Broken Arrow said:
I just died three times in Aphrodite's Chamber for gods sake!
I have only just died once in battle in the entire game so far, but have died 34 fucking times in stupid double jumping.
The platforming portion of this game is terrible. I died at least 20-50 times throughout the game because of poor angles, poor jumping mechanics, or it not being obvious how you jump there.
That being said I have just beat the game and this easily goes down in my book of the most engrossing storyline throughout 3 games that I've ever played.
ME1 and ME2 are two of my favorite games. I love the story the options etc in that trilogy but its got nothing on how intense GoW grabs you.
If you didn't play the first two, or only played one of them I HIGHLY recommend going on youtube and just watching all the cutscenes from game 1 and 2 before moving into 3. It will take you about 2 hours but it's so well worth it.
Another side note is that I can't convince myself to play any of these games on a difficulty above easy. Why? Because if I'm the god of fucking war I refuse to have to swing my swords at a scorpion 12 times to kill it. I've killed gods!@#! Also having scorpions or other peon trash mobs taking large amounts of health from you seems bogus as well. I've killed gods!
Overall 9.8/10 in my eyes.