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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Spoilers, mortemis

You cocktease to make the actual orgasm more powerful, silly.

You guys know what made the Jaws teasing so good was the serviceable storyline and interesting characters beside the shark. And that the shark was this ominous thing because you felt the characters' fear in part because you empathized with them and in part because shark attacks are plausible.

Godzilla/MUTOs by principle can't scare people with realism, and the movie had none of the rest of the aforementioned going for it.

So teasing what we actually care to see because the rest of the movie ain't cutting the slack is frustrating. Good teasing shouldn't be frustrating. The MUTOs could have been better built up, or Godzilla, or both.
I can eat popcorn anytime. I can't pop a movie like this at any given time and enjoy myself because I'm asked to watch one dimensional humans cry to get to the good bits. So I should take back what I said and defer to "blah blah blah not for me" as there is someone ,I am sure, who will watch this on repeated viewings in their boxers

I think with a movie about a giant lizard and a gang of dragons, you go in one of two directions: either you intentionally make it stupid ala a transformers or you go scary route ala cloverfield.

And seriously, how do you not group disaster sequences as action sequences much less find buildings falling down far more interesting then two monsters fight?

It's not the buildings falling down that's thrilling. It's seeing humans in the midst of the buildings falling down, and evading the chaos that is created. That's the core of any enjoyable disaster movie - for all the destruction porn, you have to appreciate it at the human level. For that, you need human characters.
And I personally prefer Godzilla to something like Transformers. Transformers is trying to be dumb, fun, and pack as much bang as possible into every moment. Godzilla is at least attempting to form a plot, with a narrative, and a larger message. Even when it fails, it's enjoyable in scope - and has plot holes that are fun to pick at, if that's your jam. Yet you can just glaze past them in a popcorn/IMAX haze.


Spoilers, mortemis

You guys know what made the Jaws teasing so good was the serviceable storyline and interesting characters beside the shark. And that the shark was this ominous thing because you felt the characters' fear in part because you empathized with them and in part because shark attacks are plausible.

Godzilla/MUTOs by principle can't scare people with realism, and the movie had none of the rest of the aforementioned going for it.

So teasing what we actually care to see because the rest of the movie ain't cutting the slack is frustrating. Good teasing shouldn't be frustrating. The MUTOs could have been better built up, or Godzilla, or both.

Shit, tried hard to write that without getting too specific, I'm tired as hell and let that slip, sorry. Thanks though Ghaleon.

Oh, and yeah this movie tried hard to really hype/build up Godzilla and the MUTOs and I felt like they wasted too much time hyping but even then the building wasn't that effective. Watanabe failed as a hype man for me, "he's here to restore the balance" was such a weak line/explanation.


Just back home from watching this, as a Godzilla fan I am pleased of how it turns out, even the teasing kinda went too out of hand and when it stops teasing it just can't fill the hype built from all the constant teasing and cock blocking.

The camera work and framing of many scenes are jaw droppingly wonderful, and made a big smile on my face on many moments (full reveal of Godzilla with fire going on behind, the super long and loud roars, dat first automic breath build up etc.)

About the only thing that disappoints me a bit is the Godzilla SDF main theme is not in the movie in any form. :(


It's not the buildings falling down that's thrilling. It's seeing humans in the midst of the buildings falling down, and evading the chaos that is created. That's the core of any enjoyable disaster movie - for all the destruction porn, you have to appreciate it at the human level. For that, you need human characters.
And I personally prefer Godzilla to something like Transformers. Transformers is trying to be dumb, fun, and pack as much bang as possible into every moment. Godzilla is at least attempting to form a plot, with a narrative, and a larger message. Even when it fails, it's enjoyable in scope - and has plot holes that are fun to pick at, if that's your jam. Yet you can just glaze past them in a popcorn/IMAX haze.

That's definitely not the case in the Toho movies. The fun of those movies is seeing Godzilla wreck shit. No one wants to see the humans and how the react in those movies. It's all about seeing Godzilla and the other monsters wreck shit and each other. But the state of disaster porn is way different from the Toho days to the CGI fests that are in every big action movie now. What's the last big Hollywood action movie that DIDN'T have a bunch of shit crumbling and blowing up? And it all looks the same. I wish there was some way that they could make the CGI destructionfests look more like miniatures getting smashed to shit like the Toho movies. Something about the destruction in those movies is so much more satisfying than how destruction in all movies have looked for a decade now.

Hopefully in the sequel they find a way to do that and not make it look cartoony in the process.
I thought the whole thing with Godzilla being a force of good that balances nature was silly and ridiculous. He's an animal that sought out prey.

That's all you need.


'Biggest dinosaur ever' discovered

PR Stunt?


Fossilised bones of a dinosaur believed to be the largest creature ever to walk the Earth have been unearthed in Argentina, palaeontologists say.


Shit, tried hard to write that without getting too specific, I'm tired as hell and let that slip, sorry. Thanks though Ghaleon.

Oh, and yeah this movie tried hard to really hype/build up Godzilla and the MUTOs and I felt like they wasted too much time hyping but even then the building wasn't that effective. Watanabe failed as a hype man for me, "he's here to restore the balance" was such a weak line/explanation.

I thought the whole thing with Godzilla being a force of good that balances nature was silly and ridiculous. He's an animal that sought out prey.

That's all you need.
Yeah, the "he's here to restore balance" angle didn't work and was incredibly forced. What's odd is they had the correct framing in the film: he's an alpha predator going after the only things that can challenge his status. We don't register as a blip on that scale so we're ignored completely. It's like they didn't trust that people would get it so they had to layer it on extra thick.


I wish there was some way that they could make the CGI destructionfests look more like miniatures getting smashed to shit like the Toho movies.

Did you watch it in 3D? I didn't but large scale action scenes/monsters/robots/whatever in all 3D versions of movies I've seen up until now looked like miniatures to me, for some reason. Maybe that would slightly help in bringing back that good old man-in-a-suit-wrecking havoc-to-a-fake-city feeling. :)


Yeah, the "he's here to restore balance" angle didn't work and was incredibly forced. What's odd is they had the correct framing in the film: he's an alpha predator going after the only things that can challenge his status. We don't register as a blip on that scale so we're ignored completely. It's like they didn't trust that people would get it so they had to layer it on extra thick.

Yep, the movie did a good job "showing" Godzilla and his motives, or more like they had a good set-up from his showing to tell his motives, but when it came down to "telling" or just dialogue they dropped the ball big time. Which goes along with what I thought the whole movie was, the fights had really good choreography and were framed and filmed really well, but when it came to the characters and the overall plot they could've done a much better job.
That's definitely not the case in the Toho movies. The fun of those movies is seeing Godzilla wreck shit. No one wants to see the humans and how the react in those movies. It's all about seeing Godzilla and the other monsters wreck shit and each other. But the state of disaster porn is way different from the Toho days to the CGI fests that are in every big action movie now. What's the last big Hollywood action movie that DIDN'T have a bunch of shit crumbling and blowing up? And it all looks the same. I wish there was some way that they could make the CGI destructionfests look more like miniatures getting smashed to shit like the Toho movies. Something about the destruction in those movies is so much more satisfying than how destruction in all movies have looked for a decade now.

Hopefully in the sequel they find a way to do that and not make it look cartoony in the process.

You cannot make a film out of nothing but action sequences. It is a cake made entirely of frosting. Contrast is what makes these films work, and by calling for an entire film of the 10 minute Godzilla fight sequence, you're completely ignorant of what makes a film like this enjoyable in the first place. Want a Godzilla movie of nothing but fight scenes? Go, watch Final Wars. It's incomprehensible and devoid of entertainment value outside of fanservice.
And I honestly feel Godzilla does do a good job of providing a different perspective on destructive chaos. It's darker, it's more brutal, and it has a grit to it absent in most large-scale tales of city leveling. Asking them to return to the scale and feel of miniatures is just an unnecessary bit of nostalgia-milking. There's nothing superior about the way the original films handled destruction - they were the product of technological hinderance, limited to the perspectives possible with a guy in a rubber suit.


This movie felt like a miniseries that was compressed into a single film.

Imax 3-D. Theater clapped after the Interstellar (2-D) trailer, and then never again during the entire movie.

What a bummer.

Also, on walking out, a guy in another row said, "Superman killed more people in Man of Steel."
Yeah, the "he's here to restore balance" angle didn't work and was incredibly forced. What's odd is they had the correct framing in the film: he's an alpha predator going after the only things that can challenge his status. We don't register as a blip on that scale so we're ignored completely. It's like they didn't trust that people would get it so they had to layer it on extra thick.
At the end they should have had Godzilla stomp on people as he made his way out of the city. All so people would know that he didn't give a shit about them.


bait and switch on a bunch of levels.

well at least it didnt suck as much as the other one.

Wtf wrong with you?

based on your reaction I'm inclined to ask the same about you.

the only thing that makes this passable is that the last domestic godzilla movie was so horrible.


Did you watch it in 3D? I didn't but large scale action scenes/monsters/robots/whatever in all 3D versions of movies I've seen up until now looked like miniatures to me, for some reason. Maybe that would slightly help in bringing back that good old man-in-a-suit-wrecking havoc-to-a-fake-city feeling. :)

No. I saw it in 2D. But the destruction of buildings really looks no different than the Marvel movies, Man of Steel, and so on. I think that is probably a big part of why some people weren't into it. There have been too many movies very recently and for the past decade or so that look exactly the same with their destruction. The destruction in Godzilla looked like something you'd see in White House Down, because there are only so many ways you can do it. The destruction in the movie feels too familiar. If you replaced the monsters with UFOs or Transformers, it would look the same.


You guys know what made the Jaws teasing so good was the serviceable storyline and interesting characters beside the shark. And that the shark was this ominous thing because you felt the characters' fear in part because you empathized with them and in part because shark attacks are plausible.

Godzilla/MUTOs by principle can't scare people with realism, and the movie had none of the rest of the aforementioned going for it.

So teasing what we actually care to see because the rest of the movie ain't cutting the slack is frustrating. Good teasing shouldn't be frustrating. The MUTOs could have been better built up, or Godzilla, or both.
Ironically, Jaws' exaggerated depiction of shark attacks was responsible for the slaughter of thousands of real sharks, most of them completely harmless.
Alternatively, you cannot make for an entertaining film with forced exposition which is far more prevalent in this film than the main attraction. I think you're misunderstanding a few of us out here; we're not asking for more action scenes, per se, but it wouldn't hurt for a better film when none take place. Cloverfeld had far fewer action scenes in it but you were invested far more into the characters and their plight. Their dread was our dread.

I'd frankly argue the opposite. I felt more dread for the characters in Godzilla than in Cloverfield, mainly because the motivations in Cloverfield were far weaker for the characters to stay in the city (and continue filming).
I agree that the script needed work between the action beats. But the quality of the direction, editing, and performances still produce an exceptionally entertaining popcorn flick.


Saw this on imax last night and I'll jump on the I thought this was meh wagon. Big fan of 3d and this is the first film ive seen where ive thought theyve just added it to make a few more bucks it adds nothing to the film and is a poor conversion. Best thing was the sound which was epic but when you walk out the theatre and thats the best thing you can say about a film then there's something wrong. Also kickass and Olsen do nothing for me and without going off topic seeing as they are set to star alongside each other again in age of ultron thats disappointing.

Mr. Sam

Big fan of 3d and this is the first film ive seen where ive thought theyve just added it to make a few more bucks it adds nothing to the film and is a poor conversion.

Not seen the film yet but it is far from unique in that regard, sadly.

I wasn't particularly excited about the film - I'm just going to see it to be part of the zeitgeist, mainly - so I've waited until the 2D showings have become more prevalent (a week or so after release, it seems) and will see it one night this week.
I just saw this today(technically yesterday)and I came out of the theater very disappointed.
How big was their special effects budget? Every fucking time Godzilla came on screen with another monster they would cut from the fight to show us what the stupid humans were doing. I didn't come here for bad Aaron Taylor Johnson acting and generic military crap, I came here for giant monster battles. Don't tease me with a bunch of badass Godzilla reveals just to cutaway from the action as soon as it starts. It was seriously frustrating, and ruined the whole film for me. I probably would've liked the human parts if we followed Bryan Cranston and Ken Watanabe's characters through the whole film. They were great, but no we had to follow the young boring white guy son and his stupid white bread family.

If the whole movie was like that money shot where Godzilla breathed his atomic breath into the female MUTO's mouth I wouldn't be as annoyed. UGH!!!

My first time at Apple Pan today(technically yesterday) was a million times more satisfying than this. :/


bait and switch on a bunch of levels.

well at least it didnt suck as much as the other one.

based on your reaction I'm inclined to ask the same about you.

the only thing that makes this passable is that the last domestic godzilla movie was so horrible.

Tis was a joke dude. Nope it wasn't passable. It was at the very least, an okay movie.


Ugh. What a disappointment. I think there's a good movie in there somewhere, with more editing and maybe another script rewrite or two. As it is, all I saw was a well intended movie which fell flat on its face with some great visuals and nice ideas. Poor casting, poor script, terrible pacing, weak characterization, and simply not enough focus on Godzilla being anything more than just a background presence.

I can see what the director wanted to do with the film, and if he managed to pull it off it might have been meaningful, but it just doesn't work. The logic in the events that build the film up are weak, the emotional stuff is forced and silly, the characters don't really get to do anything worthwhile but yet they're the focus of the film at all times. Ken Watanabe was totally the token Japanese "expert" whose only purpose seems to be to remind people that Godzilla is in the movie. I'm not even sure what he's supposed to be an expert of to be in the position he is in, since he basically got every single thing wrong other than "Godzilla rocks". Pathetic role.

What I liked: the visual direction, the Japanese quarantine zone, the monster designs, the monster battles, and the lighting. On technical merits the film is really quite beautiful. Too bad everything else drags it down. The pacing was completely dreadful and I wouldn't have cared if every single character in the show died. What a waste.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Why are people giving a big deal on the Las Vegas scene? I thought it was just to show how ignorant a typical casino goer is, like they never cared about the news since they're busy catering to their vice.

Also there's too much Cloverfield praising. I still can't stand the human PoV when your humans are doing stupid and dumb things for the sake of horror and thrill.

There's a difference between a nice long striptease before sex and a hot girl getting laid in another room while you wait for your turn. :D

forgive my analogy, but I prefer the comparison to "masturbating but not reaching climax, holding it for your actual release" :p

Spoilers, mortemis

You guys know what made the Jaws teasing so good was the serviceable storyline and interesting characters beside the shark. And that the shark was this ominous thing because you felt the characters' fear in part because you empathized with them and in part because shark attacks are plausible.

Godzilla/MUTOs by principle can't scare people with realism, and the movie had none of the rest of the aforementioned going for it.

So teasing what we actually care to see because the rest of the movie ain't cutting the slack is frustrating. Good teasing shouldn't be frustrating. The MUTOs could have been better built up, or Godzilla, or both.


Even without the monster visibly being present in the encounters, we know they wrecked havoc. The ruined Hawaii and Las Vegas are examples.


I don't think its unreasonable to want a $160 millions movie to have a half decent character story, especially when 75% of the film is dedicated to said characters. I mean, Jaws had great characters and development, right? Not every film is going to be Jaws level of brilliance of course and I'm not asking for Fellini here either. A little substance wouldn't go amiss.

You can't ignore the things this film does so right, yet blindly turn an eye to the things is does poorly. Have your expectations of American films dropped that low?


Ugh. What a disappointment. I think there's a good movie in there somewhere, with more editing and maybe another script rewrite or two. As it is, all I saw was a well intended movie which fell flat on its face with some great visuals and nice ideas. Poor casting, poor script, terrible pacing, weak characterization, and simply not enough focus on Godzilla being anything more than just a background presence.

I can see what the director wanted to do with the film, and if he managed to pull it off it might have been meaningful, but it just doesn't work. The logic in the events that build the film up are weak, the emotional stuff is forced and silly, the characters don't really get to do anything worthwhile but yet they're the focus of the film at all times. Ken Watanabe was totally the token Japanese "expert" whose only purpose seems to be to remind people that Godzilla is in the movie. I'm not even sure what he's supposed to be an expert of to be in the position he is in, since he basically got every single thing wrong other than "Godzilla rocks". Pathetic role.

What I liked: the visual direction, the Japanese quarantine zone, the monster designs, the monster battles, and the lighting. On technical merits the film is really quite beautiful. Too bad everything else drags it down. The pacing was completely dreadful and I wouldn't have cared if every single character in the show died. What a waste.

I think if it had been 20 minutes shorter, it would be a lot better. And I enjoyed it pretty much as much as any other Godzilla movie. 2 hours is too long for this kind of movie. 87-100 minutes is the max any Godzilla movie should be.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I don't think its unreasonable to want a $160 millions movie to have a half decent character story, especially when 75% of the film is dedicated to said characters. I mean, Jaws had great characters and development, right? Not every film is going to be Jaws level of brilliance of course and I'm not asking for Fellini here either. A little substance wouldn't go amiss.

You can't ignore the things this film does so right, yet blindly turn an eye to the things is does poorly. Have your expectations of American films dropped that low?

I'm pretty sure even people who like this film know about the flaws of human characters in it, if you've been reading posts.


I don't think its unreasonable to want a $160 millions movie to have a half decent character story, especially when 75% of the film is dedicated to said characters. I mean, Jaws had great characters and development, right? Not every film is going to be Jaws level of brilliance of course and I'm not asking for Fellini here either. A little substance wouldn't go amiss.

You can't ignore the things this film does so right, yet blindly turn an eye to the things is does poorly. Have your expectations of American films dropped that low?
You didn't like the film. That's ok. Take your anger out on that if you must, but not on people who like it.
Movie was perfect. The right focus on Monster and Humans (2014 Godzilla has even more focus on the Monster than the first movie that i rewatched yesterday in preperation).

The CGI effects were over-the-top and probably the best that is out there. The acting was good and the characters likeable
(Cranston had a good role but died too soon... some people in our cinema leaved because he died... no joke)
. The sound was just pure awesomeness. Imho its even miles better than Pacific Rim.

Edit: Cloverfield mentioning up there.... 2014 Godzilla has better characters(their motivations/actions are even understandable) than Cloverfield.


I think if it had been 20 minutes shorter, it would be a lot better. And I enjoyed it pretty much as much as any other Godzilla movie. 2 hours is too long for this kind of movie. 87-100 minutes is the max any Godzilla movie should be.

Yeah waaaaay too long. The entire first act needed to be heavily trimmed. Just plodding and dull.


You didn't like the film. That's ok. Take your anger out on that if you must, but not on people who like it.

It's an honest question. If you read my earlier posts you'd see there a things I do really like about this film (as mentioned in my post there as well). I mostly enjoyed those two hours, but I doubt i'll ever be watching it again in a hurry. At the end of the day I did pay money to go and see it, and no doubt the studio would very much like it if I spent more of my money buying the Blu-ray, but personally I can't justify it for what it is.
All they needed to do was cut the Ford family altogether and make it Cranston + Watanabe. 90 to 105 minutes max.

Would've been a better film, IMO. Still enjoyed it, though.


Initially was very impressed, but upon scrutinization after. Just a solid flick with quite a few issues. Characters were all fairly weak aside from Cranston. Johnson and Olsen weren't awful, but it wasn't interesting enough to spend the time needed on it. Pacing was pretty poor in the middle especially. Could have used a cut there. Not sure where they go from here. Spoiler filled thoughts below.

I realllyyy didn't like the people embracing Godzilla at the end. Think the fucking jumbotron in the stadium called him "our savior". Stupid. He's THE prime animal, doesn't give a damn about us. I feel like that was indicated in the early parts, but not shown.

Other notes:
-The fights were great. THAT BREATH. The monsters died perfectly. Yelled when Godzilla slammed/stabbed/smashed the monster with the tail.
-The bus driving across the bridge part was dumb.
-can somebody explain how the 2nd (larger) monster hid in that room? Or did she burrow or something?


What purpose did it serve for Elizabeth Olsen not to
have gotten on the bus with her son?

She had zero value out there.

And what about "asshole family" in Hawaii? Run from the tsunami, run inside the building with my daughter and then CLOSES THE FUCKING DOOR, letting all those other families die.

Fucking hell, I can't believe criticisms like this exist.

Olsen was staying because her husband was on the way to San Fran.

They closed the door so water didn't get in.

It's as simple as that.

It's really as fucking simple as that.


Fucking hell, I can't believe criticisms like this exist.

Olsen was staying because her husband was on the way to San Fran.

They closed the door so water didn't get in.

It's as simple as that.

It's really as fucking simple as that.

Some people just want to watch the world burn, Wilbur


Also kickass and Olsen do nothing for me and without going off topic seeing as they are set to star alongside each other again in age of ultron thats disappointing.

They're both great actors. Johnson's role is underwritten and poor Olsen's role is just to be on the end of a telephone or running away while looking gormless.

Their small cameo at the end of Winter Solider was better than anything in this movie.


I saw the movie yesterday. Overall, I liked it. First and for all it has great visuals - both special effects, monsters designs, lighting and nice cinematography (that HALO jump). The scale and destruction was well done. Even though we don't see the monsters that many times, you can really sense the danger. Showing them mainly from human POV (camera from below) was also a good idea to show the scale.

However I echo the biggest complain people have with this movie in this thread - too much focus on humans, especially Ford, who was boring as shit. He doesn't have any story arc that would justify giving him so much screentime. He was just trying to return to San Francisco, to his family, while in the meantime saving the day by constantly being in the good place at the good time (
a kid is lost and needs to be saved? I'm here. You need a bomb specialist to set up a bomb? I'm here! You need a bomb specialist to disarm the bomb I previously set up? I'm still here! Oh, and I will survive anything while people all around me will certainly die.
). And none of those things even lead to anything, even character development. They are just a fluff - with nice visuals of course, but fluff nontheless. The movie would greatly benefit from being at least 30 minutes shorter. Dr. Serizawa also wasn't that good of a character. As strobogo said, he was just a token Japanese "expert" that kept repeating that "Godzilla is there to bring balance." as many times as possible.

I hope Edwards will make a sequel, but this time with a better and more interesting script.

One (meaningless) thing that bothered me is that in all those Japanese scenes, both in the factory and the first MUTO's hatching place - most of the important cast (not the background people) were Americans. Watanabe's character and Joe's assistant were the only Japanese people there that were (at least slightly) important for the story and had more that one or two lines of dialog. :/


All they needed to do was cut the Ford family altogether and make it Cranston + Watanabe. 90 to 105 minutes max.

Would've been a better film, IMO. Still enjoyed it, though.

I can see what they wanted to do they wanted to have the family unit while still having a link to the military parts of the film.

This is where something like Independence Day worked in terms of having multiple characters and this failed if your central family is uninteresting, then nothing will work.
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