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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

I just got out of an early screening, good movie, it does certain aspects very well both other aspects didn't work.

I felt this was a film that didn't exactly know what it wanted to be. Clearly it was going for a very human drama fueled Godzilla movie. It tries to keep the story on the characters and show most of the action through the perspective of us normal humans. At the same time though it wanted to show Godzilla kick ass but it never goes all in on that aspect even though that is clearly the best part of the film. The characters to me don't work, no one is particularly memorable and the attempts at suspense or danger fall flat. Certain storylines felt like they went nowhere and simply were there so the humans had something to do. Certain sequences were amazing, I think you have all seen the HALO jump from the trailers, that works as a visual and tense moment. There are moments of brilliance, it is never sustained though.

Major plot spoilers from here on in:

The movie could have had a great human anchor that the audience cares for but they kill him after 30 minutes, that is of course Bryan Cranston's character. He shows real emotion, he feels like an actual person. The rest of the cast feels like they came from a checklist of people you need in a Godzilla/disaster film. Our main character, hell I can't even tell you his name, has like one look and emotion the whole movie long. I never feared for his life, I never once believed anything would happen to his family. Not one army guy nor one scientist had any presence, no memorable scenes or lines. This movie uses some of the most cliche grabs at cheap thrills in a disaster film like random dog running from a wall of death! School bus of children on a bridge about to collapse! It didn't work for me.

What did work was everything with the monsters, wow! The Mutos designs are so cool, they made them as much as a realistic ancient giant animal as they can but still keeping that interesting design of classic Godzilla movies. Some may not like Godzilla being reduced to just a predator that eats other ancient animals, he wasn't created by radiation, he doesn't randomly come on land and way waste to cities, he is just an apex predator. I think that worked well in the context of the movie and it turned Godzilla into the unquestionable hero of the film. The fights were simply badass, it's giant monsters fighting, and they didn't look like guys in suits, it was as believable as could be!

As I mentioned there were certain shots that were simply jaw dropping. The first time Godzilla comes on screen is so perfectly shot, the entire audience cheered... then it cut away to humans. There are moments where the camera is on the ground or looking through windows of a building and you see the fight from the scale of just a normal human, breathtaking shots. The HALO jump looked incredible, it was like a decent into hell and the shot of Godzilla fighting through the mask of the main soldier was awesome. That kind of stuff the movie excelled at, it just needed more of that. It felt like anytime it was beginning to focus on the monsters it cuts away back to the humans.

I know it can be difficult to balance what the audience should be feeling. The truth of it is that no one is scared of Godzilla, he is cool, we want to see him fight monsters and be badass. So the movie tries to be both, dramatic and suspenseful but how can you do that when the monsters are the most interesting characters on the screen.

Anyway good movie, it is not a travesty like the 98 one. I think Japan would be pleased with this Godzilla.


The build up to Godzilla is fucking good you have see to it. The movie gave me 90/2000s vibes instead of the 54 one.
You should only if that option is imax (or rpx)…basically see this on the biggest screen possible, if that option is imax 3d then so be it.

See, I can go to a lesser IMAX for two bucks less, but the Met is SF actually has a huge screen.


Just saw it earlier today. I'd give it a 3/5, I liked it.

Most of the human characters are meh besides Cranston who plays the crazy obsessive scientist guy well. The rest is just the typical family in the midst of the destruction stuff.. while the military fumbles around not knowing what the fuck to do for most of the film. I lost some interest in the human element after a certain point in the film. I understand why they have it in these films (give the audience something to relate to, show off the scale, have us see it through their perspective, etc.), but man, is it that hard to make them interesting? Lol. They do balance it really well though, and I feel like the movie had really good pacing. My god does the build up feel rewarding, they do a good job playing with your anticipation.

Godzilla himself? Fucking awesome, I really really loved the creature designs in this btw.. Some great shots, and an awesome score to accompany it all. Thought it was gonna be just another destruction porn movie (it has plenty of that too lol), but it had some pretty memorable moments; I ended up liking it a lot. They had plenty of creative ways to show off the destruction and the lead ups to the monster reveals. The movie got lots of cheers from the audience, they were into it the entire time.

Saw it in IMAX 3D. I'd say it's worth it. Maybe? Also, I can't believe lack of Godzilla would be a complaint. Call me crazy, but I feel like he's in half the movie. Unless you're talking about his time on screen. Whatever, he's badass whenever he shows up. Rather feel that way than feel like he was plugged into scenes just because. That would've been a lot less memorable.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Honestly, I prefer it over Pacific Rim. Neither film are perfect, but I feel like even though Godzilla has less Kaiju action in it than Pacific Rim does, it packs a bigger punch.

I thought Pacific Rim was pretty average though.
The action was just as good if not better, and the rest of the movie was leaps and bounds ahead of Pacific Rim.

Sold. I need more of dat hot kaiju action in my life.


Watching Godzilla vs Hedorah on Blu-ray. I haven't seen this shit in years, this movie is fucking crazy. If we get more Godzilla movies, bring THIS mothetfucker right here back, Hedorah man. This dude was a damn threat, and actually quite disturbing.

Hell, literally bring back any classic kaiju and I'd be done. Even Gabara . . .



That's what I meant when I said I lost interest after a certain part. Lol, I felt like
Cranston was by far the most interesting of the human cast. He has motivation, emotion, loss, and the movie makes you care about him more than all of the other human characters lol. When he died and we got stuck with his plank of a personality son. I was like "well, there goes most of my interest." Eh, oh well. I feel like it doesn't interfere with the overall movie.
ahahaha godzilla 1984 has the best face.

Just got out of the movie a bit ago.

Pretty good movie. Not sure if I love it though. I think most of the problems I have with it are mainly due to the cast. Really didn't like anyone in the movie, except maybe Cranston. The rest of the movie is just terrific though.

Every scene with a Kaiju is just so fucking well done. They make Godzilla look and sound so powerful and you just can't help but cheer him on. They did him justice. It came out way better than I thought he would. You guys are sure to love it. It's just fucking perfect.

The movie would've been an A+ for me if it wasn't for everything else though :/

Anyone else not like the cast so much?

Also, 3D is ok. Like someone else said, it doesn't subtract or add to the movie...but if I were to watch it again, it would be in 3D.

I think the cast is fine, the script really gives none of them anything to do. They're all really talented actors, but none of the characters get the depth they deserve.
Okay guys, I'm back home now. I've given the movie a lot of thought, and discussed the movie thoroughly with my girlfriend, who had the pleasure of viewing it with me. I'm gonna try to keep this as spoiler free as possible, and I'll spoil tag any bits that might lean on the spoiler side.

As with any movie we have to remember that the overall experience weighs heavily on the expectations one placed upon it before going in. After watching this and reading some of the impressions and reviews posted by others, especially negative ones, I have to ask myself what exactly did they expect from this movie?

I feel that this is a movie that knows exactly what it wants to be, and that's a modern day Godzilla film that stays true to the classic kaiju formula.

On character depth:

Yes, most of the human actors aren't that memorable, but why should they be? they're only there to accentuate Godzilla and give some form of context to what's going on. As some of you may know, Brain Cranston's character dies fairly early in the film, so most of the film has us following his son, played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I kind of liken him to a video game avatar. He's merely a vessel for us so we may have a perspective on the action. And I see nothing wrong with this. Godzilla is here. Where there's Godzilla, there's going to be military. What better way for us follow the story of Godzilla than by following a character in the military. The fact that Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character and his story isn't all that deep made it even more engrossing for me. Since he felt like a blank canvas it was that much easier for me to feel like I was actually there, experiencing it for myself rather than following a character while he experiences it. Let's be honest, we're watching the movie for Godzilla. Any attempt at building great human characters is going to be met with people saying the movie is even more human driven than some people already are.

People have been saying there's a lot of teasing with Godzilla, where they show brief glimpses of him and then immediately cut away. This is true, but I feel it was balanced perfectly. The slowest part of the movie is the very beginning. From there on out the tension begins to rise and it continues to do so throughout the entire movie. The movie just keeps edging you on more and more until you can't take it anymore. Just like great sex, the payoff is so great. I feel Godzilla has just the right amount of screen time, and the MUTO's have even more.

Speaking of MUTO's, they were extremely well designed and are simply menacing.

There's tons more I could say, but it's getting late so I need to wrap this up. The whole film is very atmospheric. This is no mindless Michael Bay explosion fest; it feels like every bit of destruction was meticulously placed and has purpose. I feel like Gareth Edwards had the best intentions going into this and really tried to make a true to form Godzilla film, and I think he succeeded. The movie is dark, and as realistic as you could expect a giant monster movie to be. There were two scenes in particular where it really felt apocalyptic to me.

I was on the edge of my seat, I got chills, there were even times where I was holding my breath. You can ask anyone that knows me. I'm the biggest cynic when it comes to media. I'm really hard to please and can be really critical at times, and yet looking back on this movie I can not think of a single thing I would change. Go in there and let yourself be awestruck.

If anyone has any questions let me know and I'll try my best to answer them.


The whole film is very atmospheric. This is no mindless Michael Bay explosion fest; it feels like every bit of destruction was meticulously placed and has purpose. I feel like Gareth Edwards had the best intentions going into this and really tried to make a true to form Godzilla film, and I think he succeeded. The movie is dark, and as realistic as you could expect a giant monster movie to be. There were two scenes in particular where it really felt apocalyptic to me.

Statements like this are worrying me. Are our standards and expectations lowered so much?
Statements like this are worrying me. Are our standards and expectations lowered so much?
Worrying how? The reality is the bar is pretty fucking low. When 90% of summer movie blockbusters are mindless schlock, being not schlock makes your movie notable.

By the way, the RT score is at 88% just in case you were worried about it ;)


Why do monsters always attack San Francisco... as if the threat of earth quakes here wasn't bad enough.

Yeah I get it... people love to see the Golden Gate Bridge destroyed... not sure why, but they do.

I'm really really excited to go see this on Friday :)


Tickets for IMAX 3D on Monday, got an earlier showing so my wife and I can avoid the crowds and hopefully the majority of kids will still be in school. Never been to "Movie" movie on IMAX before (seen documentaries and such though) and this will be the first 3D movie I can remember seeing since... fuck, Captain EO at Epcot in 1988. I hope its improved since then, as I am generally unimpressed with those kind of gimmicks, but since we rarely see movies and we figured it was time to give our new IMAX theater a look, why not? If everything but the movie sucks, we can always go to our regular old theater and see it again.

Back to media blackout. See you next week, GodzillaGAF.


This may be an unusual question, but without spoilering anything, how "quiet" or "loud" is this movie?
Is this more in the league of say, Looper, which has mostly quiet dialogue scenes strewn inbetween the action parts or is it like Pacific Rim which is like loud action scene after action scene with very few dialogue-heavy scenes?
From some of the reviews on rottentomatoes, I'm surprised to see a lot of critics disappointed there wasn't more human drama. That's usually the worst part in these types of movies. And it sounds like what human drama they do have in there is pretty bad. That coupled with how serious this film is trying to be worries me.
From some of the reviews on rottentomatoes, I'm surprised to see a lot of critics disappointed there wasn't more human drama. That's usually the worst part in these types of movies. And it sounds like what human drama they do have in there is pretty bad. That coupled with how serious this film is trying to be worries me.

It's not bad. It's adequate. Pacific Rim's human drama is bad.

Why does seriousness worry you? It's not a comedy.


Currently working on a little fanart for a contest.
I'll probably upload the design on Qwertee when it's done, even if all my designs didn't really got that much attention there. :V

Please keep in mind it's still a WIP, and details, colors and even important stuff (most of all Godzilla's back) need from some to a lot more work.
But i do still appreciate the feedback guys!


On a side note, i booked a ticket for the premiere showing at the best movie theater in the north of Italy, i seriously cannot fucking wait for this.


Currently working on a little fanart for a contest.
I'll probably upload the design on Qwertee when it's done, even if all my designs didn't really got that much attention there. :V

Please keep in mind it's still a WIP, and details, colors and even important stuff (most of all Godzilla's back) need from some to a lot more work.


On a side note, i booked a ticket for the premiere showing at the best movie theater in the north of Italy, i seriously cannot fucking wait for this.
That is excellent.


I would hang that on my wall without a seconds hesitation. Great job!

Woah, thank you dude! You will be able to do so when i'll finish it, but seriously thanks for the great reply.

One thing i'm thinking about: what if i put a nuclear mushroom cloud instead of the Fuji over there? I'm thinking about doing so, but i don't want it to be too much, possibly hurting the sensibility of someone.
It's not bad. It's adequate. Pacific Rim's human drama is bad.

Why does seriousness worry you? It's not a comedy.

And it's also not Citizen Kane.

It's a movie about a giant monster destroying shit. The last two films I saw in this ilk that took themselves seriously were Godzilla (1998) and King Kong (2005). Both were shit. Maybe because they took themselves too seriously. I dunno.

I'll probably check the film out this weekend so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Probably better to go into this type of film with low expectations anyway.


I'm organizing a Godzilla Movie night.

Which ones should I show to people?
I'm thinking about Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla, godzilla mothra and king ghidorah giant monsters all-out attack and godzilla final wars
And it's also not Citizen Kane.

It's a movie about a giant monster destroying shit. The last two films I saw in this ilk that took themselves seriously were Godzilla (1998) and King Kong (2005). Both were shit. Maybe because they took themselves too seriously. I dunno.

I'll probably check the film out this weekend so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Probably better to go into this type of film with low expectations anyway.
Have you seen the original?

And no one ever said it was a Citizen Kane or even trying to be. The film is going for the same tone as the original, which was not a fun silly monster beat-em-up, which seems to be what you're expecting.


I'm organizing a Godzilla Movie night.

Which ones should I show to people?
I'm thinking about Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla, godzilla mothra and king ghidorah giant monsters all-out attack and godzilla final wars

Godzilla vs Mothra, OG Mecha movies, Hedora, really anything from Heisei. Skip everything from Millennium.
Currently working on a little fanart for a contest.
I'll probably upload the design on Qwertee when it's done, even if all my designs didn't really got that much attention there. :V

Please keep in mind it's still a WIP, and details, colors and even important stuff (most of all Godzilla's back) need from some to a lot more work.
But i do still appreciate the feedback guys!


On a side note, i booked a ticket for the premiere showing at the best movie theater in the north of Italy, i seriously cannot fucking wait for this.
Dude, that is seriously killer.
And it's also not Citizen Kane.

It's a movie about a giant monster destroying shit. The last two films I saw in this ilk that took themselves seriously were Godzilla (1998) and King Kong (2005). Both were shit. Maybe because they took themselves too seriously. I dunno.

I'll probably check the film out this weekend so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Probably better to go into this type of film with low expectations anyway.
You're not making any sense. So every film has to be Citizen Kane to he a drama? Science-fiction, which is this movie's genre, has a lot of implausible concepts set within a dramatic setting. Have you seen the first film?
This may be an unusual question, but without spoilering anything, how "quiet" or "loud" is this movie?
Is this more in the league of say, Looper, which has mostly quiet dialogue scenes strewn inbetween the action parts or is it like Pacific Rim which is like loud action scene after action scene with very few dialogue-heavy scenes?

The action scenes are split up by more quiet dialog scenes, with the exception of the final act, where the climax and finale is.

The pacing is much better than it was with Pacific Rim as a whole. I don't know if it had more fight scenes than Pacific Rim or not, but due to the balanced pacing of Godzilla it certainly felt like there were more action scenes. There's no 40 minute downtime where the film is all human drivel like in Pacific Rim. With Godzilla, you'll find an action scene that will have you on the edge of your seat, then it'll cut to a human scene just to let you catch your breath, and before you get the chance to fully calm down and recover from the last action scene you're thrown into another, which pushes you even further to the edge of your seat than the previous one.

The film continues to edge you on like this throughout, taking you closer to climax with each scene. I'm sure that pacing might not be for some, but I thought it was smart, as it kept things interesting to me. Giving us too much of either type of scene at once would have gotten stale.

And for those wondering about the 3d. I echo the same sentiments as others: It neither adds nor detracts from the overall experience.


They're not good. The only ones I'd ever rewatch from that series is Against Mechagodzilla/Tokyo SOS.

I really liked Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
But that could be because it was the first one I've ever seen.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Why do monsters always attack San Francisco... as if the threat of earth quakes here wasn't bad enough.

Yeah I get it... people love to see the Golden Gate Bridge destroyed... not sure why, but they do.
Dangers of living on the Pacific Coast with a monster that makes his home in the Pacific depths. Got tired of trashing Tokyo and various Japanese locations for the past 60 yrs, I guess.


And it's also not Citizen Kane.

It's a movie about a giant monster destroying shit. The last two films I saw in this ilk that took themselves seriously were Godzilla (1998) and King Kong (2005). Both were shit. Maybe because they took themselves too seriously. I dunno.

I'll probably check the film out this weekend so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Probably better to go into this type of film with low expectations anyway.

Citizen Kane does not have the monopoly on seriousness or drama.

and I'm pretty sure there was a lot more wrong with 98 Godzilla and King Kong than their tone.


I really liked Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
But that could be because it was the first one I've ever seen.

That movie is very good. It easily one of my favorites. It one few time where we had a truly evil godzilla.


I really liked Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
But that could be because it was the first one I've ever seen.

That and Final Wars are just terrible. GMK has all the terrible CGI and random, dramatic character shifts.

Got just about all that was checked in. Some wise person in my city has almost all the Heisei movies checked out, but here is what I picked up:

Godzilla (Criterion, includes new HD digital transfers of both Gojira and King of the Monsters, plus a bunch of bonus stuff)
Vs Hedorah (which was my favorite as a kid and the whole movie is extremely giffable)
Vs King Ghidorah/And Mothra The Battle For Earth double feature
Vs Megaguirus (which I forgot was Millienum)
Against MechaGodzilla/Tokyo SOS (the only two Millienum movies worth a shit)

Movies I left on the shelf: Raids, 2000, Final Wars, GMK,.

Movies I wish had been on the shelf: Returns-Destroyah, OG Mothra, both Showa Mecha movies.

But I also got Gamera The Brave, which will be my first Gamera movie. I was hoping they'd have the Mothra solo movies if they had Gamera, but they don't carry them.
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