fuzzy block like in GOW1,2,3 and get a free counter. You have to COMMIT. It adds a lot more strategy and it feels more like a fighting game too. It's like playing an akido character where there is a legitimate risk reward system present. Before you could just fuzzy block without any risk really, but now there you have to use it carefully. And the reward for actually landing one is also far better than previous iterations. Now when the opponents are stunned from a successful (with the white marker flashing above their heads) you obtain a free grab that does massive damage and clears the crowd. I loved it since now it makes the fights way more intense and challenging. Sure I died when I mistimed it, but the checkpoint system in the game is so forgiving that I wasn't frustrated at all since it is was my fault.

  • Upgrading your weapons only introduces new skills. It does NOT make them stronger (at least from what I've played). The bug enemies take just as much damage from the beginning of the game regardless of if your BoC is maxed out or not. The only sustainable way of delivering powerful blows is when you build up your rage meter to deliver devastating moves. Because it is more tactical based, this type of feature will only work with "button-mashing" scenarios. This particular combat type? Forget it. One hit and that's all it takes to disable 90% of your strongest attacks.

    False, your damage does get buffed. And another thing about the rage meter, like you say it far less mash friendly since before you could just do the extremely long chain attacks with your back turned in the corner and turn around do that massive damage finisher on an enemy like in the previous games. Regardless it's a really well done mechanic where you are again rewarded with skillful play by getting access to a brand new movelist. And simultaneously it combines with the ability to give you the CHOICE of whether or not you want health, magic, experience, or rage orbs depending on which element you have equipped with the L3+R3 stun to finish off the enemy. Combined with the fact that all these elements were usable in real time at any point this was one of the funnest aspects of the combat, what I like the most about it was how the game let me play the way I wanted rather than forcing me to play a certain way.

  • Crowd control? Almost non existent. You need to MAX out your elemental blades to even activate their specific magic attack and even then all it does is keep you from getting hurt (By the time you do this you are already near the end of the game /facepalm). As mentioned, your recuperating time is so bad that if an enemy placed a well made attack AFTER the magic finishes up you suffer the same penalty as that of the said parry description. No blocking or dodging. The tethering thing only works in a very wide area and is the closest thing to an anti-riot instrument. Sadly, this only works in wide area scenarios and if the event that such area does exist, you get tether-immune enemies for the lolz. Well done SSM *slow claps*.

    While you are waiting to max out your other magics (which honestly were not that hard since the game gave you an EXP treasure chest ever 10 min) you could have used your default ones. And I have no idea what you mean by an enemy attacking after you've completed. You're not vulnerable after a magic attack. You can always block right after or even dodge. But that's still something you can only use in a limited amount from the amount of meter you have. The game does offer MANY other ways to handle crowds. One of them is the Amulet of Uroboros. This is an integral mechanic in the game and people should be using it a lot more. You can use it as much as you want as long as you wait for the cooldown. It is also an area of effect where any neighboring enemies of the one you've targeted is also slowed down. Attacking them in their inanimate state builds your rage bar to help setup for the L3+R3 rage attack. Hades element version works great with crowd control while the water/electricity ones are better for narrow corridors instances. The 3rd method is definitely the use of secondary weapons. This is another one of my favorite additions to the combat where for one thing, they contribute in magnitudes for building your rage meter, but secondly sacrificing those secondary weapons by throwing them at your enemies STUNS in an area of effect style. In a crowd scenario, they work WONDERS but I refrained from using them too much since despite is use because they were too much fun to use as an extra melee weapon and the variety it provided. And lastly, even though you get this 2/3 of the way in the game, Orkos's stone is also an AMAZING crowd control mechanic that has cooldown just like Uroboros and it also Juggles your enemies.

  • Dodging is like jack-in-the-box. Sometimes you get hit, sometimes you don't. The fact the dodge has insane delay before initiated really gets me in these games, for this particular one for instance it's designed to work against you. Even if you did dodge "successfully" many enemies have a very wide attack range that by the time you do roll out of "the way" you only open your self up to the very same vulnerability you get from the parry scenario.

    Again the game isn't mash and dodge and fuzzy block to win like your previous god of war games. This one is integral so you have to be mindful of your environment that you're not dodging into the wall or into the range of your enemy's attack. I will say that the camera does hinder you once in a while but it's a problem that plagues all games in the genre. I WILL tell you this that GOW:A has far fewer camera problems than MGR:Revengeance.

  • Specialized sklils is your only saving grace for this game but it is not without it's fair share of the problems. For one, these do NOT work the way you want it to. The game already has it's unfair share of aggressive enemy attacks and these tools are the ONLY ones that could deliver a breather. These "skills" are activated by holding the L2 followed by any of the face buttons (with exception of the X). The problem is that these have very SHORT range to utilize and it opens you up for vulnerability if it doesn't execute well enough. And to think these is the ONLY tools that can can even the odds of the "Trial" and it's still frustrating to pull off.

    They're not meant to be abused, think of a fighting game an a massively damaging move, for example a shoryuken in Street Fighter. If your opponent blocks it it's death for you, so it's not meant to be a move that you use to throw out there. You DO you use them however, to end combo's or punish your enemies when they're vulnerable. However, these are VERY useful when your rage status is full since the ground pound at the end will then have an extra attack that staggers your opponents which also contributes to the crowd control aspect you were complaining about earlier. The game has a bunch of tools, but you use them in conjunction with their advantages and disadvantages. I mean, if you played DMC3 think of these moves like the lvl.3 Cerebrus R1+b+O move. It's a move you can't simply throw out in the open and it's risky but the reward is there for you in case you land it.

  • Finally, I've arrived that the legendary "trial". I was supposedly ready, I've seen all that was bad in this game. 1 and a half-hour later, I NOW see why so many have difficulties in this mode. Simply apply EVERY COMBAT DESCRIPTION from this list and that is what you have to deal with in the first round. If by some miracle you did pass this one, the rest is defined on how many more magic attacks you have reserved.

The only real challenge was that I had to parry the Medusa's unblockable grab where they try to squeeze you. So you had to be really vigilant and familiar of the animation of when they come at you for it. Other than that, all you had to do was block & punish, and use the dodge when the medusa's did their stare or when the sirens did their scream. It also helps if you saved a secondary weapon handy. Also, by then I had everything maxed out anyway. Again, in these parts I used every mechanic available and I loved it for the challenge and how the game provided for me a bunch of tools to overcome the challenge. Yes the medusa part was hard since I knew I had to eat those grapples or get stunned by the screams and lose some health. HOWEVER the next section was pretty easy with those harpies allowing you to fill your rage meter pretty quickly. And then with my rage meter filled I could use the L3+R3 attack with Hades to kill the harpees and get my health back. And as for those avatar girls... just block and punish and use Okos's stone to juggle them and do damage, and when you grab them to kill them, they too will give you some health to regenerate. It shows that SSM balanced that section to allow for you to recouperate the health after the relatively challenging first section. When the mallet wielding statue comes, I still had at least half of my magic bar still there to use the water magic when he was in that invulnerable state. Otherwise, again I ripped him apart by smartly alternating between Uroboros and Orkos's stone. And the last section was honestly pretty easy. Those enemies were mega free Orkos's stone. You could build your rage meter really fast and do massive damage as your shadow wrecks havok.

In all honesty, SSM did a fabulous job with the combat system in this game. That is the sole reason why GOW:A is easily the best God of War game that has ever been released for me despite not having the best narratives, epic boss battles or boss variety that some other GOW games take the crown in.


Not having your powers?
How did he get his powers back?
since the game shifts to and from the Hecatonchires and ends at that section how come Kratos is so powerless in the opening and gains all his powers just by standing there for a good 8-10 hours? lol
SSM has done a great disservice to the fans by promising this epic prequel with all their marketing fluff and at the end of the day it doesn't even come close to fully realising what an epic prequel this should have been,it's not the franchise which has gotten 'tired' it's the devs and Sony's greed to put in MP at the expense of the SP thinking it would sell more but in fact the complete opposite has happened in the UK so far,seriously all GoW games were an improvement over their predecessors on the same console in every area but this isn't.GoW:A was good but this is the first GoW which has left a bad taste in my mouth.

I think SSM forgot how New Game+ works: one of the main points of it is to not have the player search for health/magic upgrades again.
They have forgotten how to make fun storylines since GoW 2 as well.


15 pages while I was gone. @_@

The trials of Archimedes have not been patched yet right? Was away for a couple of days and auto-updater was on. I couldn't find anything on search, so hopefully they really weren't patched yet!

Edit: nevermind. Apparently the patch is only for the normal playthrough only and I am playing on hard.
I actually like the puzzly aspects of the game.
Now I got stumped by the first puzzle that got me stuck seriosuly:
Apollo's Eyes Puzzle
So I will plead guilty because I looked up on the net how to beat this one, LOL. I am ashamed to have felt the need to look at youtube for help but this one really got me.
Wow, all those complaints about the parry mechanic? The parry mechanic is my favorite addition into this game. Because now, you can't just fuzzy block like in GOW1,2,3 and get a free counter. You have to COMMIT. It adds a lot more strategy and it feels more like a fighting game too. It's like playing an akido character where there is a legitimate risk reward system present. Before you could just fuzzy block without any risk really, but now there you have to use it carefully. And the reward for actually landing one is also far better than previous iterations. Now when the opponents are stunned from a successful (with the white marker flashing above their heads) you obtain a free grab that does massive damage and clears the crowd. I loved it since now it makes the fights way more intense and challenging. Sure I died when I mistimed it, but the checkpoint system in the game is so forgiving that I wasn't frustrated at all since it is was my fault.

There's a huge difference between unconventional and downright faulty. I'm glad you find some actual use for it but it doesn't excuse the glaring issues at hand. Why can't I activate the parry while the enemy attacks is beyond me, even though you can DO THIS IN MULTIPLAYER! Is there risk/reward system behind it yes, but to me it doesn't justify the means. When I use it, it's best when dealing with least amount of enemies possible, it's nearly impractical on multiple enemy scenarios as I can hardly find the time to initiate parry especially when 3 or 4 enemies are striking you in succession (NOT AT THE SAME TIME). MGR is the opposite example, the parry is very similar to GOW except that the parry does have a longer time window as opposed to the predictive split second one before your parry is successful.

I also agree the parry does give you a free "grab" but I have seen multiple times where this is NOT the case which causes even more frustration. There was a Cerberus fight with the bug men where I wanted this to happen, even after a few times getting the parry to work, NO white halo was formed destroying any positive outlook for this particular move. But as I have stated before, I believe it is due to the fact that the game LACKS the combat polish rather than a design flaw in itself.

"While you are waiting to max out your other magics (which honestly were not that hard since the game gave you an EXP treasure chest ever 10 min) you could have used your default ones. And I have no idea what you mean by an enemy attacking after you've completed. You're not vulnerable after a magic attack. You can always block right after or even dodge. But that's still something you can only use in a limited amount from the amount of meter you have.

I've already stated in the beginning the only reason why I bought this game is to test out the infamous "trial". NATURALLY I would place all more orbs in the default weapon set which would be the BoC and the Ares weapon (as it is the only non-maxed weapon that can rage and magic). By the time I figured I could max out the entire arsenal before the trial I would've dispersed the orbs according to my playstyle. As for the post, I was pretty angry so forgive me for the lack of clarification. What I meant was after after you initiate a magick attack, there is a split second break where Kratos is incapable of blocking or dodging. Unfortunately some enemies recover extremely quickly from any magic attack and can (at times) attack you within that small window. I am a victim of this constantly especially at the "Trials" where both the Medusa's and their insane range attack and the auto-target lighting strike RIGHT after the magic ended causing many unnecessary deaths. The whole point of the magic is give temporary immunity from Kratos UNTIL he is capable of control.

The game does offer MANY other ways to handle crowds. One of them is the Amulet of Uroboros. This is an integral mechanic in the game and people should be using it a lot more. You can use it as much as you want as long as you wait for the cooldown. It is also an area of effect where any neighboring enemies of the one you've targeted is also slowed down. Attacking them in their inanimate state builds your rage bar to help setup for the L3+R3 rage attack. Hades element version works great with crowd control while the water/electricity ones are better for narrow corridors instances. The 3rd method is definitely the use of secondary weapons. This is another one of my favorite additions to the combat where for one thing, they contribute in magnitudes for building your rage meter, but secondly sacrificing those secondary weapons by throwing them at your enemies STUNS in an area of effect style. In a crowd scenario, they work WONDERS but I refrained from using them too much since despite is use because they were too much fun to use as an extra melee weapon and the variety it provided. And lastly, even though you get this 2/3 of the way in the game, Orkos's stone is also an AMAZING crowd control mechanic that has cooldown just like Uroboros and it also Juggles your enemies."

Which is why I say it's "almost" non-existent. By the time you DO have such items, it is already too far ahead in the game. The LifeCycle amulet has a ridiculously short range and can easily be missed if you go beyond it's intended range. The stone of Orkas does give some breathing room but just activating it only opens you up to attacks and does not activate immediately, sometimes it does not activate at all which I find very strange.
My playtrhough on normal ran fine, now I'm going through again on hard and holy shit it's riddled with bugs :S

Not sure whats going on but there's all sorts of audio and graphics glitches. I just had to restart a checkpoint in the Castor fight because the game wouldn't progress and now I've just started the cistern chapter and the camera is stuck and the Uroboros effects are all over the screen and won't go away - restarted the checkpoint, game everything and it won't go away. Tried backtracking and then progressing again and the screen clears but on my way back the camera just slams into the ground and I can't see anything and then Kratos dies... If I go to chapter select will the game just continue from that point? and i'll still get the trophy for hard??

Edit: Nope, it's fucked - even through chapter select it's like that...


Fuck the Trial of Archimedes on hard. The worst part is that the game won't allow me to lower the difficulty to normal so I can beat the fucking game. I'm no even gonna try anymore, just wait for the patch.
since the game shifts to and from the Hecatonchires and ends at that section how come Kratos is so powerless in the opening and gains all his powers just by standing there for a good 8-10 hours? lol
He's remembering that he has those powers. I think Magaera hints at it in the opening.

I had a little trouble with that too.

El Daniel

But why is Kratos serving the other gods after the end. Did I miss something? I guess to get rid of his nightmares but is that even mentioned in this game?


Like I keep telling people, you need to learn to juggle enemies in the air. Kratos is absolutely devastating mid-air in this game. Most regular enemies can't touch him while he's up there, and lots of bigger enemies will miss their attacks when you're at the right height.

It's safer to be on the ground when you're not surrounded by enemies. Also, for enemies that can be grabbed and thrown easily, Kratos is invincible during throw animations. So use that to your advantage.

Once you get a good amount of magic and the special L2 items, Kratos has all the tools he needs to handle anything briskly. This game just demands that you mix it up a little and use everything.
Not having your powers?

It's still a game. It's just the way the story's told, going back and forth through time to explain why Kratos had been captured by the Furies, and why he needs to kill them now. Could they have avoided this by telling the story from beginning to end? Yeah. But I liked the way it was told.

Would you rather Kratos have the powers for present day, only to strip you each time the game goes weeks back? It would interfere with gameplay continuity.


After all my bitching and moaning about the trials, I beat it late Saturday night.

Still think it's crap, but I managed to squeak by. Anyhow... The ending was pretty fab.
So can i ask a super stupid question, since I never saw the game mention and haven't found an answer online: Do elemental powers affect enemies certain elements? ie. do I want ice vs. ice, fire vs. ice, electricity vs. ?soul? Ya know? Or is it just to yield me different orb colors?


Fuck the Trial of Archimedes on hard. The worst part is that the game won't allow me to lower the difficulty to normal so I can beat the fucking game. I'm no even gonna try anymore, just wait for the patch.
While they should allow you to lower the difficulty, it's baffling to me how people are so outraged that they bit off more than they could chew by playing a game on hard first. People expect hard not to be hard now. lol

With God of War, I like to just soak in the experience and have fun during my first playthrough. Which is why I start on normal, then move to hard after that.
so is the patch that changes the Trail of Archimedes live yet? Is there any patch notes on what they changed exactly? People are saying it only affects normal mode?


So can i ask a super stupid question, since I never saw the game mention and haven't found an answer online: Do elemental powers affect enemies certain elements? ie. do I want ice vs. ice, fire vs. ice, electricity vs. ?soul? Ya know? Or is it just to yield me different orb colors?

No effect whatsoever.

About the different orbs, I haven't figured out how to actually get different coloured orbs out of enemies outside of QTE kills.
No effect whatsoever.

About the different orbs, I haven't figured out how to actually get different coloured orbs out of enemies outside of QTE kills.

heres a good explanation of how it works. Must be in Rage mode, and don't choose to do the L3+R3 thing. Also certain elemental modes gain rage meter much faster.

When you have your Rage meter filled the elementss effect kicks in. You can sacrifice your Rage meter for a special attack with L3+R3 or you can keep fighting with more powerful combos and the elemental effect. When you kill an enemy directly with the blades while with a full Rage meter you'll get the bonus. Grapple kills don't count.
heres a good explanation of how it works. Must be in Rage mode, and don't choose to do the L3+R3 thing. Also certain elemental modes gain rage meter much faster.

Much obliged - I feel like the game could have done a bit of a better job explaining this, but I suppose that's why we have GAF :)


I just found out that if you get petrified mid air you float for a while and you have enough time to escape. I like the instant death in past games more. You knew that you should never jump. IMO it should work the same way it works for enemies. Freeze faster but need more hits to die. Maybe add a qte that when done quickly is a guaranteed escape.


heres a good explanation of how it works. Must be in Rage mode, and don't choose to do the L3+R3 thing. Also certain elemental modes gain rage meter much faster.

RoboPlato said:
When you have your Rage meter filled the elementss effect kicks in. You can sacrifice your Rage meter for a special attack with L3+R3 or you can keep fighting with more powerful combos and the elemental effect. When you kill an enemy directly with the blades while with a full Rage meter you'll get the bonus. Grapple kills don't count.

This is one of my biggest gripes with this game. As it stands, if you're hit even once while rage capped, you lose all of your rage, and with it your ability to perform your most powerful combos and attacks (effectively locking you out of a really fulfilling, and satisfying aspect of these games). The penalty is just way too steep. It's why I prefer the combat in the previous games. I wasn't penalized, and locked out of performing my biggest attacks because an enemy happened to hit me once.
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