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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

Whole theatre walked out and not a sound throughout the whole watch.

Movie was one of the more boring experiences I've had the pleasure of witnessing in a long time. Such a huge waste of time. Boring humans, meaningless scale and exposition, amazingly dumb dialogue ("I'm the only one with a family in that city so let me board this train!") and an assurance that I'll be walking into avengers 2 with a mind fuck expectation that brother and sister will have a kid run up to them shouting "mommy" and "daddy".

Just walked out of mine. We cheered, whooped and clapped. Sounds like your theater was a wet blanket.

Had tons of fun, although the human side of this film was generic filler.
Cranston died too soon
Just saw Godzilla. Holy crap that was awesome. Godzilla was so badass (and was actually Godzilla this time instead of like *cough* the 1998 film*). I don't agree with the criticisms that there wasn't enough monster fighting in the movie or that the human part dragged on too much, seemed like just enough balance of each to keep the suspense before going all out at the end.
Whole theatre walked out and not a sound throughout the whole watch.


Reactions in my theater:

Oohs and awws at the first MUTO's debut.

Excitement at the first roar.

Laughing and then relief at the
parachuting dude not being Ford, but a pilot ejecting after the EMP.

Big pop for the
tail whip, jaw break, first atomic breath blast, and especially the one in the mouth.

Then it ended and people were confused that it just...ended.
I agreed that they should have shown a little more of it. But showing the entire fight would have ruined it, because then you've played your trump card. The whole movie is effectively a slow build up to
Godzilla wrecking the MUTOs
so why would you do that 60 minutes into the movie?

I think I like your idea.

You're also confusing actual flaws with your own personal tastes. Obi-Wan preaching patience to Anakin Skywalker and then impulsively jumping out of a window without a second thought is bad writing. A Godzilla movie not focusing on monster fights and focusing on humans is a design choice you simply didn't like.

Nah, like I said

Personally I think it was [a flaw]. It could've used the fight at the

I never said it was a cut and dry flaw. To be honest, how can you say ANYTHING is a cut and dried flaw?

Anakin waxing philosophically about sand to Padme was a (laughable) writing flaw, IMO. Cutting away from the Godzilla fight to the
kid watching it on TV
was an editing/rhythm flaw, IMO.


Godzilla was LEGIT!!! I absolutely loved and as someone who grew up a fan of Godzilla, the amount of fan service in this movie was amazing!

Go see this movie!!


Anakin waxing philosophically about sand to Padme was a (laughable) writing flaw, IMO. Cutting away from the Godzilla fight to the
kid watching it on TV
was an editing/rhythm flaw, IMO.

I'm trying to think of another way to do it, and I can't really think of any other way that wouldn't end up possibly being worse.

If you start the fight, show a little bit of it, and then cut away I think it's arguably an even bigger rhythm break than how it originally ended up being. If you show the entire fight and end it with the MUTO running away, you've established that Godzilla is top dog and that the MUTO is completely inferior and then you kind of take the teeth away from your villain. The only thing you can really do is introduce Godzilla and then have the MUTO high tail it out of there immediately, which is effectively what already happens on the CNN clips

I should clarify that
the pacing of this movie would not work for a sequel
What. Was. That.

It didn't suck, but then I don't know what to make of it.

Felt like the movie just dropped off after the father died.

Watanabe's character was pretty pointless. As was pretty much everyone else, really, apart from Ford.

Lots of cool visuals though, especially the HALO jump.

While I appreciate that it wasn't excessive like transformers, I was close to bored at some points.


Interesting to see how opinions go from boooring to omg aweesooome. Almost no middle ground between the two of them when i read the posts on gaf here.
Reactions in my theater:

Oohs and awws at the first MUTO's debut.

Excitement at the first roar.

Laughing and then relief at the
parachuting dude not being Ford, but a pilot ejecting after the EMP.

Big pop for the
tail whip, jaw break, first atomic breath blast, and especially the one in the mouth.

Then it ended and people were confused that it just...ended.

Godzilla is a
force of nature that restores balance the world. He beat the mutos and restored balance, and so he went off into his home in the sea to rest and fight another day.

Also, lots of Godzilla films end with him
going into the sea like that
so it was also a reference to the older movies.
One thing I will say...

The ending would have been PERFECT for the original theme. I argued against them using any Ifukube music in the new movie but I was wrong. Big missed opportunity

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Human drama could have been tighter, more focused if it was just Ford and Walter looking out for one another throughout the whole movie. I didn't care much for the wife and kid.


Godzilla is a
force of nature that restores balance the world. He beat the mutos and restored balance, and so he went off into his home in the sea to rest and fight another day.

Also, lots of Godzilla films end with him
going into the sea like that
so it was also a reference to the older movies.

I know. But people behind me were confused and wondering if it was really just going to end like that.

For Godzilla nerds; IMO this movie felt like a Showa era film that had Heisei era Godzilla in it.

I agree with this. Minus a bunch of lightning.
Since this is the aptly named Legendary Godzilla thread, here is some random stuff;

Upcoming SH MonsterArts Godzilla


And I can''t wait until this happens one day!

Maybe now that Toho see's Legendary can handle Godzilla proper, they will let them have access to the whole roster. Although I wouldn't mind more
new Kaiju!

reminds me i need to save and get godzilla 2000 monsterarts....

to the "It's part of what makes Godzilla Godzilla" argument here in the thread: You remake/reboot things because you think you can either take them in a different direction, or improve on them. "That's how ALL the movies are" isn't a great rebuttal to an honest criticism of the filmmaking/storytelling. Just because 30 other movies shared the same errors in judgment doesn't mean it's still not an error in judgment. Part of the reason Casino Royale is so well liked, for example, is because they DIDN'T make the same decisions the preceding movies made, and those variations made an impact on the audience.

Edwards had an opportunity to fix some of the bigger problems with the series when it comes to characterization - and a lot of people feel he didn't do that. That's a perfectly fair criticism to level at the film.
I think the deck was severely stacked against Edwards in this regard, just look at how many people's criticisms seem to boil down to "not enough Godzilla, we needed more GODZILLA, but these FUCKING HUMANSS KEEP TAKING TIME FROM GODZILLA!" and then they call the film trash and shit.

Okay so the human complaints. I get them and agree. Most of the major player's performances had stiff bits, and there characters weren't exceedingly memorable, nor where their actions completely competent or well thought out but to say they where bottom tier or something in the pantheon of the Godzilla franchise's human casts is ridiculous.

They where serviceable to decent. This movie did nothing exceedingly wrong. The main problem seems to be that the trailers inflated expectations through the roof and people expected Christopher Nolan's Godzilla or something.

Does he, though? If both Monsters and Godzilla appear to share the same fundamental flaw; Dude can't direct actors, or make the people in his movies move/act/relate like actual people?

Isn't that a pretty big problem for a filmmaker to have?
Really? Come on dude. I know you might be playing DA but when you got people like Michael Bay churning shit out you really don't think Edwards shouldn't see success for mostly delivering?

See above. Really the only true weak links are ATJ and Watanabe, the former I've yet to see him give a really great performance so I think it's just the dude still developing or maybe he'll just never be that great. Watanabe doesn't have really any excuse, but when the script calls for him to deliver some dopey lines or make leaps in logic it's not completely in his hands. Everyone else is background really.

Also, the scene with Joe
and his wife.
Not much setup at all and yet it still was more stirring than the majority of blockbusters in recent memory.

I just really don't get the piling on of the human element. I think this isn't just par for the course of Godzilla films, but any superhero/scifi supporting cast these days. They all either suck when it's bad, or are decent when it's good. I think it's just amplified here because everyone wants more of the title.

Does it make it okay? Not really, but y'all seem to have saddled this movie with so many expectations dayummmm.
I'm trying to think of another way to do it, and I can't really think of any other way that wouldn't end up possibly being worse.

So you changed your mind? You like the way it is now? (that's not me trying to give you a hard time)

The only thing you can really do is introduce Godzilla and then have the MUTO high tail it out of there immediately, which is effectively what already happens on the CNN clips

They show them fighting for a few seconds on CNN

And they could've shown more fighting then introduced something to make it a stalemate forcing them to fight another day
Does he, though? If both Monsters and Godzilla appear to share the same fundamental flaw; Dude can't direct actors, or make the people in his movies move/act/relate like actual people?

Isn't that a pretty big problem for a filmmaker to have?

I feel like Godzilla's character problems are mostly rooted in the script. The actors do a good job of drawing what they can out of them, and Edwards made the most of keeping scenes of dialogue brief as it moved from location to location. He didn't have any input on the script in this, so I don't think he gets a share of the blame to that regard.

I hope they keep him on for the sequel. I mean, christ - that drop sequence. Some of the most beautiful work I've seen in a blockbuster, ever.
Just came back from seeing it. I really enjoyed it. People in the theater even clapped at the end. The only thing I didn't like about it was that
cranstons character died so soon into the film.


Whole theatre walked out and not a sound throughout the whole watch.

Movie was one of the more boring experiences I've had the pleasure of witnessing in a long time. Such a huge waste of time. Boring humans, meaningless scale and exposition, amazingly dumb dialogue ("I'm the only one with a family in that city so let me board this train!") and an assurance that I'll be walking into avengers 2 with a mind fuck expectation that brother and sister will have a kid run up to them shouting "mommy" and "daddy".


That's nothing, after five minutes the whole theater walked out, set fire to the building, and started looting and rioting while screaming "god is dead and your life is a meaningless abyss!" That's how bad the movie was. This is totally a real story that I am not exaggerating at all.
Thought it was great, loved every second of it. Enjoyed the slow pace and build up to that great final act. Have always thought Aaron Taylor Johnson was one of the most boring actors working today in everything I have ever seen him in so expected that but thought he was fine here. My theater was packed and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves though out the entire movie. Loved the visuals, almost every scene with the monsters had a iconic shot or two.

Don't get any of the hate this movie is getting here, but i love pacific rim too. Overall great summer popcorn flick and way better then the usual shit we get year after year.


To me, the off-screen fights weren't the problem because the kid in me couldn't see a cool scene; the problem was that the buildup to the first fight should've lasted to the final brawl.

You don't finally introduce Godzilla and then immediately cut off and have it fight another monster off-screen without any meaningful impact on the narrative. Let alone twice, ffs! Instead of an orgasm, you're left with a dick in your hand wandering what the fuck just happened.

Arc. Story structure. Climax. Catharsis. None of that was done properly.


There was a great crowd at my showing. Sold out theater, and lots of clapping and cheers at all the right moments. I loved the movie. It hit all the beats I want a Godzilla movie to hit while still treated with enough gravity to keep the tone serious. Really good movie.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
To me, the off-screen fights weren't the problem because the kid in me couldn't see a cool scene; the problem was that the buildup to the first fight should've lasted to the final brawl.

You don't finally introduce Godzilla and then immediately cut off and have it fight another monster off-screen without any meaningful impact on the narrative. Let alone twice, ffs! Instead of an orgasm, you're left with a dick in your hand wandering what the fuck just happened.

Arc. Story structure. Climax. Catharsis. None of that was done properly.

You cocktease to make the actual orgasm more powerful, silly.


Enjoyed the movie, not Pacific Rim level of good but enjoyable nonetheless. I have no idea why the main character, an EOD expert, never disarmed a bomb though.

he tried, he couldn't open the heavy lid to get to the bomb by himself. So he had to take it out of the city by boat.


Ah, just saw it and it was awesome (in the literal use of the word). Exactly what I wanted out of a monster movie. Didn't really have the terrifying vibe like the trailer at all, but it was just great seeing fights of that scale. Didn't really get the praise for Pacific Rim, but this one hit the right notes for me. The film did a great job of building up the reveal of the monsters,
the atomic breath, and the deaths of the MUTOs
. Just a solid action movie all around, to me.

And screw it, I enjoyed Watanabe's cornball character!


Really disappointed with this. Maybe i was expecting too much as a fan of what Gareth Edwards did with Monsters on a shoe-string budget.
Bryan Cranston died
i didn't give a fuck about any of the other cast. When he was i screen i was transfixed and constantly involved no matter what was going on plot wise.
I liked the premise of all nuclear testing in the 50's was actually a plan to destroy the MUTO's, but after the unfortunate event the movie went off the rails for me.
The whole convenience of the plot points really irked me. Walter White is in Japan and shit happens, WW Jr is in Honolulu shit happens, WW Jr's family is in SF shit happens.
I wasn't a huge fan of Pacific Rim but despite the dumb as fuck dialogue the action was kick ass and far superior to Godzilla. Also what was up with the 3D? Was it post converted as there wasn't anything 3D about it.
Oh well Xmen is but a week away.
Because one would hope that a movie with a giant lizard and a dragon would turn out to be a popcorn flick without all the nonsense and forced exposition being served by one dimensional human characters. In of itself there's really nothing wrong with that as long as the execution is fun, or take itself so seriously to extend a message, or can better pace itself.

My friend kept nagging me about "but he needs motivation" and my reaction was "fuck...why? What's a bigger motivation than surviving a lizard stomping your ass?". I just don't get the dynamic inserted between these characters. I have to care for them? Why? To justify why they should survive?

So there they were, neither to insert any comedy to alleviate what could have been much scarier situations nor, on the other side of spectrum, to offer me any insight into the human psyche. In other words, it just was.
How is Godzilla not a popcorn flick? You don't go more than 15 minutes without some sort of action sequence. Yes - not all of them are monster fights, because that's not interesting to watch for more than 10 minutes. So instead it's a series of human-scale disaster sequences that build up to the city-toppling climax. It's not a boring film - honestly, it's one of the most thrilling blockbusters in recent memory.
Just got back from watching this... I'm not sure what to feel.

-Characters fucking sucked except for Bryan Cranston.
-Music and SFX were pretty good.
-Good god the pacing was just awful, I was ready to leave after an hour. Slow and painful MILITARY BORING PACING. The worst kind! The pacing in this was so bad it made The Dark Knight Rises 2nd act look good.
-The end payoff was acceptable. The fights were well done!

I definitely wouldn't watch this again.

El Odio

Just got back from seeing this and I thought it was great. I loved the build up to the climatic fight and the end and had the hugest smile on my face when
Godzilla's tail started to turn blue for the radioactive breath.
I can understand some of the complaints against the human portion of the film but I wasn't bothered at all by it. I actually liked how
the little kid on the train found his family immediately as opposed to being some kid that tags along for the whole film
That said I really wish I went with a different group of people. Almost ruined the experience. Having just watched BB early this year they were way too attached to Cranston's character and pretty much lost interest
when he died.
Plus they felt that Wanatabe's character was a waste of space and laughed at his line about "human's controlling nature" without even understanding why it was there.
Also didn't help one of them fell asleep during the climax. DURING THE FUCKING GIANT FIGHT!


And back from a 10:00 showing. Pretty good fun. It successfully conveyed a sense of massive scale neither Cloverfield or Pacific Rim pulled off with their monsters. Keeping the action largely seen from human angles - looking up - was very smart. Now and then it cut to wide shots from above and it threw the proportion of the creatures. (This was a huge problem in Pacific Rim, where the ending battle had no context for scale at all.) The leads were all solid even if they really didn't have anything to do.

I was surprised at some very bad ideas injected into human scenes. Among them: I was deathly weary of child in danger sequences by the end; tossing a random kid in danger to the
train sequence in Hawaii was pointless, but then we get more with the kid before the tsunami and again with the bus on the bridge.
Once was more than enough! I felt absolutely zero emotion at both the partings and reunions of
our hero couple. Well acted for the most part but it all just felt terribly flat. Everyone served a utility to the story and absolutely nothing more.

I have a pretty long list of nit picks about the story, but I'll just mention the biggest at the end:
The original plan was to take the nuke 20 miles off the coast and then blow it up, and even then major fallout was expected. Instead they slow-boated it for 5 minutes and then it blew, yet there's no fallout or damage to the coast? That bugged the hell out of me (same crap TDKR pulled for its finale).
And I hated that big screen tag line at end.

Audio design was wonderful, but the soundtrack was overkill. I wish it had been dialed down or cut for many of the sequences; some of the best parts of the film were the rare moments when the soundtrack was quiet and we could actually hear the creatures and the destruction they brought. All bombast all the time was wearying.

But all in all, it was big, stylish and well staged action; I left the theater grinning ear to ear.


You that metaphor is one step away from totally off the rails.

"Yeah but it's cool when she boots down your throat though all the trouble is worthwhile."


Just got back from the theaters and man was I entertained from the fights. Like, the characters and plot were boring as hell, but the fights were solid. Shit had me hyped throughout all the action.

The first half was pretty solid with Cranston but
after he died
shit dove down real fast and got really boring. I thought Ken would save it but he barely did shit other than hype up Godzilla. The rest of the characters including the MC were boring as hell too. Honestly I was getting drowsy until I heard Godzilla's screech, and damn, it picked up good.

Left the theater satisfied and yet a little disappointed. Like other gaffers I was disappointed it didn't have the dark, dreary tone that the trailers painted it out to be.

I probably wouldn't re-watch this anytime soon, except the action scenes. That alone will have me coming back for more multiple times. Call me easily entertained, but I haven't left a theater this hyped about a good fight in a while. Something Pacific rim failed to do.
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