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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Been watching Godzilla movies since I was 2 years old (1980)
I been through the good and the bad, hunting down imports of the hesei dvd's at comic book shops, all in Japanese with zero English, having no clue what is going on but watching anyway.. I went through the 98 travesty and thought it was the nail in the coffin for my dream of "dark moody, big budget godzilla"
I remember the talks of the James Cameron 3-d movie, the possible inclusion of a Godzilla ride at the World Show case at Epson Center... The humans can be card board with zero lines, it doesn't matter... This movie will blow my mind.
The hype is real my brothers, and so is the big g.

This is the movie we've been waiting for.

I keep replaying certain scenes over in my head, and I still get the chills just like I did when I first saw it. Those who have seen it know which scenes I'm talking about.

This is gonna be the first movie I go see in theaters multiple times.

My girlfriend made me some Godzilla themed toaster strudels the other morning.


I know, she's a keeper.
These impressions are killing me! I am dying of anticipation! I get to go tomorrow to see it and I am literally counting the seconds. I grew up watching Godzilla. The first one I ever seen was the original. The second? Godzilla vs. megalon. lol.

Hell, I remember my mom letting me get up at like 3 in the morning because the original Godzilla was going to be on, and I was no older than 8 I think. A local station had a horror double feature every Saturday, and I always was most excited when they showed a Godzilla movie. To say I have been waiting for this movie my entire life would be an understatement.

And you know I mean it when I make stuff like this:

Godzilla in Big Battle Giant Monsters Go Attack!
Watched it yesterday. GLORIOUS.
Loved how they would just show you parts of the fights, so your anticipation for the final fight would be on its maximum level. Loved the design of the MUTO's too, specifically the eyes.
Oh, and the
Atomic Breath
scene, holy shit.


Have been convinced to watch it. Stupid woman xD. Fear for the worst, the previews have been incredible cringeworthy. I hope they show a little respect for the audience and didn't make it as braindead as possible.


Going tomorrow night at 7pm.

I'm almost just as excited to see the Interstellar trailer beforehand.
Anybody seen it in 3D yet? Thoughts, comments? Yay or Nay?
Nay. it's nice, but you forget you're watching a 3d movie right after the intro. not really utilized.
So for those that have seen it, how much of a fight do the MUTOs put up? Do they present big G with any kind of challenge?
Somewhat. 1v1 he mostly curbstomped them, but in a handicap match, they beat him up pretty bad.


Awww yiss! My mate had a 11am Imax ticket for tomorrow and now can't go, so it is mine!!

Ok, so it's 3D, but I'll still have my 2D Atmos tickets for the second viewing.

I'll be sure to post impressions.


But did it make it any worse? I almost wanna see it at imax just for the speakers and screen size but if the 3D really fucks with the image I'd rather just go to a normal cinema.

I don't think I ever experienced a movie which got worse because of 3D. Same goes for Godzilla.


Can we all agree the Showa era Godzilla series is by far and away the best?

No . . . some great films, but I'm a Heisei kid, always have been. If you were forcing me to choose eras, I'd take Heisei for 1985, Biollante and Destroyah alone. Of course, I have no reason to limit myself to any era. Imagining such a scenario is actually giving me a little anxiety.

I grew up with all of it, but definitely gravitated towards Heisei more overall. The problem is the Showa series has so many fucking greats, which I also enjoyed as a kid. Watched Hedorah the other day, which made me realize I fucking dig that movie.


Had it since I was a kid.

Nice, I've had this one since I was a kid:

Had a lot more stuff, like a badass SpaceGodzilla, bi-pedal Biollante and Gigan. Think they were Trendmasters, no idea where any of that shit is anymore.


The whole idea of Godzilla being nature's (?) answer to the existence of the bad Kaijus is kinda nice.

But when it comes to a potential sequel I can see how they could show him from a different perspective. maybe making him angry by pissing him off. maye in tokyo :O oh my, oh my.

also: maybe i missed it but what happened to godzilla between bombing him in the 50s and his return in 2014? not sure if they said something about. I can imagine that he was pretty pissed after being in the middle of an atom bomb. yet i didnt catch what brought him into that long hiatus


Fanart is almost done, man this is taking ages to finish...
What do you guys say?


Need to add some spurts, try some colors variations, maybe "Godzilla" in kanji on top and i'm done. :)
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