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God of War III |OT|


My apologies if this has been asked 1000 times, but what is the average time this takes to beat on each different difficulty level? Also, if I started playing on the hardest difficulty from the get go, are there any really annoying sections that take awhile, such as the push a statue while fighting enemies with a flame wall coming at you from GoWII? I got to play this at a friend's house and I'm just trying to gauge how many days I may need to spend their next week:lol


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
NG28 said:
My apologies if this has been asked 1000 times, but what is the average time this takes to beat on each different difficulty level? Also, if I started playing on the hardest difficulty from the get go, are there any really annoying sections that take awhile, such as the push a statue while fighting enemies with a flame wall coming at you from GoWII? I got to play this at a friend's house and I'm just trying to gauge how many days I may need to spend their next week:lol

There are no sections like the 'flame wall' section from GoW II or the 'push that cage up that hill' from GoW I, but there is this one battle towards the end of the game that a lot of people have trouble with on titan difficulty... I'd say 8-10 hours would be the average time it would take to complete the game on normal (depending on your skill).
Finisehed the game on easy and now playing through on Titan. Much, much harder, even mid-bosses often kill me...
I definitey enjoyed more the game on easy...
DarkJediKnight said:
Umm, the attacking patterns on the bosses are VERY EASY TO DETECT!!! Also, there's a frikken block button. Use it. The game is hardest in Hades actually as your weapons are weak. But once you max ANY weapon, the game is a piece of cake.

This. I don't want to be mean ot the original poster, but this kind of game is really mostly pattern learning. There is no game being 'unfair' or 'cheating'. It'd be like saying a fighting game is unfair when it doesn't let you combo. I find it surprising the op finishes most of his games at hardest difficulty and thought that one was hard on medium - i am the opposite. I play my games on medium most of the time, and halfywa through GoW3 i restarted on titan because i felt i was gonna breeze through this one too fast. It definitely felt easier than Gow1.

Do you play a lot of this kind of games? (I don't, but i did finish DMC, which i think is supposed to be a bit hard?)


harriet the spy said:
This. I don't want to be mean ot the original poster, but this kind of game is really mostly pattern learning. There is no game being 'unfair' or 'cheating'. It'd be like saying a fighting game is unfair when it doesn't let you combo. I find it surprising the op finishes most of his games at hardest difficulty and thought that one was hard on medium - i am the opposite. I play my games on medium most of the time, and halfywa through GoW3 i restarted on titan because i felt i was gonna breeze through this one too fast. It definitely felt easier than Gow1.

Do you play a lot of this kind of games? (I don't, but i did finish DMC, which i think is supposed to be a bit hard?)

After finishing Bayonetta, I went through Titan mode dieing only 10 or so times.

To the original poster:

I'm not bragging, but there IS a method of playing these games. If you don't "get" it, that's perfectly ok, this might not be your genre of game.


I found the difficulty on normal to be pretty much perfect for me. It wasn't a cake walk but it wasn't tear my hair out difficult either. If someone is having that much of a problem (dieing 30 times on hades?) then just switch to easy. You can't hate a game because you suck at it.

To br totally honest I died several times on posieden, mainly because I had forgotten how to play god of war, but it's a great quick tutorial/reminder to prepare you for what's ahead.

I had more trouble with the fire cerebeus then any other boss in the game
Just beat it, loved the game pretty much start to finish. It's not the greatest game, it's not perfect but damn is it well made. I had a ton of fun playing through it and I'm sad that it ended so quickly. The ending sequences were handled well, though probably could have been done better. Extremely enjoyable game and one of my favorite of this year and this gen.


Just passed the game on Titan mode, It was fucking awesome. Not sure what to do next, I was an awesome ride. :O :O :O :O :O :O


astroturfing said:
then eventually i decide get back to it, and im at the part where you fight
. he kills me about 20-30 times. my gf is watching and she sees me getting really upset and basically begs me to stop playing so our evening isn't ruined... but i refuse to give up so soon she goes to sleep and i somehow luck my way through the fight after another 10 or so tries, with no sense of accomplishment because none of my deaths felt like it was my fault. it really felt like it was the controls' fault, and the weird hit detection. horrible experience.

I'm sorry. But I had to laugh at this part. Yes, I'm going to hell. Established that when I was 17.


astroturfing said:
just finished the game today and i gotta say... i... did not like it.

the controls and several glitches just killed it for me 100%. i simply could not enjoy the game, despite the fucking incredible presentation.

it went like this: i start the game on normal... get absolutely slaughtered by the first boss about 20 times in a row because i cant grasp the controls and the awkward jumping and dodging. pissed me off real bad. but i continued playing, hoping i would get used to it and get better... but im not getting better, almost every enemy kills me because they take like 200 hits to kill for some fucking reason i cannot understand, and when i finally manage to kill some 2 really hard enemies, the game decides to throw 3 more of them right at me from nowhere. and then i die another 20 times in a row. just utter frustration, so i give up and dont touch the game for a week or two because i dont want to lose my mind.

then eventually i decide get back to it, and im at the part where you fight
. he kills me about 20-30 times. my gf is watching and she sees me getting really upset and basically begs me to stop playing so our evening isn't ruined... but i refuse to give up so soon she goes to sleep and i somehow luck my way through the fight after another 10 or so tries, with no sense of accomplishment because none of my deaths felt like it was my fault. it really felt like it was the controls' fault, and the weird hit detection. horrible experience.

then again after a week's break or so, i continue on, suffering through frustrating platforming sequences (double jump DOES NOT WORK, i fucking press it twice and Kratos still falls to his death half the time! drives me nuts) and non-boss enemies that take hundreds of hits and so on. i've almost given up on the game totally and im not sure if i want to finish it, but i realize that im almost through the game (i think i was at the
or something) so i just decide to quit and finish it later, give it that one last chance...

so much later, the last session.... oh my god. seriously. the glitches. what the hell, in a game this high profile?! i dont even know where to start, but lets take the
fight. this shit is unbelievable. i fight it for god knows how long and then i finally make progress and im feeling pretty good and certain that im gonna win... and then what...Kratos gets stuck inside the boss' character model and i cant move, and then suddenly Kratos just falls through the floor, all the way through the giant box, and DIES. i fell through geometry and failed, for NO REASON, just when i was making progress against a fucking hard as hell enemy that keeps spawning these annoying little shits at me. ARGH. i cannot take glitches like that well, at all. but oh well, it didnt take even 10 more retries so i guess i didnt waste too much time.

and then the next fun glitch... i dont remember if it was before that previous one or after. anyway, one of those sequences where you have to fly in a tube. well, Kratos gets stuck on the wall and glitches through geometry, and for some reason obviously SKIPS a part of the sequence, i have no idea what i missed. highly annoying, but not too serious i guess. couldnt be arsed to reload an earlier checkpoint and see what i missed, probably nothing special. a little later Kratos is in a climbing stance about to climb up, but he always glitches back lower right when im about to reach the top, so i cant progress, only thing i can do is drop down and kill myself. fantastic.

and another glitch from the same session, perhaps the worst, a completely unacceptable glitch, making the whole game seem like it was made by amateurs. get this... im at the part where you
escort Pandora and she's about to get crushed if i cant reach that lever in time. well what happens? i try and fail several times, until i FINALLY get it, and i see Pandora slipping to safety... and THEN i get a "YOU HAVE FAILED" screen again. WHAT THE FUCK? I SAW PANDORA GET TO SAFETY! how can it fail after that!?
just a mind-bogglingly annoying glitch, i almost couldnt take it, i almost lost my mind, especially after suffering through so much with this game... at that moment, i felt worse than any other game has ever made me feel. im not exaggerating. it pissed me off beyond belief. i wanted to break my TV.

so there you have it... an embarrassing rant, but i just had to get this out of my system. im pretty sure that i hate this game. if it wasnt for the horrendeously broken Fallout 3 DLC on PS3, this would be my absolute worst gaming experience this whole gen. i realize this is just one individual's experience, but HOW could it be so bad for me? i mean i dont get it. it takes a lot for me to hate a game (i enjoyed FC2 for example), i cant really even think of any others that i've ever truly hated. sad really. i feel defeated by this game :( even without the glitches... because i've beaten most of my games on the hardest difficulties, how can this game just humiliate me on the NORMAL difficulty level? i want an explanation.

This is my vote for the worst post I ever seen....is your system broken...this game is definitely not lacking in the QA dept.

Mikey Jr.

Johnas said:
The answer is in the picture. :p Grab them with circle.

Easy to say. I did it, I have to start mashing circle, then the other one comes and slices me while I'm in the middle of the animation.

I guess I should be more specific. How do you kill them with 2 of them there?
2real4tv said:
This is my vote for the worst post I ever seen....is your system broken...this game is definitely not lacking in the QA dept.

While I don't agree with him, I can say that GOW3 is the brokenest game I've played this gen so far. Before they fixed the double jump glitch, that was terrible. Chests not opening even though I'm holding R1 right in front of it.

But those minor issues don't compare to jumping through Gaia's wrist against Poseiden, or hovering off a cliff and walking on thin air in front of one of the 3 judges statues.

Not knocking the game, I loved it. But it did lack some testing in areas that should have been obvious.


Mikey Jr. said:
Easy to say. I did it, I have to start mashing circle, then the other one comes and slices me while I'm in the middle of the animation.

I guess I should be more specific. How do you kill them with 2 of them there?

You can summon monsters with the Hades Blades, you choose which monster in the weapon upgrade menu. Summon a Gorgon, or two, and you'll see just how easy it is to defeat them. :p


I also finished the game today and the game is pure visual eye candy. The art direction and use of scale is unlike anything I've every seen on a console game. This is a game that just makes your jaw drop and leaves it there. In terms of fun factor, well, it was a challenge for me and there were definitely some frustrating moments, but overall the sense of accomplishment makes those frustrating moments irrelevant. However, the game isn't perfect and I can understand the reasoning for some of the scores it received. The fight sequences were great and as long as you attacked and evaded you could pretty much defeat anything. I also liked the way they implemented the quick time events because they didn't make them too easy - you had to react in a certain amount of time to string the sequence of scripted attacks or you were going to be thrown to the ground. My main complaint about the game were some of the silly puzzles. Some of them just seemed so out of context that it just made you scratch your head and wonder WTF. I would have preferred that just used booby traps you had to deactivate or evade to progress instead of sticking in a silly puzzle element.

I also think they missed a great opportunity to add a simple online component that would have extended the game. How about a battle royal mode in the circular challenge area? Each person picks a unique and balanced character and they fight until there's only one remaining. Or how about a 1 on 1 or even co-op fighting game? Hopefully, they'll bolt on some online functionality via free DLC.


jett said:
You can summon monsters with the Hades Blades, you choose which monster in the weapon upgrade menu. Summon a Gorgon, or two, and you'll see just how easy it is to defeat them. :p

It surprises me how little people summon monsters or even use their magic at all. It's there for a reason.


MoonsaultSlayer said:
While I don't agree with him, I can say that GOW3 is the brokenest game I've played this gen so far. Before they fixed the double jump glitch, that was terrible. Chests not opening even though I'm holding R1 right in front of it.

But those minor issues don't compare to jumping through Gaia's wrist against Poseiden, or hovering off a cliff and walking on thin air in front of one of the 3 judges statues.

Not knocking the game, I loved it. But it did lack some testing in areas that should have been obvious.

Again don't know what game your playing never had problems with R1, had some problems with double jump but to say to is one of the worst is crazy their is some awful games out there.

edit: I did have problems with the sex scene


Truespeed said:
It surprises me how little people summon monsters or even use their magic at all. It's there for a reason.

The Magic feels far less integrated this time around, Maybe it's because of how it's like only mentioned once or twice through a tutorial prompt and abstracted between all the weapons. It doesn't help that they're all variations of one giant AoE (Aside from the Hades magic). Fairly boring imo.

I only really used magic as a 'spam' if the fight was getting particularly hard. Mostly just the invincible blades based one. In the previous games the magic felt like a bigger part of the combat system, in this one it just feels like a cheap out, akin the pulling out the Sword and taking 0 damage.


wow. gow3 has a giant backlash. kinda sad about this since it's so far the best game this year and the best in the triology in my oppinion.


spidye said:
wow. gow3 has a giant backlash. kinda sad about this since it's so far the best game this year and the best in the triology in my oppinion.

"giant backlash" = 3 posts on a website ? More than 2 million people bought the game and it seems most people loved it.

I know I did.


so there you have it... an embarrassing rant, but i just had to get this out of my system. im pretty sure that i hate this game. if it wasnt for the horrendeously broken Fallout 3 DLC on PS3, this would be my absolute worst gaming experience this whole gen. i realize this is just one individual's experience, but HOW could it be so bad for me? i mean i dont get it. it takes a lot for me to hate a game (i enjoyed FC2 for example), i cant really even think of any others that i've ever truly hated. sad really. i feel defeated by this game :( even without the glitches... because i've beaten most of my games on the hardest difficulties, how can this game just humiliate me on the NORMAL difficulty level? i want an explanation.

Of course, i bet you are not the only one on this planet who could say this.

Wait a second, no i am wrong, you are most def. the only person on this planet who could say this. This could only be true if this was your second or third game played this gen but i dont think so, since you are posting on GAF.

Mikey Jr.

Yeah, the goat things go down nicely with the cestus.

Finished the game on easy, then did normal, then did ALL of the challenges. Some of them were not easy.....

Just a question, what kind of difficulty am I looking at for Titan? Did people have a lot of problems with it? Any tips?
astroturfing said:
just finished the game today and i gotta say... i... did not like it.

the controls and several glitches just killed it for me 100%. i simply could not enjoy the game, despite the fucking incredible presentation.

it went like this: i start the game on normal... get absolutely slaughtered by the first boss about 20 times in a row because i cant grasp the controls and the awkward jumping and dodging. pissed me off real bad. but i continued playing, hoping i would get used to it and get better... but im not getting better, almost every enemy kills me because they take like 200 hits to kill for some fucking reason i cannot understand, and when i finally manage to kill some 2 really hard enemies, the game decides to throw 3 more of them right at me from nowhere. and then i die another 20 times in a row. just utter frustration, so i give up and dont touch the game for a week or two because i dont want to lose my mind.

then eventually i decide get back to it, and im at the part where you fight
. he kills me about 20-30 times. my gf is watching and she sees me getting really upset and basically begs me to stop playing so our evening isn't ruined... but i refuse to give up so soon she goes to sleep and i somehow luck my way through the fight after another 10 or so tries, with no sense of accomplishment because none of my deaths felt like it was my fault. it really felt like it was the controls' fault, and the weird hit detection. horrible experience.

then again after a week's break or so, i continue on, suffering through frustrating platforming sequences (double jump DOES NOT WORK, i fucking press it twice and Kratos still falls to his death half the time! drives me nuts) and non-boss enemies that take hundreds of hits and so on. i've almost given up on the game totally and im not sure if i want to finish it, but i realize that im almost through the game (i think i was at the
or something) so i just decide to quit and finish it later, give it that one last chance...

so much later, the last session.... oh my god. seriously. the glitches. what the hell, in a game this high profile?! i dont even know where to start, but lets take the
fight. this shit is unbelievable. i fight it for god knows how long and then i finally make progress and im feeling pretty good and certain that im gonna win... and then what...Kratos gets stuck inside the boss' character model and i cant move, and then suddenly Kratos just falls through the floor, all the way through the giant box, and DIES. i fell through geometry and failed, for NO REASON, just when i was making progress against a fucking hard as hell enemy that keeps spawning these annoying little shits at me. ARGH. i cannot take glitches like that well, at all. but oh well, it didnt take even 10 more retries so i guess i didnt waste too much time.

and then the next fun glitch... i dont remember if it was before that previous one or after. anyway, one of those sequences where you have to fly in a tube. well, Kratos gets stuck on the wall and glitches through geometry, and for some reason obviously SKIPS a part of the sequence, i have no idea what i missed. highly annoying, but not too serious i guess. couldnt be arsed to reload an earlier checkpoint and see what i missed, probably nothing special. a little later Kratos is in a climbing stance about to climb up, but he always glitches back lower right when im about to reach the top, so i cant progress, only thing i can do is drop down and kill myself. fantastic.

and another glitch from the same session, perhaps the worst, a completely unacceptable glitch, making the whole game seem like it was made by amateurs. get this... im at the part where you
escort Pandora and she's about to get crushed if i cant reach that lever in time. well what happens? i try and fail several times, until i FINALLY get it, and i see Pandora slipping to safety... and THEN i get a "YOU HAVE FAILED" screen again. WHAT THE FUCK? I SAW PANDORA GET TO SAFETY! how can it fail after that!?
just a mind-bogglingly annoying glitch, i almost couldnt take it, i almost lost my mind, especially after suffering through so much with this game... at that moment, i felt worse than any other game has ever made me feel. im not exaggerating. it pissed me off beyond belief. i wanted to break my TV.

so there you have it... an embarrassing rant, but i just had to get this out of my system. im pretty sure that i hate this game. if it wasnt for the horrendeously broken Fallout 3 DLC on PS3, this would be my absolute worst gaming experience this whole gen. i realize this is just one individual's experience, but HOW could it be so bad for me? i mean i dont get it. it takes a lot for me to hate a game (i enjoyed FC2 for example), i cant really even think of any others that i've ever truly hated. sad really. i feel defeated by this game :( even without the glitches... because i've beaten most of my games on the hardest difficulties, how can this game just humiliate me on the NORMAL difficulty level? i want an explanation.

You are not very good at playing games are you?
The goat things are easy, just use the ranged grab attack on the basic blades. Repeat and they will eventually fall down. They kicked my ass originally till I figured it out.


Beating chaos mode was a bit of a letdown. It appears I didn't even unlock anything?

Oh well. I'd say that, taking into considerations my personal improvements from my first play-through, chaos felt about as hard as titan


Tried this again from the Hades fight all the way to
and I have to say this particular session had absolutely nothing on the first two games. All the boss fights were lame and there really wasn't anything that interesting to do. The combat is satisfaying as it's always been, but it really feels like I'm playing the same game I already did.


I really enjoyed GoW III, but I definitely think it was less polished compared to the first two games, especially compared to GoW II.

As an example, the difficulty ramp up was completely off. I started on hard because some review said that if you played the first two games, normal was too easy. The first boss fight against Poseidon was way too hard for a first boss on hard difficulty. There was very little room for mistakes to beat him. So I switched to normal and easily beat him. The problem was that then the game got progressively easier and when you got one or more of your weapons maxed out, there was practically no effort involved what so ever. I think I beat every boss after Poseidon on the first try.

I also got glitched collision detection a couple of times, sometimes sending Kratos flying away at great speed.

When it comes to R1 and chests, I think the problem is that the game prompts you to press R1 as soon as you bump into the chest, but R1 doesn't actually do anything if certain animations are playing. So if you press R1 when they tell you too, sometimes nothing happens. And if you keep R1 depressed, it still doesn't trigger when the animation has finished. This annoyed me in GoW I and II as well, but it's not a huge issue really.

And the puzzles weren't as good this time either (a fucking music game, really?). The one with the portals was fun, but stuff like the labyrinth that would have been a perfect match for fiendish puzzles had almost nothing.


It shows that Santa Monica had to wrap tings up rather fast near the end of the game.

I'm playing on titan now and the last hour/hour and a half is just no fucking fun.

It starts with
the shitload of enemies at the end of the labyrinth, continues with a dreadful Icarus descent down to hades to be followed up by the worst fight in the enite game. Yes, the cerberus fight.

I got "stuck" there, got frustrated and quit for today. I can only imagine how much I will curse during the final battles.


Deepack said:
It shows that Santa Monica had to wrap tings up rather fast near the end of the game.

I'm playing on titan now and the last hour/hour and a half is just no fucking fun.

It starts with
the shitload of enemies at the end of the labyrinth, continues with a dreadful Icarus descent down to hades to be followed up by the worst fight in the enite game. Yes, the cerberus fight.

I got "stuck" there, got frustrated and quit for today. I can only imagine how much I will curse during the final battles.
I'm there with you. I've left off at that same exact fight on titan, the
Cerberus fight.
I've gotten some tips here in this thread on how to handle that part. It's up to the execution on my part. :D

But I did the same thing. I must have tried to beat that part ten times in a row with no progress The furthest I've gotten is
tearing off the second head of the Cerberus.

I then took the game out and played something else. I'll go back to it again (maybe tonight) but that night I had to take that disc out before I broke my controller.


Deepack said:
It shows that Santa Monica had to wrap tings up rather fast near the end of the game.

I'm playing on titan now and the last hour/hour and a half is just no fucking fun.

It starts with
the shitload of enemies at the end of the labyrinth, continues with a dreadful Icarus descent down to hades to be followed up by the worst fight in the enite game. Yes, the cerberus fight.

I got "stuck" there, got frustrated and quit for today. I can only imagine how much I will curse during the final battles.
First: concentrate on one enemy at time.

Second: only use the nemesis grabber and the block.

The same can be used for the end boss as well.
GameCat said:
I really enjoyed GoW III, but I definitely think it was less polished compared to the first two games, especially compared to GoW II.

As an example, the difficulty ramp up was completely off. I started on hard because some review said that if you played the first two games, normal was too easy. The first boss fight against Poseidon was way too hard for a first boss on hard difficulty. There was very little room for mistakes to beat him. So I switched to normal and easily beat him. The problem was that then the game got progressively easier and when you got one or more of your weapons maxed out, there was practically no effort involved what so ever. I think I beat every boss after Poseidon on the first try.

I also got glitched collision detection a couple of times, sometimes sending Kratos flying away at great speed.

When it comes to R1 and chests, I think the problem is that the game prompts you to press R1 as soon as you bump into the chest, but R1 doesn't actually do anything if certain animations are playing. So if you press R1 when they tell you too, sometimes nothing happens. And if you keep R1 depressed, it still doesn't trigger when the animation has finished. This annoyed me in GoW I and II as well, but it's not a huge issue really.

And the puzzles weren't as good this time either (a fucking music game, really?). The one with the portals was fun, but stuff like the labyrinth that would have been a perfect match for fiendish puzzles had almost nothing.

Having played the first maze and this one, they're just different--the first game tried out a lot of different concepts--treasure hunts based on sound, etc.

The music one made me laugh, though.

But I can sorta understand the reasons for the puzzles.
World = sunk/fucked, so no need for that many puzzles for what is essentially Mount Olympus + Hades


astroturfing said:
i want an explanation.


Honestly, the game is not THAT hard on normal, so there, that's my best explanation.


GameCat said:
I really enjoyed GoW III, but I definitely think it was less polished compared to the first two games, especially compared to GoW II.

As an example, the difficulty ramp up was completely off. I started on hard because some review said that if you played the first two games, normal was too easy. The first boss fight against Poseidon was way too hard for a first boss on hard difficulty. There was very little room for mistakes to beat him. So I switched to normal and easily beat him. The problem was that then the game got progressively easier and when you got one or more of your weapons maxed out, there was practically no effort involved what so ever. I think I beat every boss after Poseidon on the first try.

I also got glitched collision detection a couple of times, sometimes sending Kratos flying away at great speed.

When it comes to R1 and chests, I think the problem is that the game prompts you to press R1 as soon as you bump into the chest, but R1 doesn't actually do anything if certain animations are playing. So if you press R1 when they tell you too, sometimes nothing happens. And if you keep R1 depressed, it still doesn't trigger when the animation has finished. This annoyed me in GoW I and II as well, but it's not a huge issue really.

And the puzzles weren't as good this time either (a fucking music game, really?). The one with the portals was fun, but stuff like the labyrinth that would have been a perfect match for fiendish puzzles had almost nothing.

When I mentioned that some puzzles were just completely out of context for the game I was specifically referring to that silly music rhythm timing game. I hate music rhythm games, for the most part, and here I was trying to endure this frustrating challenge. I think the only benefit derived from this is that the button layout pattern is now burned in my brain.

As for the chests, it surprises me that they didn't pick up on this problem. No one wants to have to position Kratos perfectly in front of the chests continually just to open it. They should have established a zone area around the chests from which R1 would have constantly been active. Move out of the zone and R1 is deactivated. If there are 2 chests side by side (magic and health) press R1 and L1 to open both simultaneously.

Mikey Jr.

Spoiler question about the end of the game

What does Zeus say to Gaia at the end of the game? That she chose the wrong warrior or brother or something like that? He was referring to Kratos' brother?


Mikey Jr. said:
Spoiler question about the end of the game

What does Zeus say to Gaia at the end of the game? That she chose the wrong warrior or brother or something like that? He was referring to Kratos' brother?

At the moment, is just open to everyone's interpretation. Some people say Zeus is indeed talking about Kratos' brother, others say that such character only appears in a video from the very first God of War, when things where not yet clear about (possibe) future games.
Semi-off topic, but does anyone know how taxing this game is for the PS3? I have an 80 Gig I got from the MGS4 bundle and whenever I'm playing this it sounds like a freight-train is running through my living room. The fan gets super loud. I wouldn't worry, but it seems that the fan runs non-stop now. Even when watching DVD's and Blu-rays.

The system is positioned on a open-air shelf directly below my tv which is a 40' Sammy LCD.
Gorechylde said:
Semi-off topic, but does anyone know how taxing this game is for the PS3? I have an 80 Gig I got from the MGS4 bundle and whenever I'm playing this it sounds like a freight-train is running through my living room. The fan gets super loud. I wouldn't worry, but it seems that the fan runs non-stop now. Even when watching DVD's and Blu-rays.

The system is positioned on a open-air shelf directly below my tv which is a 40' Sammy LCD.

Well the CPU fan is supposed to run non-stop. You'd have a big problem if it didn't.

Playing a BD is more resource intensive than just about any game.
Valkyr Junkie said:
Well the CPU fan is supposed to run non-stop. You'd have a big problem if it didn't.

Playing a BD is more resource intensive than just about any game.

I understand that, but this is the cooling fan. I can hear it over my TV. It has never been this loud before.
The Krato's brother story arc is just one thing I do not care for. For some reason it just does not interest me in the least bit and should only be a side story IF THAT. It just has no place for a mainline GOW game. I would hope they take the series forward into a new mythology. The settings and enemies would be endless. Norse, Egyptian, Mayan, Japanese etc. The Asian mythologies would be crazy cool because of the ridiculously awesome character art as goes for Egyptian.

Zues is dead. The End. the only other character that should still be apart of the GOW series is Athena. She can still come for the ride because she is now a "Chaos" whatever the hell that is.


Well I guess I'm on the same wagon as the other people that didn't like it.

In the entire game I faced about 3-4 glitches that forced me to restart the game. Luckily the game auto-saves a lot, otherwise it would be a pain in the ass and i probably wouldn't have finished the game by now.

Last glitch I remember was near the end when you
face the three judges again
. On the front left side there are a few red boxes if I remember correctly. I opened them and tried to fly back to the center of the room. Well basically it ended up me begin stuck in the air. I couldn't do ANYTHING, smashed every button I could possibly find untill I magically see myself appearing again about 5 meters ahead. MAGIC!

Ofcourse the presentation of the game is wonderful. But I'm getting tired of the endless QTE's and I have the feeling I'm not the only one.

I am dissapoint. =(

Mikey Jr.

Just beat the game on Titan and got Platinum (almost platinum. Apparently you have to watch the credits?). I have to say, titan was not that easy. Some fights were down right infuriating.

Overall, I liked it a lot.

I didn't feel though as Zeus being a real bad guy. I kinda felt bad about beating him at the end. He didn't give off a super bad guy vibe. Maybe I have to play GOW 1 and 2 again. But yeah, there has to be another God Of War. You don't create an engine from scratch and only make one game with it.
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