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God of War III |OT|


Kind of how Ridley Scott is going for a prequel of sorts with Robin Hood, I think it would be awesome to play a prequel to the first God of War. Imagine fighting for the Spartan army and shit.:D


There were like 4 puzzles in this game, one of them was optional.

I don't consider the music box a puzzle, more like a time filler. The block puzzle in the Labyrinth was too easy to be considered one. And the portal puzzle should of been expanded upon in more areas.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Daedalus' shop puzzle was a really good demonstration of how the puzzle can be implemented on two levels. For basic progression forward it's simple, but if you want to collect an artifact, it requires extra steps and thinking. I hope Naughty Dog puzzle designers are looking at this carefully, as there's no excuse anymore ;-)
HYDE said:
Kind of how Ridley Scott is going for a prequel of sorts with Robin Hood, I think it would be awesome to play a prequel to the first God of War. Imagine fighting for the Spartan army and shit.:D

You mean like the PSP game
RustyNails said:
Still looks like Kratos to me (as a kid)
Exactly, may be a prequel for PSP2.
Sony did the same thing with Chains Of Olympus.


BattleMonkey said:
You mean like the PSP game

I've played this game to completion, I guess it's been a while.:lol

I'd love another PSP game, as well as maybe one or two DLCs.:D


Both Jaffe's and Corey's endings are SO MUCH BETTER.

Kratos becoming Death?

Kratos wrecking shit across continents?



DaCocoBrova said:
Puzzles? What puzzles?
The lack of puzzles in this game is the reason why it is the best GOW out of the three.

The first two games are incredibly tiresome to replay thanks to all the puzzles.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
-viper- said:
Both Jaffe's and Corey's endings are SO MUCH BETTER.

Kratos becoming Death?

Kratos wrecking shit across continents?


GoW II even has the 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds' quote as a secret message :lol


If I had to choose between Jaffe's ending and Barlog's, I think I would go with Jaffe's. I could just imagine Kratos beating down Thor and taking away his Mjöllnir hammer and just wrecking shit. :)


DaCocoBrova said:
Puzzles? What puzzles?

Well I was stuck in the Hades section,with the 2 hands you have to put in the clamps and all for a while,it`s a small puzzle I guess and you have to do it to progress.I`m ok now hehe,glad to hear there isn`t that many puzzles ;)


totally LTTP, but I played this badboy over the weekend - all the way to platinum infact - and damn was it a great ride. Read the last two pages of the thread and wished it had gone with the Jaffe ending...


Whelp I got this in form gamefly about a week ago or something, and I just wrapped it up. I gotta say I'm disappointed by the ending.

The Zeus fight went on for way too fucking long, it felt like it had three endings with all that crap. I really did like where you were able to wield the blades in first person, very badass, looked incredible. Now after that, not so much. Very disappointing with the Athena part after that. And what was the point of the after credits scene? All in all, it dragged on far too long and was way disjointed I guess. It just didn't do it for me.

It pisses me off because I freaking LOVED every boss fight in the game before Zeus against the gods and titans, they were incredible.
Going through serious GOW withdrawal.

I hope Sony releases some downloadable content that opens up new areas in the game.

I would love to fight Helios, make the Hermes fight challenging. Fight Artemis in the Olympic Gardens. etc...


I'm almost done the game... honestly it's like my least favorite in the series. Hopefully other folk are having more fun with it.


Noisepurge said:
Jaffe´s endings would have both been awesome. And i think there is still chance for them! I mean after the Spartans Stand Tall DLC :D

would be perfect timing w/ the thor movie hyping up norse mythology across mainstream. doubt it would happen though :p


Noisepurge said:
Jaffe´s endings would have both been awesome. And i think there is still chance for them! I mean after the Spartans Stand Tall DLC :D
Jaffe's isn't really an ending - it's an opening for a sequel. Barlogs is definitely an ending.


Zen said:
I'm almost done the game... honestly it's like my least favorite in the series. Hopefully other folk are having more fun with it.
I finished it a few days ago, and I'd definitely rank it third in the trilogy. The graphics are amazing and the combat is the best it's ever been, but the overall experience is just not as memorable as the previous games. It feels less like a journey and more like a bunch of random events strung together, and the locations and environments are just not as interesting in general. That's certainly not to say that GoW 3 doesn't have some fantastic moments, but nothing I experienced here really resonated with me. There were sequences from Gow 1 and 2 that I would still think about from time to time years later. Plus, the whole final stretch of the game felt forced and unearned. Not the end I was hoping for.

After beating the first two games, I immediately played through them a second time. With GoW 3, I just have no desire.


I like Stig's ending more than either of the other ones. I don't like the idea of Kratos going to slaughter other mythologies, I think it would be better to have completely new series of games with a new "Kratos-like" main character. Kratos becoming death sounds kind of odd, bet it would make more sense if we had some context. Of course it's hard to judge when you've only seen one actualized. The execution of the ending could've been a lot better though..

Oni Jazar

eshwaaz said:
I finished it a few days ago, and I'd definitely rank it third in the trilogy. The graphics are amazing and the combat is the best it's ever been, but the overall experience is just not as memorable as the previous games. It feels less like a journey and more like a bunch of random events strung together, and the locations and environments are just not as interesting in general. That's certainly not to say that GoW 3 doesn't have some fantastic moments, but nothing I experienced here really resonated with me. There were sequences from Gow 1 and 2 that I would still think about from time to time years later. Plus, the whole final stretch of the game felt forced and unearned. Not the end I was hoping for.

After beating the first two games, I immediately played through them a second time. With GoW 3, I just have no desire.

Sadly I agree. I had such high hopes after the Posideon battle but it never really picked up from there except for the
fight. It's still a very good game and a technical showcase for the PS3 but I wasn't enjoying myself as much as the first two and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I played 1 & 2 in GOW Collection and then moved straight to 3. Maybe it burned me out.

I hope if there is a next GOW they really switch things up. Four games with the exact same formula is enough.


Let's be honest, GoW2 had a sloppy story and left Stig with little to work with at the end of the game. Zeus was just a terrible character from the start of GoW2

I think GoW3 did struggle for lacking some really amazing environments like the first two. Hades and the mountain seemed like a good start. But the rest of the game turned out a little samey overall. Even Tartarus looked kind of like the destroyed world. Not a huge colour scheme towards the end


I always thought a great way to end the series would have been for Kratos to establish a monotheistic religion after destroying the pantheon, implying Kratos becomes the God of Abraham. That would be too controversial for a major corporation like Sony to ever consider, but it would make for a great ending.


Azrael said:
I always thought a great way to end the series would have been for Kratos to establish a monotheistic religion after destroying the pantheon, implying Kratos becomes the God of Abraham. That would be too controversial for a major corporation like Sony to ever consider, but it would make for a great ending.
Would've been contrived and made no real sense, I'm glad they didn't go down that road


Damn, I have hit a wall in this game hard in my quest for Platinum.
I'm at the last damn battle before Zeus, the last battle... and this Cerberus and Satyrs combo is wrecking me. :(
I've watched Youtube videos of people playing through this part to try and pick up some tips but no dice. I'm losing hope...


purple cobra said:
Damn, I have hit a wall in this game hard in my quest for Platinum.
I'm at the last damn battle before Zeus, the last battle... and this Cerberus and Satyrs combo is wrecking me. :(
I've watched Youtube videos of people playing through this part to try and pick up some tips but no dice. I'm losing hope...

I'm right here as well on my Titan run. Tips please!
just finished the game today and i gotta say... i... did not like it.

the controls and several glitches just killed it for me 100%. i simply could not enjoy the game, despite the fucking incredible presentation.

it went like this: i start the game on normal... get absolutely slaughtered by the first boss about 20 times in a row because i cant grasp the controls and the awkward jumping and dodging. pissed me off real bad. but i continued playing, hoping i would get used to it and get better... but im not getting better, almost every enemy kills me because they take like 200 hits to kill for some fucking reason i cannot understand, and when i finally manage to kill some 2 really hard enemies, the game decides to throw 3 more of them right at me from nowhere. and then i die another 20 times in a row. just utter frustration, so i give up and dont touch the game for a week or two because i dont want to lose my mind.

then eventually i decide get back to it, and im at the part where you fight
. he kills me about 20-30 times. my gf is watching and she sees me getting really upset and basically begs me to stop playing so our evening isn't ruined... but i refuse to give up so soon she goes to sleep and i somehow luck my way through the fight after another 10 or so tries, with no sense of accomplishment because none of my deaths felt like it was my fault. it really felt like it was the controls' fault, and the weird hit detection. horrible experience.

then again after a week's break or so, i continue on, suffering through frustrating platforming sequences (double jump DOES NOT WORK, i fucking press it twice and Kratos still falls to his death half the time! drives me nuts) and non-boss enemies that take hundreds of hits and so on. i've almost given up on the game totally and im not sure if i want to finish it, but i realize that im almost through the game (i think i was at the
or something) so i just decide to quit and finish it later, give it that one last chance...

so much later, the last session.... oh my god. seriously. the glitches. what the hell, in a game this high profile?! i dont even know where to start, but lets take the
fight. this shit is unbelievable. i fight it for god knows how long and then i finally make progress and im feeling pretty good and certain that im gonna win... and then what...Kratos gets stuck inside the boss' character model and i cant move, and then suddenly Kratos just falls through the floor, all the way through the giant box, and DIES. i fell through geometry and failed, for NO REASON, just when i was making progress against a fucking hard as hell enemy that keeps spawning these annoying little shits at me. ARGH. i cannot take glitches like that well, at all. but oh well, it didnt take even 10 more retries so i guess i didnt waste too much time.

and then the next fun glitch... i dont remember if it was before that previous one or after. anyway, one of those sequences where you have to fly in a tube. well, Kratos gets stuck on the wall and glitches through geometry, and for some reason obviously SKIPS a part of the sequence, i have no idea what i missed. highly annoying, but not too serious i guess. couldnt be arsed to reload an earlier checkpoint and see what i missed, probably nothing special. a little later Kratos is in a climbing stance about to climb up, but he always glitches back lower right when im about to reach the top, so i cant progress, only thing i can do is drop down and kill myself. fantastic.

and another glitch from the same session, perhaps the worst, a completely unacceptable glitch, making the whole game seem like it was made by amateurs. get this... im at the part where you
escort Pandora and she's about to get crushed if i cant reach that lever in time. well what happens? i try and fail several times, until i FINALLY get it, and i see Pandora slipping to safety... and THEN i get a "YOU HAVE FAILED" screen again. WHAT THE FUCK? I SAW PANDORA GET TO SAFETY! how can it fail after that!?
just a mind-bogglingly annoying glitch, i almost couldnt take it, i almost lost my mind, especially after suffering through so much with this game... at that moment, i felt worse than any other game has ever made me feel. im not exaggerating. it pissed me off beyond belief. i wanted to break my TV.

so there you have it... an embarrassing rant, but i just had to get this out of my system. im pretty sure that i hate this game. if it wasnt for the horrendeously broken Fallout 3 DLC on PS3, this would be my absolute worst gaming experience this whole gen. i realize this is just one individual's experience, but HOW could it be so bad for me? i mean i dont get it. it takes a lot for me to hate a game (i enjoyed FC2 for example), i cant really even think of any others that i've ever truly hated. sad really. i feel defeated by this game :( even without the glitches... because i've beaten most of my games on the hardest difficulties, how can this game just humiliate me on the NORMAL difficulty level? i want an explanation.


erotic butter maelstrom
Damn. People will probably respond with "yer playin it wrong"
I didn't experience any glitches or major difficulty outside of the water guy fight in the intro but I didn't really like it either, but I guess I'm just not a fan of the series.
Snuggler said:
Damn. People will probably respond with "yer playin it wrong"
I didn't experience any glitches or major difficulty outside of the water guy fight in the intro but I didn't really like it either, but I guess I'm just not a fan of the series.

i tried every tactic i could think of. parrying, air combos, L1+O and so on. still every fight with anything other than the normal skellies was just frustrating as hell and required several retries.

i think my main problem is with the dodging and jumping, and how Kratos gets staggered when he's hit. i basically get hit once and the enemies gang up on me and i cant even see myself in the mess anymore because of the locked camera, so its game over. over and over again.

also, WHY is kratos so slow!? felt like he was lagging all the time or something.


benevolent sexism
astroturfing said:
it went like this: i start the game on normal... get absolutely slaughtered by the first boss about 20 times in a row because i cant grasp the controls and the awkward jumping and dodging. pissed me off real bad. but i continued playing, hoping i would get used to it and get better... but im not getting better, almost every enemy kills me because they take like 200 hits to kill for some fucking reason i cannot understand, and when i finally manage to kill some 2 really hard enemies, the game decides to throw 3 more of them right at me from nowhere. and then i die another 20 times in a row. just utter frustration, so i give up and dont touch the game for a week or two because i dont want to lose my mind.

Tough love response: You are obviously exceedingly terrible at this game for some reason. The controls are simple, enemies can barely hurt you on normal mode, and there's no way that any enemy in the game takes 200 hits to kill. Are you sure you're talking about God of War 3?

Supportive response: I recommend putting it aside, waiting a while, and trying it again. If you still hate it, then whatever, do what you will, but I think if you play it after learning a bit more about how it's supposed to be played, you might enjoy it. If basic enemies were killing you on normal, your play style must be seriously at odds with what the designers envisioned. The combat has a very satisfying flow once you master it (which isn't hard, as it isn't that deep). So yeah, wait a while, and give it another chance.
astroturfing said:
i tried every tactic i could think of. parrying, air combos, L1+O and so on. still every fight with anything other than the normal skellies was just frustrating as hell and required several retries.

i think my main problem is with the dodging and jumping, and how Kratos gets staggered when he's hit. i basically get hit once and the enemies gang up on me and i cant even see myself in the mess anymore because of the locked camera, so its game over. over and over again.

also, WHY is kratos so slow!? felt like he was lagging all the time or something.

Wow...you talk about Kratos but it sounds like you played a completely different game than I did.

Did you play any of the previous ones? I know I had a harder time with the learning curve on the first outing. It was defiantly when the bulls showed up that I started having trouble...and the cyclopes also. I can remember feeling like I finally kill one bull with almost no life left and then it spawns two and all I can think is WTF. Actually, now that I really think about it...a lot of the fights were giving me trouble in GOW1.

The combat is really around getting a couple hits in and then rolling away. You start getting a feel for how long you can attack before you have to move away. I have no idea what Normal would feel like if you don't have much experience with brawlers, I thought it was pretty easy and a nice first run through but I've been through the first two and have played more of this kind of game. You also have to control your space a bit, so square square triangle to get a bit of room sometimes, or the new grab and hit square and battering ram around a bit. You have to grab and hit square really fast because he stands there vulnerable when you initially grab on of those skellies until you enter the next command.

Not sure what to tell you about the glitches and Kratos feeling slow...have you had problems with lag in your TV before? Sucks that you didn't get much fun out of this game...convergence of a lot of bad luck.
The game has a few issues, but if every enemy is killing you and you're dying on each boss dozens of times on normal mode you're probably playing very, very badly. Have you tried watching any clips online to get a better idea of how the combat works? I'm not a God of War fanatic so there was a learning curve for me as well, but apparently not as steep, and I found myself getting consistently better. By the end when all my weapons were souped up the game was too easy if anything.

I don't know, maybe it's one of those things where the game doesn't click with your style of playing. The controls certainly aren't as broken as you make them out to be. Outside of the jumping (not great, but not as horrid as a lot of people seem to think) I thought it easily had the most fluid controls in the series. Yeah, the dodge was a bit slow with the blades of exile, but not to the point of being game breaking. You just had to learn to anticipate enemy patterns.


astroturfing said:
just finished the game today and i gotta say... i... did not like it.

the controls and several glitches just killed it for me 100%. i simply could not enjoy the game, despite the fucking incredible presentation.

it went like this: i start the game on normal... get absolutely slaughtered by the first boss about 20 times in a row because i cant grasp the controls and the awkward jumping and dodging. pissed me off real bad. but i continued playing, hoping i would get used to it and get better... but im not getting better, almost every enemy kills me because they take like 200 hits to kill for some fucking reason i cannot understand, and when i finally manage to kill some 2 really hard enemies, the game decides to throw 3 more of them right at me from nowhere. and then i die another 20 times in a row. just utter frustration, so i give up and dont touch the game for a week or two because i dont want to lose my mind.

then eventually i decide get back to it, and im at the part where you fight
. he kills me about 20-30 times. my gf is watching and she sees me getting really upset and basically begs me to stop playing so our evening isn't ruined... but i refuse to give up so soon she goes to sleep and i somehow luck my way through the fight after another 10 or so tries, with no sense of accomplishment because none of my deaths felt like it was my fault. it really felt like it was the controls' fault, and the weird hit detection. horrible experience.

then again after a week's break or so, i continue on, suffering through frustrating platforming sequences (double jump DOES NOT WORK, i fucking press it twice and Kratos still falls to his death half the time! drives me nuts) and non-boss enemies that take hundreds of hits and so on. i've almost given up on the game totally and im not sure if i want to finish it, but i realize that im almost through the game (i think i was at the
or something) so i just decide to quit and finish it later, give it that one last chance...

so much later, the last session.... oh my god. seriously. the glitches. what the hell, in a game this high profile?! i dont even know where to start, but lets take the
fight. this shit is unbelievable. i fight it for god knows how long and then i finally make progress and im feeling pretty good and certain that im gonna win... and then what...Kratos gets stuck inside the boss' character model and i cant move, and then suddenly Kratos just falls through the floor, all the way through the giant box, and DIES. i fell through geometry and failed, for NO REASON, just when i was making progress against a fucking hard as hell enemy that keeps spawning these annoying little shits at me. ARGH. i cannot take glitches like that well, at all. but oh well, it didnt take even 10 more retries so i guess i didnt waste too much time.

and then the next fun glitch... i dont remember if it was before that previous one or after. anyway, one of those sequences where you have to fly in a tube. well, Kratos gets stuck on the wall and glitches through geometry, and for some reason obviously SKIPS a part of the sequence, i have no idea what i missed. highly annoying, but not too serious i guess. couldnt be arsed to reload an earlier checkpoint and see what i missed, probably nothing special. a little later Kratos is in a climbing stance about to climb up, but he always glitches back lower right when im about to reach the top, so i cant progress, only thing i can do is drop down and kill myself. fantastic.

and another glitch from the same session, perhaps the worst, a completely unacceptable glitch, making the whole game seem like it was made by amateurs. get this... im at the part where you
escort Pandora and she's about to get crushed if i cant reach that lever in time. well what happens? i try and fail several times, until i FINALLY get it, and i see Pandora slipping to safety... and THEN i get a "YOU HAVE FAILED" screen again. WHAT THE FUCK? I SAW PANDORA GET TO SAFETY! how can it fail after that!?
just a mind-bogglingly annoying glitch, i almost couldnt take it, i almost lost my mind, especially after suffering through so much with this game... at that moment, i felt worse than any other game has ever made me feel. im not exaggerating. it pissed me off beyond belief. i wanted to break my TV.

so there you have it... an embarrassing rant, but i just had to get this out of my system. im pretty sure that i hate this game. if it wasnt for the horrendeously broken Fallout 3 DLC on PS3, this would be my absolute worst gaming experience this whole gen. i realize this is just one individual's experience, but HOW could it be so bad for me? i mean i dont get it. it takes a lot for me to hate a game (i enjoyed FC2 for example), i cant really even think of any others that i've ever truly hated. sad really. i feel defeated by this game :( even without the glitches... because i've beaten most of my games on the hardest difficulties, how can this game just humiliate me on the NORMAL difficulty level? i want an explanation.
Maybe you should've just gone into normal or easy mode


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
If you thought GoW 3 on normal was hard.. I don't know what to say. Normal in GoW 1 and 2 was way harder than normal in GoW 3.

Yoboman said:
Maybe you should've just gone into normal or easy mode

He played the game on normal.


Yoboman said:
Maybe you should've just gone into normal or easy mode
He's playing on normal already. I'd suggest easy mode like you said. Full disclosure: I had played God of War 1&2 on easy. That was the only way I really enjoyed the games. But after playing through God of War 3 on normal, I figured I'd give the other games a shot at that difficulty.

So I got the GoW Collection and started playing through part 1 on normal. Maybe it was playing part 3 on normal but I had a way better go at it. It takes a little bit, but once you learn the combat well, you'll start linking together combos in no time.

Hell, I felt so confident I decided to play GoW3 on titan. I'm almost through the game, but like I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm stuck at
the Cerberus/Satyr combination.
They're just wrecking me. But I'm so close to my first platinum trophy I can taste it. What kills me is that
that's the last damn battle before I get to Zeus. Dammit!
itsnervedamage said:
Wow...you talk about Kratos but it sounds like you played a completely different game than I did.

Did you play any of the previous ones? I know I had a harder time with the learning curve on the first outing. It was defiantly when the bulls showed up that I started having trouble...and the cyclopes also. I can remember feeling like I finally kill one bull with almost no life left and then it spawns two and all I can think is WTF. Actually, now that I really think about it...a lot of the fights were giving me trouble in GOW1.

The combat is really around getting a couple hits in and then rolling away. You start getting a feel for how long you can attack before you have to move away. I have no idea what Normal would feel like if you don't have much experience with brawlers, I thought it was pretty easy and a nice first run through but I've been through the first two and have played more of this kind of game. You also have to control your space a bit, so square square triangle to get a bit of room sometimes, or the new grab and hit square and battering ram around a bit. You have to grab and hit square really fast because he stands there vulnerable when you initially grab on of those skellies until you enter the next command.

Not sure what to tell you about the glitches and Kratos feeling slow...have you had problems with lag in your TV before? Sucks that you didn't get much fun out of this game...convergence of a lot of bad luck.

thanks for the tips.. apparently that was one thing i did wrong: trying to get too many hits in. i was very impatient in every battle, for some reason i didnt have any patience with this game.. the enemies just pissed me off, i wanted to off them ASAP as they entered my screen lol. so that mostly backfired. that battering ram was certainly helpful though, that was one of the few things i learnt to master. it looked awesome too. i hated how it didnt work on any other enemies though.. i wanted to grab a Satyr and bash it against the fucking wall. god i hated those.

and nope, i havent had any control lag issues with my TV before (i own about 30-40 PS3 games). but it didnt exactly feel like lag, it was just... Kratos just felt too slow and unresponsive in everything. recovering from attacks, double jumps, dodging etc... almost everything about basic movement in this game annoyed me a lot.

convergence of a lot of bad luck... yeah that does sound about right, especially with the glitches. they really scarred me :( i swear i
saved Pandora, she was standing right there next to Kratos and then i get "YOU HAVE FAILED"... :((((

i did like SOME things about the game though, like the pacing, and almost all of the puzzles were fun for me. story was a bit better than i expected from a hack 'n slash too. and damn the visuals... i think i'll do an easy mode run just to see if i can actually enjoy the gameplay now and so i can experience all the amazing visuals again.


eshwaaz said:
I finished it a few days ago, and I'd definitely rank it third in the trilogy. The graphics are amazing and the combat is the best it's ever been, but the overall experience is just not as memorable as the previous games. It feels less like a journey and more like a bunch of random events strung together, and the locations and environments are just not as interesting in general. That's certainly not to say that GoW 3 doesn't have some fantastic moments, but nothing I experienced here really resonated with me. There were sequences from Gow 1 and 2 that I would still think about from time to time years later. Plus, the whole final stretch of the game felt forced and unearned. Not the end I was hoping for.

After beating the first two games, I immediately played through them a second time. With GoW 3, I just have no desire.

I second this post.

I'm kind of sad about it.


purple cobra said:
Hell, I felt so confident I decided to play GoW3 on titan. I'm almost through the game, but like I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm stuck at
the Cerberus/Satyr combination.
They're just wrecking me. But I'm so close to my first platinum trophy I can taste it. What kills me is that
that's the last damn battle before I get to Zeus. Dammit!

that took me a couple tries as well.
have you tried grabbing the Satyrs? 2-3 grabs kills them. Also save all your magic until the 3rd head of Cerberus, then just use blades of exile and spam magic and it will give the circle as well as damage the satyrs pretty good :)
astroturfing said:
thanks for the tips.. apparently that was one thing i did wrong: trying to get too many hits in. i was very impatient in every battle, for some reason i didnt have any patience with this game.. the enemies just pissed me off, i wanted to off them ASAP as they entered my screen lol. so that mostly backfired. that battering ram was certainly helpful though, that was one of the few things i learnt to master. it looked awesome too. i hated how it didnt work on any other enemies though.. i wanted to grab a Satyr and bash it against the fucking wall. god i hated those.

and nope, i havent had any control lag issues with my TV before (i own about 30-40 PS3 games). but it didnt exactly feel like lag, it was just... Kratos just felt too slow and unresponsive in everything. recovering from attacks, double jumps, dodging etc... almost everything about basic movement in this game annoyed me a lot.

convergence of a lot of bad luck... yeah that does sound about right, especially with the glitches. they really scarred me :( i swear i
saved Pandora, she was standing right there next to Kratos and then i get "YOU HAVE FAILED"... :((((

i did like SOME things about the game though, like the pacing, and almost all of the puzzles were fun for me. story was a bit better than i expected from a hack 'n slash too. and damn the visuals... i think i'll do an easy mode run just to see if i can actually enjoy the gameplay now and so i can experience all the amazing visuals again.

Yeah, I think I get what you mean. Kratos is definitely a different beast from a lot of brawler characters (Japanese ones in particular). The baddies will generally telegraph their moves and you have to react early. By the time they attack it's too late to try to dodge or block. This is pretty different, cause usually these kind of games train you to react at the very last moment. That still gets to me sometimes, I'll feel like I hit block in time but really I should have hit block earlier before the guy was in mid attack. It isn't like Bayo or Devil May Cry (I admit, I've only played the demos for those games...I just don't have enough time for all the games this gen).

Also, in III those gloves are super useful to stagger the hulking baddies quickly. With all the weapons, I stick to [] [] /\ dodge or just [] [] dodge for the most part, when there is a big crowd. When it gets down to a manageable number of baddies I start trying out more combos really.

L1 + O while holding a direction you sort of want to go in can move you away and give you some space to breathe also. Hopefully an easy run can give you a better time and you can get used to some of the timings and all.


benevolent sexism
eshwaaz said:
I finished it a few days ago, and I'd definitely rank it third in the trilogy. The graphics are amazing and the combat is the best it's ever been, but the overall experience is just not as memorable as the previous games. It feels less like a journey and more like a bunch of random events strung together, and the locations and environments are just not as interesting in general. That's certainly not to say that GoW 3 doesn't have some fantastic moments, but nothing I experienced here really resonated with me. There were sequences from Gow 1 and 2 that I would still think about from time to time years later. Plus, the whole final stretch of the game felt forced and unearned. Not the end I was hoping for.

After beating the first two games, I immediately played through them a second time. With GoW 3, I just have no desire.

I'm not sure I'd put it third in my list, but I absolutely agree with your astute observation that it feels less like a journey and more like a bunch of stuff strung together. I think this has little to do with the length of the game (not implying that you do) and everything to do with... Portals. In the first two games you literally walked, climbed, flew, and fell from one end of the game to the other (and then back again). Even though GOW1 isn't a very long game, it really feels like a journey.


icechai said:
that took me a couple tries as well.
have you tried grabbing the Satyrs? 2-3 grabs kills them. Also save all your magic until the 3rd head of Cerberus, then just use blades of exile and spam magic and it will give the circle as well as damage the satyrs pretty good :)
Yep, I have tried
grabbing the Satyrs but I never get past the first one.
This is what I do, I whip out the
Cestus and go to town with the Cerberus. That usually gets me a quick circle above the Cerberus. Then I take one head off.
But when the
Satyr appears, I switch to the Blades of Exile to start grabbing him but sometime the sort of lock on the game has locks me into the Cerberus. Plus, the exploding dogs aren't helping my cause. :lol

I'll just have to try harder. :) I almost gave up at the
boss fight thinking I couldn't do it but I got it done. Thanks for the tips.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Snuggler said:
Damn. People will probably respond with "yer playin it wrong"
What else to think when the game on normal wasn't hard at all, and it controlled pretty much perfectly :\ His whole post sounded like someone who sat down to play a game for the first time in his life - at 70 years of age.
astroturfing said:
just finished the game today and i gotta say... i... did not like it.

the controls and several glitches just killed it for me 100%. i simply could not enjoy the game, despite the fucking incredible presentation.

it went like this: i start the game on normal... get absolutely slaughtered by the first boss about 20 times in a row because i cant grasp the controls and the awkward jumping and dodging. pissed me off real bad. but i continued playing, hoping i would get used to it and get better... but im not getting better, almost every enemy kills me because they take like 200 hits to kill for some fucking reason i cannot understand, and when i finally manage to kill some 2 really hard enemies, the game decides to throw 3 more of them right at me from nowhere. and then i die another 20 times in a row. just utter frustration, so i give up and dont touch the game for a week or two because i dont want to lose my mind.

then eventually i decide get back to it, and im at the part where you fight
. he kills me about 20-30 times. my gf is watching and she sees me getting really upset and basically begs me to stop playing so our evening isn't ruined... but i refuse to give up so soon she goes to sleep and i somehow luck my way through the fight after another 10 or so tries, with no sense of accomplishment because none of my deaths felt like it was my fault. it really felt like it was the controls' fault, and the weird hit detection. horrible experience.

then again after a week's break or so, i continue on, suffering through frustrating platforming sequences (double jump DOES NOT WORK, i fucking press it twice and Kratos still falls to his death half the time! drives me nuts) and non-boss enemies that take hundreds of hits and so on. i've almost given up on the game totally and im not sure if i want to finish it, but i realize that im almost through the game (i think i was at the
or something) so i just decide to quit and finish it later, give it that one last chance...

so much later, the last session.... oh my god. seriously. the glitches. what the hell, in a game this high profile?! i dont even know where to start, but lets take the
fight. this shit is unbelievable. i fight it for god knows how long and then i finally make progress and im feeling pretty good and certain that im gonna win... and then what...Kratos gets stuck inside the boss' character model and i cant move, and then suddenly Kratos just falls through the floor, all the way through the giant box, and DIES. i fell through geometry and failed, for NO REASON, just when i was making progress against a fucking hard as hell enemy that keeps spawning these annoying little shits at me. ARGH. i cannot take glitches like that well, at all. but oh well, it didnt take even 10 more retries so i guess i didnt waste too much time.

and then the next fun glitch... i dont remember if it was before that previous one or after. anyway, one of those sequences where you have to fly in a tube. well, Kratos gets stuck on the wall and glitches through geometry, and for some reason obviously SKIPS a part of the sequence, i have no idea what i missed. highly annoying, but not too serious i guess. couldnt be arsed to reload an earlier checkpoint and see what i missed, probably nothing special. a little later Kratos is in a climbing stance about to climb up, but he always glitches back lower right when im about to reach the top, so i cant progress, only thing i can do is drop down and kill myself. fantastic.

and another glitch from the same session, perhaps the worst, a completely unacceptable glitch, making the whole game seem like it was made by amateurs. get this... im at the part where you
escort Pandora and she's about to get crushed if i cant reach that lever in time. well what happens? i try and fail several times, until i FINALLY get it, and i see Pandora slipping to safety... and THEN i get a "YOU HAVE FAILED" screen again. WHAT THE FUCK? I SAW PANDORA GET TO SAFETY! how can it fail after that!?
just a mind-bogglingly annoying glitch, i almost couldnt take it, i almost lost my mind, especially after suffering through so much with this game... at that moment, i felt worse than any other game has ever made me feel. im not exaggerating. it pissed me off beyond belief. i wanted to break my TV.

so there you have it... an embarrassing rant, but i just had to get this out of my system. im pretty sure that i hate this game. if it wasnt for the horrendeously broken Fallout 3 DLC on PS3, this would be my absolute worst gaming experience this whole gen. i realize this is just one individual's experience, but HOW could it be so bad for me? i mean i dont get it. it takes a lot for me to hate a game (i enjoyed FC2 for example), i cant really even think of any others that i've ever truly hated. sad really. i feel defeated by this game :( even without the glitches... because i've beaten most of my games on the hardest difficulties, how can this game just humiliate me on the NORMAL difficulty level? i want an explanation.

Umm, the attacking patterns on the bosses are VERY EASY TO DETECT!!! Also, there's a frikken block button. Use it. The game is hardest in Hades actually as your weapons are weak. But once you max ANY weapon, the game is a piece of cake.
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