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Goddamned tonberries [Final Fantasy VIII]


Crazymoogle said:
I don't think there was anything special about that. He just choked on his food. Several times in the game he made mention to how he wanted a Hot Dog from the cafeteria, and now that he finally obtained one, he ate it too fast.

The motion capture for that scene was rather brilliant, though.

Exactly, and he got pissed off and everyone around him was looking at him and he lashed out. Simple.

About Rinoa being Ultimecia, I don't know. She didn't really look like her, and I think it's just people trying to improve on the fact that the final boss of the game was rather... weak. I mean, it was a good battle, but we barely knew anything about her till the last bit of the game.

Though I do love the fact that they never directly answered, but clued you in so many times that it leaves no doubt, that
Laguna is Squall's father


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
FFVIII is probably my favorite console RPG, so unfortunately you won't see a trolling thread out of me ;b


I remember another gripe people had was that Squall did not once say, "I love you" to Rinoa. True love is not having to say it. Oh, and another part I love is when Fujin finally opens up briefly to speak (right after the Odin event). It's a strong scene for me because I've a few friends like that, and for someone to come out of their shell briefly to wake someone they care about up, I don't know. That did it for me. Then there's that other scene when Squall gets on the PA for the first time during the invasion and that music, The Oath comes on. DAMN, I've got to replay this game!
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