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God of War III |OT|


Grandma's Chippy
I did the same thing :lol

I had never played any GOW game. Bought collections and played through them over last couple of weeks. Been playing GOW3 for about 5-6 days now...fun. Plus I feel like I am more in tune with the storyline (such as it is) by playing them all back to back.
Finally got GOW3 and finished it too... I think it was in 5 sessions, that's hell of a lot faster (as in sessions/completition ratio) than all the other games I have been playing in a while. Loved every second of it.

Might even replay through it!
I honestly don't know what it is about this game but it runs REALLY quiet on my speakers.

I have to turn this game up by like +10db just to hear anything sometimes. Music seems fine but the sound effects are REALLY quiet.

This problem also happens to me on Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto IV.

Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone have a fix for it?

For reference:
-40GB PS3 hooked up via HDMI to a Yamaha HTR-6090
Cold-Steel said:
I honestly don't know what it is about this game but it runs REALLY quiet on my speakers.

I have to turn this game up by like +10db just to hear anything sometimes. Music seems fine but the sound effects are REALLY quiet.

This problem also happens to me on Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto IV.

Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone have a fix for it?

For reference:
-40GB PS3 hooked up via HDMI to a Yamaha HTR-6090

No, I think it was mentioned in one of the making of videos or an interview that they mixed the audio like they do in movies so normal speech volume seems low.

Wish I could source, but I don't remember where I heard that anymore.
Sorry for the bump but WHAT THE HECK. I am replaying on Titan and after the first boss it has been a cakewalk until now (minor spoilers ahead)

In the end of the labyrinth there was a rather difficult battle, hardest up until that point, that took me a while to beat... well I managed to beat that but now at the Judges there is this flame Cerberus that seems to be the hardest thing ever. First phase isn't hard but when those other bastards show up it's hell. All my weapons have been upgraded and I got all the chests but I still can't beat it. I have gotten to phase 3 only once, only to be annihilated by the other enemies. Shit.
PetriP-TNT said:
Sorry for the bump but WHAT THE HECK. I am replaying on Titan and after the first boss it has been a cakewalk until now (minor spoilers ahead)

In the end of the labyrinth there was a rather difficult battle, hardest up until that point, that took me a while to beat... well I managed to beat that but now at the Judges there is this flame Cerberus that seems to be the hardest thing ever. First phase isn't hard but when those other bastards show up it's hell. All my weapons have been upgraded and I got all the chests but I still can't beat it. I have gotten to phase 3 only once, only to be annihilated by the other enemies. Shit.

L1 + Circle and Grabs work like a charm. Oh and use the magic and Rage liberally.
This was the easiest battle for me, during the end of the game sequence because on Zeus Round 1 on Titan was just ughhh, i shudder just thinking about it.
magnificent83 said:
L1 + Circle and Grabs work like a charm. Oh and use the magic and Rage liberally.
This was the easiest battle for me, during the end of the game sequence because on Zeus Round 1 on Titan was just ughhh, i shudder just thinking about it.
You can't L1+circle the cerberus and the other enemies block it too :/


PetriP-TNT said:
You can't L1+circle the cerberus and the other enemies block it too :/
It's been a long time since I did that part.

I pretty much used the Cestus and moved backwards and forwards. When the Satyrs came I used the spartan magic and rage of sparta.

Personally I didn't think it was that bad. Did it on my first/second go. The hardest boss for me was the first one. :p


Also you can use the boots of Hermes on the Satyrs, press jump right after you ram them and juggle them with a few hits and throw them with circle.

Spam magic/rage after cutting the third head to make it easier.


Sorry for the bump, but I had a quick question if anyone can answer without spoilers...

After killing Hades, I swim through the River Styx and find my self back in Hephaestus' chamber. After the cut-scene, the game directs my attention to the Hyperion Gate on a ledge just above. However, I am unable to reach the ledge so I take another path and end up back on Mount Olympus... Just curious if there was something I missed. Am I able to come back to the gate later in the game or did I completely miss something and I have to wait for another play-through before I get another opportunity?

If I eventually revisit that area later in the game, then that's all I need to know. If I missed something and I could've reached the gate now, could anyone fill me in? No spoilers please! Thanks! :D


Finally got the time to delve into this again. I'll just be quick:

+ Looks great. One of the few games where the devs weren't afraid of using real black shadows. Everything is detailed and full of little decorations. Backgrounds are well designed and you get peeks of grandieur in just the right moments. Not the best game ever considering visuals, but very close...

- The amount of details and shit on the screen can be disorienting. It's fine to try and create believable visuals, but the gameplay is always more important. If you need huge glowing weakspots, then use them. The poseidon fight for example had sections that were really messy and you didn't always notice what would happen next. Especially those electric attacks.

+ Combat is as brutal as ever.

- However the QTE's are much easier to perform this time around and offer no challenge at all. Ripping the heads off from medusas was tricky in the previous games. The button prompts also don't seem to transfer to the actions that well. For GoW veterans, the hard-mode doesn't offer any real challenge in the fights. square-square-triangle kills everything, anytime, anywhere. Rage mode and magic keep you safe from hard boss combinations.

- The other weapons still pale in comparison with the standard blades. Also the magic system is more simple.

- Too many recycled enemies for my taste. The first quarter of the game feels like you're playing a remake and not a real sequel. Skeletons, minotaurs, medusas and harpies all fight the same way as always.

+ Bosses look great and many of them are fun to fight. Hades was good, poseidon just looked awesome and I cracked at Kevin Sorbo.

- However there are many throwaway bosses. Hercules fight was pretty lame. Also you really don't feel any satisfaction when Kratos slaughters helpless gods. You just start to think of Kratos as this angst-teen on super steroids, going on mass murdering people.

+ Level design still so much better than competition. Music too, though a bit too much recycling going on.

+ The story is pretty stupid but you aren't forced too much of it. For some reason my GF liked it way more than me, go figure.

All in all this is the last GoW I can stomach without radical changes to the formula. Despite it not being as tight as GoWII, it still is remains as a very entertaining, handcrafted epic adventure, which you will want to finish. This cannot be said of so many sequels this generation, so I still have positive attidude towards GoWIII.

But it's time for Santa Monica to do something new.


I just picked this up. I'm really hoping for the best as I was disappointed somewhat with God of War II (but loved the original and Chains.) Gonna go cut the grass then cut some fools! (...shame I can't cut the grass with some Blades of Athena.)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I still haven't finished this. I'm right near the end, too. It's the same deal with Heavy Rain and FFXIII. :lol

... :(


zoukka said:
- However the QTE's are much easier to perform this time around and offer no challenge at all. Ripping the heads off from medusas was tricky in the previous games. The button prompts also don't seem to transfer to the actions that well. For GoW veterans, the hard-mode doesn't offer any real challenge in the fights. square-square-triangle kills everything, anytime, anywhere. Rage mode and magic keep you safe from hard boss combinations.

This really bugged me too. Another example, in the first GOW you really had to mash down on "O" to perform the final blow to minotaurs, but in GOWIII you can press it very leisurely and still pull it off.
zoukka said:
- However there are many throwaway bosses. Hercules fight was pretty lame.

Disagree with you by about 1 million percent. The Hercules fight was the most fun boss fight I've played in like 15 years. It was at that point that I pretty much deemed part III a classic.
The PSP Digital Comic Book Reader has DC Comics now so the God of War Comics are finally up! Two bucks a pop, love the art style, the writing meh not so much.


Spectral Glider said:
Disagree with you by about 1 million percent. The Hercules fight was the most fun boss fight I've played in like 15 years. It was at that point that I pretty much deemed part III a classic.
Totally agree, the hercules fight was one of, if not the best boss fights in the entire series.


Spectral Glider said:
Disagree with you by about 1 million percent. The Hercules fight was the most fun boss fight I've played in like 15 years. It was at that point that I pretty much deemed part III a classic.

I liked the setting and the presentation in that fight. Especially when Herc lost his weapons. But gameplaywise, it was easy and boring.

And just finished the game. I think the series goes like this: GoWII - GoW - GoWIII - Chains of Olympus. The ending was pretty anti-climatic. I felt no satisfaction in the final QTE against Zeus. A problem that was present in almost all the bossfights :( Poor bastards.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Galvanise_ said:
Man, why haven't they done any DLC for this game? Money left on the table.

Yeah, I just finished Chains of Olympus (meaning I've now played and completed every GoW game to date), and I crave more God of War. I know Ghost of Sparta is coming, and I've got Dante of War to tide me over until that (although Dante's Inferno comes nowhere near being as good as the GoW games), but I want some delicious GoW III DLC. Some playable epilogue, some 'lost levels' DLC, just something :(

Oh, and my updated rating of the series would be:
GoW II - GoW III - GoW = GoW: CoO - GoW: Betrayal


Just beat the game on Titan mode and goddam the Cerberus Breeder with three Satyrs was fucking insane , then fucking Zues's 2nd fight was just fucked. I'm actually proud I beat it .:lol


rush777 said:
Just beat the game on Titan mode and goddam the Cerberus Breeder with three Satyrs was fucking insane , then fucking Zues's 2nd fight was just fucked. I'm actually proud I beat it .:lol

Agreed. Two of the most toughest fights in the game. All the mass mob fighting room in
The Labyrinth
annoyed me to no end. I was really happy when I finished the 2nd battle with Zeus though. Felt like I was doing everything right and I was still getting fucked. :lol
people still use the standard blades through most of the games? i honestly didn't touch them for the 2nd half of the game or so. between the sweet ass lions claws and the electric blades you get from that guy after banging his wife there was no need for them

btw, awesome game. can't wait for GOW 4!
zoukka said:
Finally got the time to delve into this again. I'll just be quick:

- However the QTE's are much easier to perform this time around and offer no challenge at all. Ripping the heads off from medusas was tricky in the previous games. The button prompts also don't seem to transfer to the actions that well. For GoW veterans, the hard-mode doesn't offer any real challenge in the fights. square-square-triangle kills everything, anytime, anywhere. Rage mode and magic keep you safe from hard boss combinations.

- The other weapons still pale in comparison with the standard blades. Also the magic system is more simple.

- However there are many throwaway bosses. Hercules fight was pretty lame. Also you really don't feel any satisfaction when Kratos slaughters helpless gods. You just start to think of Kratos as this angst-teen on super steroids, going on mass murdering people.

Out of curiosity, did you play in normal? The game is probably a tad too easy for most in normal. I thought the Hercules fight was both awesome and really challenging. Square-square-triangle is not nearly as effective as you make it sound in hard.

I do agree with the angst- doesn't really make me feel like Kratos is a angsty teen, rather than a fucking sociopath with mass-murdering tendencies. I was a bit disturbed, not so much because it was so violent, but because it felt wretched and sadistic.


That was the thing I didn't really care for in part 3. Felt like Kratos was a psycopath who just enjoyed ripping people apart as opposed to a guy who really wants vengeance. You kind of wonder what he did all of that for... One element that contributed to this is that it looks like they tried to make every kill brutal as opposed to a bit of it here and there. It's like every single important person he kills, he makes sure to do in some overly brutal way.


I'm almost finished (
just beat the Labyrinth
). I like it better than II but not as much as I. It's hard to imagine Kratos being more of a pathological killer than he already is, but in III, Santa Monica Studio has taken things a bit too far, I think. You literally kill everyone in your path and I even fear for
. It's a bit over the top with a few especially violent scenes being even more over the top than necessary, IMO. I just don't take pleasure in ripping off heads and smashing in faces
Hercules, barf
, but oh well.

That said, the combat is incredible, if a bit easy on Normal. I still found myself defaulting to the normal blades 90% of the time, but that's OK. The combat is just pure fun. I also found this installment to be less annoying for the most part than past games. Outside of a few awkward moments, the flow of the game was fantastic.

The highlight of the game for me were the bosses. These are each truly fantastic spectacles and I really hope we continue to see games made with such scale. Some of the scenes were truly breathtaking, punctuated by the fantastic score. The graphics, for the most part, were incredible.

Overall, it's great game and I can't wait to see the ending.

Edit: Just beat the game. Pretty interesting ending, some more
face beating ugh
; it will be interesting to see what's next for the series. I spent a lot of the game despising Kratos
and hoping he'd jump off a cliff at the end of the game
, but the combat was just too fun to pass on. Not sure if I'll bother with the Ghost of Sparta, as I think I've had enough of the God of War series. It was a fun ride though!

And kudos to Santa Monica Studio for cramming in so much 'making-of' content after you beat the game. That stuff is always fun to watch and I wish more devs would include it the regular editions of games and not the lame Collecter's Edition garbage.


I played it on Hard naturally. I've finished the previous games on all difficulties so this game was a cakewalk. I'd reckon hard would be fucking annoying for beginners though.

And I only used the standard blades. The additional weapons are always worse...


zoukka said:
I played it on Hard naturally. I've finished the previous games on all difficulties so this game was a cakewalk. I'd reckon hard would be fucking annoying for beginners though.

And I only used the standard blades. The additional weapons are always worse...

Completely disagree with you.
The Nemean Cestus and Nemesis Whip
were just awesome and came in handy in many situations. Wasn't as much of a fan of the
Claws of Hades
but I assume you can utilize those in a way that is just as effective as the other weapons.

And a cakewalk? Can we stop with the exaggerations please. I beat the first two God of Wars on the hardest difficulties, but come on. There were some really difficult levels in this one that you couldn't just spam Square-Square-Triangle to pass them, and it's not like you could have done that with the rest of the game either.

So the rotating room with the spikes in the Labyrinth with all the monsters was a joke for you? One of the following rooms later in the Labyrinth where you fight off what felt like endless spawns of monsters with Pandora was too easy? What about the molten cerberus and satyrs when you drop back down to Hades? The 2nd battle with Zeus in the room with Gaia's Heart? All of these you just spammed Square-Square-Triangle and gingerly walked through them?
soldat7 said:
I just picked this up. I'm really hoping for the best as I was disappointed somewhat with God of War II (but loved the original and Chains.) Gonna go cut the grass then cut some fools! (...shame I can't cut the grass with some Blades of Athena.)

I've been playing this for the last few days, and can same that I'm somewhat disappointed. Too many pits, too many QTEs, too many puzzles (which are monotonous, BTW), and not enough action. GOW3 is a game that knows what it does best but gets away from it, despite that knowledge, which is frustrating.

Even the combat itself has issues. You can block or dodge for instance, but some attacks cannot be blocked. So, how is a player to know whether to block or dodge? I also tried pulling myself closer to an enemy with L1 + O in order to traverse a pitt, but ended falling in the pit. (you could do this with the whip in Bayeonetta). Bayonetta made it simple. Perhaps that's why I am disappointed in the game. Bayonetta is currently the gold standard when it comes to action games.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
zoukka said:
And I only used the standard blades. The additional weapons are always worse...
Yeah, you missed out. The cestus is by far a better weapon (and more fun to use) for many situations in the game.


And kudos to Santa Monica Studio for cramming in so much 'making-of' content after you beat the game. That stuff is always fun to watch and I wish more devs would include it the regular editions of games and not the lame Collecter's Edition garbage.

Hell yes. Making of-stuff is almost always great, but GOW3's was especially good. Naughty Dog also really delivered with Uncharted on that front.
zoukka said:
I played it on Hard naturally. I've finished the previous games on all difficulties so this game was a cakewalk. I'd reckon hard would be fucking annoying for beginners though.

And I only used the standard blades. The additional weapons are always worse...

The Hades purple blades were shit, but the other weapons upgraded were awesome. Against some enemies some of the other weapons also just made things so much easier to beat.


Yeah, Cestus is the best weapon in the game and it would be a powerhouse if it had the same magic as the blades.

The whip is also great, though the claws are the most useless since every other weapon does something better than it.


I just finished this a little while ago. I really loved the first two and expected to feel the same about this game but it just felt too familiar. It felt shorter than the first two (took me just under 8 hours) and with the exception of a couple earlier bosses I thought they were all disappointing. I will say the game looked amazing and it was still fun but it just didn't impress me.


SamuraiX- said:
Completely disagree with you.
The Nemean Cestus and Nemesis Whip
were just awesome and came in handy in many situations. Wasn't as much of a fan of the
Claws of Hades
but I assume you can utilize those in a way that is just as effective as the other weapons.

And a cakewalk? Can we stop with the exaggerations please. I beat the first two God of Wars on the hardest difficulties, but come on. There were some really difficult levels in this one that you couldn't just spam Square-Square-Triangle to pass them, and it's not like you could have done that with the rest of the game either.

So the rotating room with the spikes in the Labyrinth with all the monsters was a joke for you? One of the following rooms later in the Labyrinth where you fight off what felt like endless spawns of monsters with Pandora was too easy? What about the molten cerberus and satyrs when you drop back down to Hades? The 2nd battle with Zeus in the room with Gaia's Heart? All of these you just spammed Square-Square-Triangle and gingerly walked through them?

Agree with everything you said here SamuraiX, the parts we already mentioned in earlier posts were incredibly difficult(forgot about that fucking Labyrinth batte geez). I also loved the Nemean Cestus it was my most used weapon all game but I mixed it up quite effectively and used everything at my dissposal.

GoW 3 did have a long period around the halfway point on titan where you don't have to many tough battles, but once you get to the Scorpion boss it really ramped up for me. I just don't see how anyone could just breez through some of the later battles with no problems or outside help on titan but maybe I just suck.:D


Naturally the other weapons have their uses. The cestuses seemed very effective on some enemies, but I felt most natural with the standard blades. Worked on every situation and they just feel right when you've played the series this long. So I guess it boils down to which weapon you have most fun with. The cestuses were really boring to use. Just like they were on the psp GoW. And the square-square-triangle IS the most powerful combination in the game. It's fast and it juggles. Easy to cancel to dodge. Naturally I use complicated combos when safe, but the old three button blast has always been the bread & butter of GoW games. Blame the devs if you like :b

And by cakewalk I don't mean I never died wtf? But I definitely don't remember dying too many times on any one spot. The flaming cerberus was probably the toughest one, but like any tricky GoW fight, you just have to know when to spam magic and use the rage mode.

The second zeus fight was easy. You could drain Gaias heart for health, deflect lightning bolts and magic the clones away.

The game was definitely easier than the first two. There wasn't any tricky platforming, no protect the translator/family sections and no challenging QTE's.


SamuraiX- said:

There is absolutely nothing funny about what he said. Bayonetta is indeed the gold standard right now in terms of character based action games.

Nothing even comes close actualy.


JoeFenix said:
There is absolutely nothing funny about what he said. Bayonetta is indeed the gold standard right now in terms of character based action games.

Nothing even comes close actualy.

In some areas. Maybe.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
JoeFenix said:
There is absolutely nothing funny about what he said. Bayonetta is indeed the gold standard right now in terms of character based action games.

Nothing even comes close actualy.
don't be fucking ridiculous, it's spelt 'actually'


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
JoeFenix said:
There is absolutely nothing funny about what he said. Bayonetta is indeed the gold standard right now in terms of character based action games.

Nothing even comes close actualy.

The combat might be the gold standard, sure, but the visual design/character design is absolutely fucking atrocious.



zoukka said:
Naturally the other weapons have their uses. The cestuses seemed very effective on some enemies, but I felt most natural with the standard blades. Worked on every situation and they just feel right when you've played the series this long. So I guess it boils down to which weapon you have most fun with. The cestuses were really boring to use. Just like they were on the psp GoW. And the square-square-triangle IS the most powerful combination in the game. It's fast and it juggles. Easy to cancel to dodge. Naturally I use complicated combos when safe, but the old three button blast has always been the bread & butter of GoW games. Blame the devs if you like :b

And by cakewalk I don't mean I never died wtf? But I definitely don't remember dying too many times on any one spot. The flaming cerberus was probably the toughest one, but like any tricky GoW fight, you just have to know when to spam magic and use the rage mode.

The second zeus fight was easy. You could drain Gaias heart for health, deflect lightning bolts and magic the clones away.

The game was definitely easier than the first two. There wasn't any tricky platforming, no protect the translator/family sections and no challenging QTE's.

I understand where you're coming from with the blades. I love them. One of the coolest standard weapons in any action game I've played. I made sure to use them in the final battle because it just felt more appropriate to me. However, I believe that you're doing yourself a disservice by skipping out on the Nemean Cestus and Nemesis Whip. No idea how you can find the Cestus boring, but eh, difference of taste.

Also, for me, the blades didn't work for every situation. Obviously the Cestus made easy worked of the Obsidian Shield enemies and I found that the Nemesis Whip along with the magic static charge attack were incredibly more effective when fighting the Satyrs as they block and counter 75% of your attacks.

And although you Square-Square-Triangle may be the most practical combo to use, it is by no means the most powerful nor the most effective. My personal favorite is the Square-Triangle-Triangle-Triangle for damage that can be concentrated or spread and the Square-Square-Square-Square for quick, concentrated damage that can be cancelled to dodge.

I never implied that you never died when you used the term "cakewalk", but I feel like you were exaggerating too much when you said that you could just go through the game mashing square-square-triangle and breeze through it. I do agree with you that the first two games offered more difficult scenarios, but God of War III on Titan difficulty was anything but easy.

Also, for the 2nd battle with Zeus, I was doing everything right in the battle and I was still getting screwed. It took me quite a while to finally get a consistent pattern down and then I realized it was easier to micromanage and take out the clones that Zeus spawned instead of trying to counter their attacks. When I was countering, what always happened was they got me with the stupid unblockable/counterable double-handed lighting blast that takes off half of your health. So countering is good and well when it's just you and Zeus, but it took me many tries to realize that the battle is a hell of a lot easier when you just take out Zeus' spawns.

Also, I felt the Challenges of Olympus were much easier than the Challenges in the first two titles.
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