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God of War's Creator Thinks That the Character of Kratos Took a Wrong Turn


Gold Member

The best part is, i don't even remember ever interacting with this coke head loser on Twitter :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
They use ideological ban bots. So if you happen to follow someone on their curated ape shit "no no list," then it auto blocked you. Pussies.
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I liked Kratos in GOW 2018.
Old Kratos was fun but also very one note and while watching him take revenge over 3 games was fun, his story sort of felt finished and it was time for a change IMO.
Kratos in Ragnarok was pretty lame though. He just spends 30 hours going "War/Fighting" bad to the point he sort of went back to being one note, in a more boring way.

Also Atreus sucks.
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Loved the old games. Didn't really care for the new one.. I put it down after a few hours. I'm sure Kratos is part of that. Maybe I'll try it again one day.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Kratos was only a crazed killer in the original games because he was out for revenge.

In the 2018 reboot he's had his vengeance and now needs to focus on being a father.

It's character development.


Completelly agree. Kratos is this popular in Brazil because of his cold and vengefull attitude. It made him what he is, hence why people here loved him. He is basically living up to his tittle.

Now he can be basically resumed in a Sony ad saying he represents "love". I saw with my brother the ad on street and I find it extremelly cringe and ridiculous.
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People are saying it’s character development, it’s not.


Kratos was always a Dad of War, everything kicked off after he got tricked into killing his first family. They kept him tethered. It was hinted at his desire for family again in God of War 3 when he met Pandora.


That was the moment he actually softened up, and not 2018, but he still had a mission to do. When his mission was over he would have used that moment to get that feeling back by starting a new family.


But here’s the thing, Kratos is immortal, he’s said to be intentionally making his body look older for the sake of Loki. Loki isn’t immortal, eventually Kratos will lose him and when he does he will seek revenge and can revert back to his old look or another of his choosing if he pleases.
Do we need another family scenario again? NO.
Do we really need a generic "germaphobe" character? (Sindri) NO
The development and characters are surface level and thoughtless. You can put that strong father and weak son idea with any superhero or villain. It's the basic "What if the character has a family now", scenario. You can do it with anyone and write it the same way just dress it differently. GoW2018 is just standard family struggling checklist dressed in Greek Mythology. I don't care about real world problems they have. I care about the overall God of War.
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I agree and disagree with his points but some people need to understand it's his fucking baby whether they like it or not and so insulting the guy instead of countering his opinion with a well thought answer is just a sad thing to see.
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Scotty W

The truth is that God of War embodies the spirit of the New Atheist movement. The Greek gods from the originals are an allegorical cipher for Christianity.

When New Atheism was subverted by Marxism and became Woke, God of War simply followed suite.

God of War is and always has been regime propaganda, and this dude wants to go back to when atheism was fun.


Gold Member
Half baked as it was, this scene was still more emotional/impactful than any on the new games. (Imo)
The scene where Kratos was getting drawn towards the light from his now dead wife where Atreus had to stop him was pretty good. Especially the emotion on the face and musical score setting the tone.
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Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
God of War 2018 sold more than all the God of War games combined... but sure let's say it was the wrong turn.

Based on what objective measures was it the wrong turn?

It's funny how people always find a way to complain. Games get rehashed year in and year out... bad Games change and evolve... bad...


Dad of War and similar games, is what we get when too many western devs watch Road to Perdition, but fail to understand why that works for film, but not in games.



While I would consider Ragnorak an 8 compared to the 10 that was 2018 I hardly think it took a wrong turn. Actually I think it was brilliant the direction they took. Took a lot of balls to do what SSM did in 2018.

As for the story I would argue it was the passing of Fey that messed his head up and the relationship with Atreus was what happens.

Also you can't win these arguments and there is no point. The last few days the shills have more anti PS threads up than in a long while.

The Wolverine and SM threads are "these games are tired and need to die they're all the same"

SSM goes a different direction with Kratos and apparently he's a wuss now. Stay the same and get roasted, change and get roasted.


ragnarok's dad of war is as shallow and one note as the original character, the game just takes itself so fucking somberly and seriously that it bamboozles people into thinking it's somehow better and more mature despite being completely pathetic. the original is a grimdark edgelord who is at least fun, the new one is a "toxic masculinity is bad mmkay" soy puppet.

this is not so much the case with the 2018 character. 2018 as a game is worse than ragnarok, but as a story is more reasonable. a sort of what would happen if we took the cartoonishness of the original away but still treated the events seriously, how would he develop with a new family? a reluctance to get close to them, an attempt to bury his rage since he knows what ends it can lead him to, and finally a synthesis where he accepts his fury and channels it towards protection and devotion, accepting his newer son and knowing that sometimes it's necessary to defend what's important to him.

ragnarok kratos is just a straight up bitch compared to even the 2018 character, let alone the original.
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Maybe it appeals to the 30-50 year old fans this dad style game.

As a mid-thirties soon-to-be dad, yes Dad of Boy 2018 and Dad of Boy Ragnarok appealed to me quite a lot. I get that veteran GoW players may prefer the original angry Kratos, but his character evolution across the last two games was satisfying to me.

I see a lot of comments saying that Kratos becomes a helpless one-directional character in Ragnarok because he just chases around trying (and kinda failing) to control Atreus. I think people who think this are not parents. Parenthood naturally focuses almost your whole life on your child's upbringing and children often take their parents for a ride (willingly or not). So 2018 and Ragnarok stories felt natural to Kratos's arc.

You can argue whether making him a dad in the first place was a bad idea or not; there are merits to both sides of that; but once you take the direction of making him a dad, then i can relate to that feeling of helplessness that he seems to have as his son grows out of his control.
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I love the old kratos and kinda cool with 2018 version however Ragnorak kratos didn’t go well with me. I hope they dial back in the next game. I want to witness the god he was once was again in future. BTW, Jaffe is an attention wh***
Have not played the new GoW, but I disliked the character from his inception. He constantly whined about his own decision, wanting the consequences to just go away, being angry at everyone but himself and hurting anyone who stands in his selfish way, very similar like modern feminists. No Master chief expert either, but that helmet is at least just empty and boring like Gordon Freeman and not obnoxious.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Tbh, there's nothing much to write or narrate about an angry god of war


Gold Member
God this guy is such a bellend.. wasn't he the same one that was drumming up bad press about Sony because a few of his friends got laid off? 🤣


I think the best dramatic characters are the ones you can ask "What's your damage?.." That trauma, often self-inflicted, is driving force of a character.

So I think they did a good job with Kratos overall and his trajectory makes a lot of sense, however, now that he found some kind of inner peace, what's there to do with him? He can still have adventures but now motivation will be external, not internal, and this is never quite as interesting.

My issue is how boring they made Atreus. He's Loki, ffs, the character is right there! And yet he's very generic, straight-forward, emotionally driven character. He's a good foil for Kratos, but on his own he's just not fascinating, IMO, so I don't see him as very viable new protagonist who could replace Kratos.


New Kratos is a big cuckold. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with anger/vengeance being the primary motivator in a piece of fiction.

They’ve made him more generic and one dimensional with the faux ‘ogres have layers’ approach, even though their aim was the opposite.

He is the God of War. Not the God of Diplomacy and Feelings.
He's the god of hope now...



Covered by 80lvl.

Very very divided on this. Considering he's a former God of War dev, so he has earned his right to critique, but completely disagree with his views on the matter. We've seen Kratos evolve from a senseless monster to a really calm and reasonable person, and it's beautiful. Thoughts?

A “senseless monster” in a fucking video game? A man whose family was killed by the “Gods”? Sells his soul to kill Ares and avenge his family? Yeah, he’s just a “senseless monster” killing just to kill. Nobody did shit to him lol.

Fuck that I like the old Kratos better too.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If by out of touch you mean I don't let sales figures and glorified commercials retroactively dictate my opinion on things I have first-hand experience with, absolutely.

Edit: I have fat fingers today and cannot type on this fuckin phone

That's cool......just reminding you that your opinion is in the minority. Like a HUGE minority.
That's cool......just reminding you that your opinion is in the minority. Like a HUGE minority.
You're just paraphrasing what you already said. Why did you think it'd work the second time around? Saying the same thing in an even more smug and petulant fashion doesn't typically make people reconsider their views.
I loved the 2018 game a lot. Imo the perfect Kratos. In Ragnarok, he's is a side character in his own game I feel. Always understanding of others and telling everyone he meets to "lead the way". He says that at least a hundred times. Just having him do the "hmpf" all the time is not a deep character trait...

Play it for yourself, the games combat loop is what made me stick to it - the characterization of Kratos was a major let down. As has been a lot of the god awful mandatory parts with his son.

Edit. There are also two Kratos at play here, one is a beta cuck in every in game cut scene including the slow talk & walk sections and then there is the actual god of war in the game play portion of the game. Hes so very understanding of your feeling one moment than rips heads off of Trolls just like that. Its a bizarre combination.
A poster above me mentioned it, and it reminder me about that aspect and how it bothered me a lot in Ragnarok.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the plot and the relationship with his son is affecting his role in the story and game. If it makes sense then I'll be understanding. I'm not attached to the way his character used to be. I only care about quality stories and characters.

The first God of War made sense.

I know when I'm watching my friends with their kids, or observing them parent, they start to become side characters in these new little peoples lives.

It would make complete sense that this story isn't about Kratos anymore, but about his son. That Kratos is more there for guidance, and protection as his son finds his own way.

I imagine the next game will either be as Atreus or the last game played as Kratos.

I can't wait to judge it for myself.

Just waiting for it to come out on PC. Fingers crossed!
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