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God of War III |OT|


MoonsaultSlayer said:
Kratos was human back then and it was his army that was being decimated by the barbarian king and his massive army.

But Kratos died a couple times since then and has become a fallen god. He's perfectly capable of taking care of business now.

Ah I see

thanks man
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Just something I noticed last night.

I'm playing through on Titan difficulty, and the R1 glitch seems to have disappeared.

At first I figured it was the update (there was an update wasn't there?) but I remember not having an issue with it right from the start, before the update came.

Found that weird.

Nah the issue is definitely still there. I am currently playing it and I've died several times from the R1 glitch.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Finally finished it myself (played from start to finish over the past few days) and loved every minute of it. I would say I prefer it to either of the previous games by quite a bit. The evolved move set made more of a difference than I had expected and the set pieces were all amazing.

The presentation also improved greatly, of course, and I appreciate the fact that the cutscenes no longer feel amateur (the low bit rate videos of the first two games always seemed out of place).

Can't believe I waited this long to sit down and play through it!


Making my way through on hard mode. I love the game and the changes the have made but with the exception of the Hades and Cronos battles, the bosses haven't been that good. Right now I like II better.

So I wanted to challenge myself and see how far I could make it without upgrading any of my weapons. I just passed the garden and am about to enter the cave with the scorpions. I usually hate when people post questions like this but..

Should I upgrade my weapons because I am missing out on new moves or should I continue to see how far I can get without using any orbs?


KanZolo said:
Making my way through on hard mode. I love the game and the changes the have made but with the exception of the Hades and Cronos battles, the bosses haven't been that good. Right now I like II better.

So I wanted to challenge myself and see how far I could make it without upgrading any of my weapons. I just passed the garden and am about to enter the cave with the scorpions. I usually hate when people post questions like this but..

Should I upgrade my weapons because I am missing out on new moves or should I continue to see how far I can get without using any orbs?

It's possible to beat the game on the hardest difficulty with no upgrades including health/magic so go for it. Although the game does jump in difficulty quite a bit after the gardens but you may already know that if this isn't your first playthrough.


I just picked this up over the weekend and man am I dissapointed
that I waited this long to play one of the best games of the year
I just finished this tonight. If you haven't played the game, don't read this post.

Now, this game's positives are obvious enough - best graphics ever, deeper combat, epic musical score, solid length. I now want to talk about the negatives of my experience with God of War 3. On the whole, I felt that the game didn't deviate enough from the tried and tested God of War formula. I'm not expecting anything dramatically different, but in the first hour we already have two trademarks of the series thrown at us -
having all of Kratos' badass powers stripped, and then enduring a Hades section
. It feels like a rehash of the first two God of War games, when I would have wanted to have felt totally badass throughout the entire game. After the excitement of the opening, the way the game settles back into familiar territory is boring - one positive thing I can say is that at least the drop-off in excitement isn't quite as bad as in GOW2.

Looking to more positives, the game gradually starts to get better and better again once you leave
. Before I left though, I was introduced to something I really did not enjoy in this game - the bosses.
himself had an annoying spike in difficulty - it must have taken around 6-7 attempts before I finally realised that arrows are effective against him. Usually they are useless in GOW, other than for very low powered and distant enemies, so it came as a surprise that they were actually important for a change. I would have liked it if the hint system had told me this after my second death - throughout the game, the system notified me enough about useless shit I already knew, so it could have been great if it actually fulfilled its purpose like it's meant to. Reminding me that I have weapons to upgrade would have been another great idea, rather than letting me run around with 12000 unused orbs.

This made my upcoming battle with
harder than it should have been, until I finally realised that I should upgrade. So, there was another battle largely ruined for me. Other big battles thereafter were fine (I don't really remember them to be honest, other than the final battle). The
smaller Gods who you get a special item from, eg. Hermes,
were pretty damn lacklustre, usually consisting of a chase sequence followed by a QTE which was all spectacle and little substance.

Less about the bosses now, and a bit more about some other minor gameplay frustrations. Things like mistimed jumps made up the majority of my 28 deaths - I think some gaps could have been spaced out better to minimise this (it's an issue which the entire series seems to have). Some of the set pieces were also a little too ambitious for their own good. For example, when you are
fighting Cronos and his hand starts chasing Kratos, you have no idea to keep running until you die as a result. The subordinate enemies distract you too much from the main objective
. Otherwise excellent pacing is ruined when you have to restart for stupid game design like that. It's a similar problem when
you have to save Pandora from the water box - as Kratos is mashed beneath a spike trap in a flurry of disorientating camera angles, a scene which is meant to possess urgency suddenly grinds to a halt

Finally, I want to talk about the story, which is probably my biggest issue with the series starting from GOW2. The impression I get is a little tricky to explain.. probably the best way I can describe the story, is that it feels like it's being made up as it goes along. It's completely unpredictable, and not in a good way. It feels like an erratic opera of betrayals, fuelled by generic rage, and constantly employs supernatural plot devices to keep it going.

There is far too much: "it's not really over Kratos, X item or Y action will somehow turn it all around and make you the victor". The whole quest revolves around finding yet another fantastical thing that can defeat the Gods, or save Kratos, or whatever - can Santa Monica's writer's not come up with anything a bit more original than this? Even when he is at his absolute lowest point - his neck cracked in the hands of Zeus - he still somehow gets a divine intervention to keep him going, seemingly coming back from death to accomplish his mission. The same is true for Zeus, magically coming back to life in another form just to add a cheap 10 minutes of excitement.

The dream sequence in which Kratos gets his redemption was well done, but everything thereafter fell apart. I know Athena had some sort of ulterior motive, but the dialogue is nonsense and by this point there has been so much backstabbing that i've lost track. Her whole speech at the end about the corrupting nature of Pandora's Box pretty much sums up everything I dislike about the story. I don't know if retconned is the correct term to use, but it reeks of: "I am trying to tie all this shit up now, so here's some additional info about the Box that conveniently does it for me". WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS SHIT BEFORE? It completely invalidates the story up to that point, and frankly sounds as if the writers just ran out of ideas. And then there was some sort of implied pseudo-cliffhanger after the credits, which I have no clue about..

As Jean Reno said to Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible after he pulled him out the laser room: "messy".



Have a fun! Enjoy!
Nice review

But you seem to have been carried away by the negativity at the end when deciding the score. I wonder tho: does story even matter that much in this game? It does what is has to do, which I suppose is framing the action around the basic principle that "Kratos Is Pissed". And is pissed against the motherfucking gods, no less.

So now that we know that we are dealing with "pissines" (?) of epic proportions, all we need to keep enjoying it are sweeter eyecandy and gameplay improvements.


benevolent sexism

I agree with many of your complaints about the story, but I think "generic rage" is a lazy (though often repeated) criticism. Kratos is singularly angry and vengeful, but the reasons and objects of his anger are clearly spelled out in each game.

I also object to your blaming the designers for your own failure to experiment with the Fire Bow and to remember to upgrade your weapons. If you've played a God of War game before, or hell, any game, you have no excuse for forgetting to upgrade your shit.


TTP said:
But you seem to have been carried away by the negativity at the end when deciding the score. I wonder tho: does story even matter that much in this game? It does what is has to do, which I suppose is framing the action around the basic principle that "Kratos Is Pissed". And is pissed against the motherfucking gods, no less.

So now that we know that we are dealing with "pissines" (?) of epic proportions, all we need to keep enjoying it are sweeter eyecandy and gameplay improvements.
Yes. God of War had a fantastic story, one of the best in gaming IMO. GoW2 kind of put it in the shitter, saying we shouldn't worry about the story though is nonsense


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Yoboman said:
Yes. God of War had a fantastic story, one of the best in gaming IMO. GoW2 kind of put it in the shittier, saying we shouldn't worry about the story though is nonsense

I understand GOW1 story was "fantastic" as it perfectly illustrated the drama Kratos was born from, but other than that, It didn't even try too much. Actually, I think GOWIII did that.
I have been trying to finish this game for the past month and have only gotten 2 hours into it, I don't know why I bought it when I just finished the collection, I am so GOWered out.

And BTW GOW1> GOW2 in every single way. Especially the design, GOW2 was so frustrating sometimes because you couldn't figure it out where to go next and the place holder puzzles that were just thrown in there and the boring level design.
TTP said:
I understand GOW1 story was "fantastic" as it perfectly illustrated the drama Kratos was born from, but other than that, It didn't even try too much. Actually, I think GOWIII did that.
Try too much? Yes.
TTP said:
But you seem to have been carried away by the negativity at the end when deciding the score. I wonder tho: does story even matter that much in this game? It does what is has to do, which I suppose is framing the action around the basic principle that "Kratos Is Pissed". And is pissed against the motherfucking gods, no less.

So now that we know that we are dealing with "pissines" (?) of epic proportions, all we need to keep enjoying it are sweeter eyecandy and gameplay improvements.

I kept it negative because we already know what the best aspects for GOW3 are. :D

I think on the surface the story may not matter too much, but if we peer a little deeper we see that it does actually heavily influence the game's direction. Rather than, as you say, just kill motherfucking Gods, the focus of every GOW game is instead shifted towards Kratos trying to complete some other objective. In GOW3 he's trying to find Pandora, break the chain and open up the Box (again). We have to do this rather than experience the same sort of epic god killing that is in the first 20 minutes. I suppose I shouldn't blast Sony SM too much - they probably don't have many gods left to kill in such an awesome fashion. They were also trying to be a bit more clever than just mindless killing - I did actually admire the way it all started coming together towards the end, in the way that your new items started unlocking previously locked paths. But it just feels a bit like they are missing the whole point of their own franchise.

hey_it's_that_dog said:
I also object to your blaming the designers for your own failure to experiment with the Fire Bow and to remember to upgrade your weapons. If you've played a God of War game before, or hell, any game, you have no excuse for forgetting to upgrade your shit.

I could be playing my very first GOW game for all they know - a hint system should assume complete idiocy on the part of the player. Hell, it already does, but makes the totally wrong kind of assumptions - every time it reminds me to "press back on the analog stick + X to jump away from the wall", I cringe, thinking about how it could be reminding me of other important things.
I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
badcrumble said:
Try too much? Yes.

Exactly. There was no point in doing that. It focused the attention on a previously marginal aspect of the game and all of a sudden story weights more in God of War III than it did before. But it shouldn't, IMO.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Trent Strong said:
I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?

What? No. Carson is fucking badass. Just hearing Kratos' voice makes me want to kill monsters and stuff their heads up their assholes after shitting in their empty eye sockets.
I kept it negative because we already know what the best aspects for GOW3 are. :D

I think on the surface the story may not matter too much, but if we peer a little deeper we see that it does actually heavily influence the game's direction. Rather than, as you say, just kill motherfucking Gods, the focus of every GOW game is instead shifted towards Kratos trying to complete some other objective. In GOW3 he's trying to find Pandora, break the chain and open up the Box (again). We have to do this rather than experience the same sort of epic god killing that is in the first 20 minutes. I suppose I shouldn't blast Sony SM too much - they probably don't have many gods left to kill in such an awesome fashion. They were also trying to be a bit more clever than just mindless killing - I did actually admire the way it all started coming together towards the end, in the way that your new items started unlocking previously locked paths. But it just feels a bit like they are missing the whole point of their own franchise.

I could be playing my very first GOW game for all they know - a hint system should assume complete idiocy on the part of the player. Hell, it already does, but makes the totally wrong kind of assumptions - every time it reminds me to "press back on the analog stick + X to jump away from the wall", I cringe, thinking about how it could be reminding me of other important things.

The first time you hit the pause button, it tells you this. It also defaults to the weapons screen. There's valid complaints, but this isn't one of them.

The challenges on the other hand, well one in particular, can be frustrating to no end, due to one flaw that wasn't tweaked for that part.

I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?

Hell No.


Trent Strong said:
I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?

When its good, its bad ass!. when its bad...its fucking cheesy as

" Zues..your son has returned, I bring the destruction of Olympus" the line itself isnt bad...but when you hear it..(facepalm) it sounds something I would say when I was 5 years old playing with plastic swords and shields.
I have all the items and got the Trophy for it, but there is one more item above Her'as chalice and below the Gorgon Eye that still has a question mark.

Anyone know what it is?


I was just told to patch this game (maybe a month or so old). What does this do?

I noticed in one of the making of vids (not the epically cool feature length documentary that is included on the disc) but i believe one of the one's on computer animation it would play and then get to a point where the documentary would freeze my ps3 and I would have to do a hard reset. I hope this was one of the things fixed in the patch as I would like to watch these cool videos with piece of mind as a hard reset CAN'T be good for the system, can it?


benevolent sexism
Trent Strong said:
I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?

Far from the worst unless you've only played like 3 games in your lifetime. But I will agree that his work in GOW3 wasn't so hot a lot of the time. It's been a while since I played 1 and 2, but I think he was better in those. Or maybe he just had less to say.


I've got a code for the "forgotten warrior character" skin which i'm not going to use. It came with my amazon uk order. I don't know if it still works (received the code about 2 months ago) and don't know if it works for the us store. However, if anyone wants it, i'd be more than happy to give it away.

edit: code is taken
Trent Strong said:
I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?

No way.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Her whole
speech at the end about the corrupting nature of Pandora's Box pretty much sums up everything I dislike about the story. I don't know if retconned is the correct term to use, but it reeks of: "I am trying to tie all this shit up now, so here's some additional info about the Box that conveniently does it for me". WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS SHIT BEFORE? It completely invalidates the story up to that point, and frankly sounds as if the writers just ran out of ideas.
If you're talking about her speech that
Pandora's box also carries hope inside of itself
, I don't know if I'd call that retconning or anything bad for that matter. That's what the original Greek legend says about the box. I thought it was quite neat that someone writing the story remembered that, as most pop culture representations of it exclude that from the depiction.


Completed the game a few days ago on hard as my first run through. Zeus battle seemed to take forever but i suppose i only died the first few times dew to lack of patience. I did feel the story became a bit derivative in parts however one very simple mechanic at the end redeemed it for the most part.
The part where you're bashing in Zeus's face and the screen is filling up with blood such that you're completely blinded but still compelled by the game to continue mashing the button - yet what you really need to do is just stop.
A powerful metaphor for Kratos's entire crusade that was and for some reason it keeps playing over and over in my mind


TTP said:
But you seem to have been carried away by the negativity at the end when deciding the score. I wonder tho: does story even matter that much in this game? It does what is has to do, which I suppose is framing the action around the basic principle that "Kratos Is Pissed". And is pissed against the motherfucking gods, no less.

So now that we know that we are dealing with "pissines" (?) of epic proportions, all we need to keep enjoying it are sweeter eyecandy and gameplay improvements.

Honestly this is a fairly narrow view. In God of War I the story was a major component for tying the whole experience together for me. Epic isn't just epic because you're on the back of Chronos, or fighting a Hydra monster, it's how the narrative supports and strengthens those moments. Otherwise you end up with Transformers. Sure it has explosions, and giant robots, but the experience is just hollow in the end. That's why the narrative quality dropping off a cliff post God of War I is so damaging, and to be honest the gameplay wasn't an all around improvement in this one either.


Been playing this game, and have entered the giant box cavern. Amazing game so far but some annoying stuff:

Why the hell isn't there an option to change y/x plane not just invert both and regular. The "flight" up the cavern was so frustrating when I couldn't change it to my liking.

And the savespots are sometimes to far away from each other, I can only play for a hour at a time, and sometimes I can loose 30 minutes of action, because I didn't come to a savespot in time.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Trent Strong said:
I'm a little late to the party here, and I don't think I could read through the whole thread, but are we all agreed that the guy who does the voice of Kratos is the worst voice actor in the history of videogames?

Hell no.


And the savespots are sometimes to far away from each other, I can only play for a hour at a time, and sometimes I can loose 30 minutes of action, because I didn't come to a savespot in time.
You don't really need to reach a savepoint to save your progression, the game has an auto-save feature that saves in background your game much more often than the oldschool save points.


GONz said:
You don't really need to reach a savepoint to save your progression, the game has an auto-save feature that saves in background your game much more often than the oldschool save points.
So the next time I start I will be starting at the latest checkpoint. Mad props to the game if so :)

one more ting, if Kratos strugles so much with opening doors, who are the doors really for. There aren't many creatures with the strength of Kratos in the game...


Ristlager said:
So the next time I start I will be starting at the latest checkpoint. Mad props to the game if so :)

one more ting, if Kratos strugles so much with opening doors, who are the doors really for. There aren't many creatures with the strength of Kratos in the game...

For the Gods.
Finished the game on titan and just started a second run through on easy for the missing trophies i don't have. Man, Titan was tough as nails, the Zeus and scorpion fights were easily the toughest i had to deal with all game.

After playing through the Collection and GOW3, I can't believe we never got another pegasus section or underwater combat/puzzle sections, those were some of my favorite sections in all 3 games. Instead we got the fucked up cylinder ascent/descent to Hades. Ughhhh, i wanted to punch whoever thought it was a good idea to have those in the game when i died for 30th time.

Anyways, I'm stuck on the bare hands challenge, i finished everything else but that in under 10 tries but i just can't manage to eliminate all the enemies. i just can't seem to get this done.


After Platinum-ing the game(and beating it on Chaos), I can honestly say it's one of the best action adventure games I've ever played, and definitely the most epic. But I have to say that I think GOW2 is better, it had more variety, more bosses, and it was like 3-4 hours longer than GOW3 which I beat in 8 hours on my first playthrough on Normal.


Just finished it last night. I felt like the ending
itself was kinda blah, I pretty much agree with I Need Scissors on that
and pretty much everything else, too.

I found it awesome that
Hercules was played by Kevin Sorbo

It was an OK game. I like it better than 2 but not as much as 1. Glad it's done now.


YES!!! Finally beat the game on Titan! And ended up with my first platinum trophy ever. :D One thing I learned is that against
Nemesis Whip
is your friend. Can't believe how much easier that fight got using that weapon (I'm talking about the second phase of the fight).

Now I'm playing through the GOW Collection again and playing GOW 1, I'm trying to dodge with the Icarus wings when I remember I don't have them in this game. :lol But I have it in me to play GOW3 a couple of more times in the future. Love the game.


Late question (with no spoilers please):
If I buy the game used, will I lose anything from the original game like BC2 vouchers for online items?

RiverBed said:
Late question (with no spoilers please):
If I buy the game used, will I lose anything from the original game like BC2 vouchers for online items?


Nope, Sony haven't done that with any PS3 games yet. Only a matter of time though...


so I ah finished GOW2 from GOW collection about an hour ago then started GOW3 Straight away.. and My god I jizzed at the graphics... I mean I had been playing GOW2 for 3 hours and to jump into GOW3 immediately blew my mind I am going to enjoy this :D
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