hey_it's_that_dog said:
If you're playing on Chaos mode, it's because you want it to be extremely hard. Why bother offering the change? You can't change it back to Chaos after that, can you?
What else would it change? Maybe I'm not understanding what you mean.
Once you go easy, you can't go back. Pretty pointless.
It would make sense for the game to ask if you want to go down one level. It's a bit silly to go from Chaos to Easy. (for example)
This whole feature stinks of vestige and last-gen thinking though. They should have updated it a bit.
Other complaints I have that are just niggles, but contribute to the overall refinement in thinking of a game:
- no chapter selection
- not knowing when auto-saving occurs
- having save points in general (have quicksave or savepoints, not both! man, that's stupid)
- screen after collecting 3 feathers/gorgon/minotaur horns is slow and rather plain
- can't skip cutscenes!
- retry after dying is way too slow. Look at Uncharted 2, the scene where the building collapses, you can play that again and again (by not jumping out the window) and it restarts instantaneously.
- no game plus
- sometimes the R1 prompt doesn't come up when you step into a save point.
After getting a platinum, I'm still not certain if the Godly possessions carry over from one game to the next. Or If they will survive if I delete all my saves. (I created a new file at every savepoint)
I wish these things were better thought out and more transparent. They all add up to making the game something I don't readily want to visit again.