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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


HALO jump was just fantastic.

Just going to ask again, my other post is long.
How did nobody notice that the larger monster was growing/harvesting in that room? Just chilled there for years?


The funniest part of the movie was the Army dude not noticing the HUGE GIANT MONSTER WALKING AROUND until he saw it in the binoculars.


I just saw this today(technically yesterday)and I came out of the theater very disappointed.
How big was their special effects budget? Every fucking time Godzilla came on screen with another monster they would cut from the fight to show us what the stupid humans were doing. I didn't come here for bad Aaron Taylor Johnson acting and generic military crap, I came here for giant monster battles. Don't tease me with a bunch of badass Godzilla reveals just to cutaway from the action as soon as it starts. It was seriously frustrating, and ruined the whole film for me. I probably would've liked the human parts if we followed Bryan Cranston and Ken Watanabe's characters through the whole film. They were great, but no we had to follow the young boring white guy son and his stupid white bread family.

If the whole movie was like that money shot where Godzilla breathed his atomic breath into the female MUTO's mouth I wouldn't be as annoyed. UGH!!!

My first time at Apple Pan today(technically yesterday) was a million times more satisfying than this. :/

That's not a budget issue, they were trying to make a paced movie that ended with its biggest moments. If the film was two hours of Godzilla brawling you would get tired of it.

I really don't get how people think an action movie must be nonstop action action action and if a movie doesn't do that they must have run out of money.

Initially was very impressed, but upon scrutinization after. Just a solid flick with quite a few issues. Characters were all fairly weak aside from Cranston. Johnson and Olsen weren't awful, but it wasn't interesting enough to spend the time needed on it. Pacing was pretty poor in the middle especially. Could have used a cut there. Not sure where they go from here. Spoiler filled thoughts below.

I realllyyy didn't like the people embracing Godzilla at the end. Think the fucking jumbotron in the stadium called him "our savior". Stupid. He's THE prime animal, doesn't give a damn about us. I feel like that was indicated in the early parts, but not shown.

Other notes:
-The fights were great. THAT BREATH. The monsters died perfectly. Yelled when Godzilla slammed/stabbed/smashed the monster with the tail.
-The bus driving across the bridge part was dumb.
-can somebody explain how the 2nd (larger) monster hid in that room? Or did she burrow or something?

It said "Our Savior?" not "Our Savior". Which completely changes the meaning of that line. It doesn't mean they're declaring him a hero. And he doesn't care one bit about humanity, that's made very clear, he ignores humans for the most part, but that doesn't mean they can't notice he killed the other monsters and wasn't going around destroying the city afterwards.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
my main problem was they teased the end fight like 5 times, they clash together and it cuts away then next time u see either godzillia or that hes looking for the other monster. its like wtf completey stops the pacing if you ask me. one second you see them about to fight next you seem him wondering where this huge has monster fucked off too lol


my main problem was they teased the end fight like 5 times, they clash together and it cuts away then next time u see either godzillia or that hes looking for the other monster. its like wtf completey stops the pacing if you ask me. one second you see them about to fight next you seem him wondering where this huge has monster fucked off too lol

That's so they save the big onscreen fight for the ending, after which the movie is pretty much done and you don't end up with a Pacific Rim problem where the best part of the movie happens two thirds of the way in and then the movie keeps on going.
I don't think its unreasonable to want a $160 millions movie to have a half decent character story, especially when 75% of the film is dedicated to said characters. I mean, Jaws had great characters and development, right? Not every film is going to be Jaws level of brilliance of course and I'm not asking for Fellini here either. A little substance wouldn't go amiss.

You can't ignore the things this film does so right, yet blindly turn an eye to the things is does poorly. Have your expectations of American films dropped that low?

I really, really enjoyed that. I will start off by saying that I do not, for the life of me, understand why anyone would say this movie is "garbage" or was bad. It escapes me. As a Godzilla movie, this movie is very well done.

After hearing so much talk about how bland/uninteresting the characters were, I was surprised at how much that...didn't matter. Are the characters the most complex in a movie ever? No. Are they serviceable? Yes. What prevents the characters from detracting from the film too much are two things: Edwards' direction and the plot. Once the movie got going – though it always maintained a wonderful pace – the way he framed the scenes made it very interesting to watch these characters react to what was going on. The film, and this has to do with the themes and the story, is such a way that it's very obvious the characters are so powerless against these forces of nature that are wrecking havoc: What's going on is so much beyond them. For where the direction or characters may be lacking, the plot fills that "hook." There's always something going on or some new development that holds your interest. Some new twist.


I like to believe that the original movie DID take place in the universe of this movie. The movie makes enough references to make it easy to believe the events of the 1954 movie totally happened and were covered up. In addition, Serizawa in the 2014 movie could easily be a descendent of Serizawa from the original.
I went back and watched some of the trailers after I saw it and it's funny how much emphasis is on Cranston in them and his dialogue. They really make it seem like he's the main character in it or close to it.

Just can't help but feel they added him to try get more people to see the movie


Honestly, and I'm not kidding or trying to pull anyone feathers but I enjoyed watching Godzilla (1998) more than this one.

I can 100% see why someone would like the 1998 movie more. I myself have always liked the 1998 movie more than a good chunk of Toho movies. This movie kind of felt like the 1998 movie, but without the humor. Like a late 90s disaster movie, but with a 2000s coat of paint. I wouldn't even try to argue with someone over liking the 1998 movie more. 1998 Godzilla is ID4/Armageddon/Deep Impact but with a giant Jurassic Park tyrannosaurus rex named Godzilla. And Jean Reno. The online hate for it is so ridiculous when so many people love ID4. To me, I don't think you can love one and hate the other. Godzilla 1998 is the same as the other disaster movies of its time, but people shit on it because it has the name Godzilla. If it had a different name, I'm pretty sure people would talk about it in the same way they do as ID4. In fact, they'd probably talk about how it would be really cool if it was actually a Godzilla movie.

Mr. Sam

I went back and watched some of the trailers after I saw it and it's funny how much emphasis is on Cranston in them and his dialogue. They really make it seem like he's the main character in it or close to it.

Just can't help but feel they added him to try get more people to see the movie

I genuinely thought he was the main character until you just told me otherwise.
Alternatively, you cannot make for an entertaining film with forced exposition which is far more prevalent in this film than the main attraction. I think you're misunderstanding a few of us out here; we're not asking for more action scenes, per se, but it wouldn't hurt for a better film when none take place. Cloverfeld had far fewer action scenes in it but you were invested far more into the characters and their plight. Their dread was our dread AND you got to see a well done human scale disaster film.

Haha okay man.
Holy shit Cloverfield being praised for character acting my day is complete

I can 100% see why someone would like the 1998 movie more. I myself have always liked the 1998 movie more than a good chunk of Toho movies. This movie kind of felt like the 1998 movie, but without the humor. Like a late 90s disaster movie, but with a 2000s coat of paint. I wouldn't even try to argue with someone over liking the 1998 movie more. 1998 Godzilla is ID4/Armageddon/Deep Impact but with a giant Jurassic Park tyrannosaurus rex named Godzilla. And Jean Reno. The online hate for it is so ridiculous when so many people love ID4. To me, I don't think you can love one and hate the other. Godzilla 1998 is the same as the other disaster movies of its time, but people shit on it because it has the name Godzilla. If it had a different name, I'm pretty sure people would talk about it in the same way they do as ID4. In fact, they'd probably talk about how it would be really cool if it was actually a Godzilla movie.

That is insanity. 1998 regardless of it being nothing like a Godzilla movie is absolute and complete trash. I have never ran into a person that liked the 1998 movie. It is the touchstone that someone has a fully functional brain. It is nothing like Armageddon, or ID4 with a giant lizard roaming around. That is the worst summation I have ever heard for that movie.
That's not a budget issue, they were trying to make a paced movie that ended with its biggest moments. If the film was two hours of Godzilla brawling you would get tired of it.

I really don't get how people think an action movie must be nonstop action action action and if a movie doesn't do that they must have run out of money.

I liked the tension they were building at first, but the
Hawaii scene made my blood boil. Godzilla's reveal was perfect, why cut away from the fight scene?? I wouldn't have minded something like that if it were done once, but they bombarded me with a bunch of cock teasing.
I don't need the film to be two hours of the big guy opening up a can of Kaiju whoop ass. I agree that it would get boring, but you can't just tease me like that.

Especially when you've got a creature as badass as Godzilla on screen.
As corny as Pacific Rim was, it did a good job at building up to the fights and giving the audience an amazing pay off.


Godzilla 1998 isn't absolute trash but this is GAF and we run on hyperboles so...

Anyway, Godzilla 1998 is a decent movie, I like it, it's not terrible, it's not trash. Yah if you come into it looking for a Godzilla movie of the likes of the Toho films, you're not gonna get it. That's why it got so much hate. The general Japanese reception to 1998 was pretty vitriolic and it's completely understandable why. But as a monster movie, I thought it was just fine. I agree with Strobogo when he says if it was called anything other than Godzilla it wouldn't have been universally pandered like it was.

Personally I am pretty sure I enjoy 2014 more than 1998 but 1998 is by no means a terrible trash movie.
I liked the tension they were building at first, but the
Hawaii scene made my blood boil. Godzilla's reveal was perfect, why cut away from the fight scene?? I wouldn't have minded something like that if it were done once, but they bombarded me with a bunch of cock teasing.
I don't need the film to be two hours of the big guy opening up a can of Kaiju whoop ass. I agree that it would get boring, but you can't just tease me like that.

Especially when you've got a creature as badass as Godzilla on screen.
As corny as Pacific Rim was, it did a good job at building up to the fights and giving the audience an amazing pay off.

I love Pacific Rim but it has absolutely no build up to any of the fights in that movie.

Godzilla 1998 isn't absolute trash but this is GAF and we run on hyperboles so...

Anyway, Godzilla 1998 is a decent movie, I like it, it's not terrible, it's not trash. Yah if you come into it looking for a Godzilla movie of the likes of the Toho films, you're not gonna get it. That's why it got so much hate. The general Japanese reception to 1998 was pretty vitriolic and it's completely understandable why. But as a monster movie, I thought it was just fine. I agree with Strobogo when he says if it was called anything other than Godzilla it wouldn't have been universally pandered like it was.

Personally I am pretty sure I enjoy 2014 more than 1998 but 1998 is by no means a terrible trash movie.

1998 was and is in every quantifiable way a piece of trash. Awful characters? Check, Awful story? Check, Terrible Action? Check? I know because this is a public forum we are pulling from a giant pool of people as opposed to those you meet casually in your day to day life but I have truly never met anyone that liked that movie.


I am close to stop reading the thread. Some of the criticisms here have gotten way past the point beyond ridiculous for me.

If it bothers you so much go ahead and stop reading. It's silly to act like anyone cares about how you might feel about it by threatening to leave a thread because you find criticisms "ridiculous". :p
If it bothers you so much go ahead and stop reading. It's silly to act like anyone cares about how you might feel about it by threatening to leave a thread because you find criticisms "ridiculous". :p
How am I "threatening" anybody? That doesn't make too much sense. I was just supplementing Elzar's comment by saying how I felt about it all. That's it, really.


Loved the movie, hope the next one has King Ghidora hunting Godzilla in it, maybe have Mothra help Godzilla out as well that would be pretty awesome for the 2nd one.
He asked what happened the thread. I explained.

Ducky you should have come over to my house and marathoned some man in suit movies with me then upon emerging from the theater you would have been grinning from ear to ear from sheer bliss that the human element was so much better than you expected.

Seriously though I am with you 100% on your complaint over the human element. Outside of a couple solid moments it falls flat but I gave it all a pass because they led to a set piece or moment that was so perfectly framed and well thought out for Godzilla that I couldn't stop smiling.
I love Pacific Rim but it has absolutely no build up to any of the fights in that movie.

I wouldn't say that. There was a definite build up to the fight with Leatherback, and the flying one.
The build up to the encounters in this were a million times more tense, which is what made it all the worse when they
cut to the stupid humans watching tv, running, or trying to shoot at the monsters.
The Humans in these kind of films just ruin everything. :/
They're always the center of attention when they shouldn't be.


Haha okay man.
Holy shit Cloverfield being praised for character acting my day is complete

That is insanity. 1998 regardless of it being nothing like a Godzilla movie is absolute and complete trash. I have never ran into a person that liked the 1998 movie. It is the touchstone that someone has a fully functional brain. It is nothing like Armageddon, or ID4 with a giant lizard roaming around. That is the worst summation I have ever heard for that movie.

Well, I did have a date cancelled because a girl thought I sounded like I was retarded on the phone. But I stand by Godzilla 1998 not being bad. It's enjoyable. If you can enjoy something as stupid as ID4 or Armageddon, you should be able to enjoy Godzilla 1998. There are most definitely Toho Godzilla movies that are worse.

What it comes down to is people bitching that it isn't the REAL Godzilla. Well, there isn't a single "real" Godzilla. There is a movie where Godzilla is the physical embodiment of the nuclear age. There is a movie where Godzilla is possessed by dead WWII soldiers. There is a movie where Godzilla does body slam and dropkick. There is a movie where Godzilla uses his atomic breath to fly. There is a movie where Godzilla talks. There is a movie where Godzilla dances. There is a movie where Godzilla shakes hands with a giant humanoid robot. Where do you draw the line at what is the "real" Godzilla and what isn't? He's often not portrayed the same from movie to movie even in the same era, and in movies that are direct sequels. Some people get so hung up on the "character" when the "character" changes in every movie based on what is needed for the story. There isn't a single Godzilla characterization. If someone is pissed at the 1998 version, I would hope they were pissed at half the Showa era movies where he was basically a super hero to all kids.

Out of the entire series, I don't think any movie portrayed Godzilla exactly the same as the previous movie unless it was a direct sequel, and even then it is iffy. And out of all 30 movies, how many had good human stories? How many human characters do you remember by name from the Toho movies? I remember at least a couple from the 1998 movie. I've seen all the Heisei era movies numerous times, but I have no idea what the one psychic girl's name is and she's in almost all or all of them. I legitimately have no idea of any names of the humans in any of the movies except for the original and the 1998 version.


1998 was and is in every quantifiable way a piece of trash. Awful characters? Check, Awful story? Check, Terrible Action? Check? I know because this is a public forum we are pulling from a giant pool of people as opposed to those you meet casually in your day to day life but I have truly never met anyone that liked that movie.


The characters were better acted and at least more entertaining than any of the ones in Godzilla 2014 (sans Cranston), Jean Reno and Matthew Broderick were decent in the movie and by no means terrible.

Criticizing the story is silly, I feel, because it was always logically consistent within its established rules. Godzilla swims, likes fish, and wants to lay eggs. Gets caught in the brooklyn bridge cause it can't fit and becomes an easy target for a barrage of missles. It's not some invulnerable god like every other Godzilla movie and it was never ever portrayed as such. It was just a big lizard that was trying to find a home and people wanted to kill it because fear and stuff.

Action is where I can understand you the most. There's nothing really crazy or interesting. It is played really straight and cold and doesn't have interesting twists or really cool cinematic flair and such. It also gets split between being a small monster movie and a big monster movie and meshes both types of tension at least reasonably.

I feel like the vitriol people have with 1998 is that it's not a good Godzilla movie and that's fine, but as a basic movie I felt it was serviceable and entertaining. The only issue at this point is the CG is becoming more and more well... not that great. At least we have ID4 to remain timeless.
Well, I did have a date cancelled because a girl thought I sounded like I was retarded on the phone. But I stand by Godzilla 1998 not being bad. It's enjoyable. If you can enjoy something as stupid as ID4 or Armageddon, you should be able to enjoy Godzilla 1998. There are most definitely Toho Godzilla movies that are worse.

What it comes down to is people bitching that it isn't the REAL Godzilla. Well, there isn't a single "real" Godzilla. There is a movie where Godzilla is the physical embodiment of the nuclear age. There is a movie where Godzilla is possessed by dead WWII soldiers. There is a movie where Godzilla does body slam and dropkick. There is a movie where Godzilla uses his atomic breath to fly. There is a movie where Godzilla talks. There is a movie where Godzilla dances. There is a movie where Godzilla shakes hands with a giant humanoid robot. Where do you draw the line at what is the "real" Godzilla and what isn't? He's often not portrayed the same from movie to movie even in the same era, and in movies that are direct sequels. Some people get so hung up on the "character" when the "character" changes in every movie based on what is needed for the story. There isn't a single Godzilla characterization. If someone is pissed at the 1998 version, I would hope they were pissed at half the Showa era movies where he was basically a super hero to all kids.

Out of the entire series, I don't think any movie portrayed Godzilla exactly the same as the previous movie unless it was a direct sequel, and even then it is iffy. And out of all 30 movies, how many had good human stories? How many human characters do you remember by name from the Toho movies? I remember at least a couple from the 1998 movie. I've seen all the Heisei era movies numerous times, but I have no idea what the one psychic girl's name is and she's in almost all or all of them. I legitimately have no idea of any names of the humans in any of the movies except for the original and the 1998 version.

Hahaha that was a great opener thanks for that.
Your right the Godzilla movies all range dramatically in tone and style but they all respect this one sacred notion:

Godzilla is here to mess crap up and your going to be so blown away by his sheer awesomeness you will actually come to love him though he truly is the destroyer of your world.

1998 of course didn't have any of that but it has none of the spectacle of ID4 or the overtop humor of Armageddon. It has nothing going for it at all. Just talking about 1998 and forcing my brain to re-live moments of that train wreck is actually making me feel dumber


The characters were better acted and at least more entertaining than any of the ones in Godzilla 2014 (sans Cranston), Jean Reno and Matthew Broderick were decent in the movie and by no means terrible.

Criticizing the story is silly, I feel, because it was always logically consistent within its established rules. Godzilla swims, likes fish, and wants to lay eggs. Gets caught in the brooklyn bridge cause it can't fit and becomes an easy target for a barrage of missles. It's not some invulnerable god like every other Godzilla movie and it was never ever portrayed as such. It was just a big lizard that was trying to find a home and people wanted to kill it because fear and stuff.

Action is where I can understand you the most. There's nothing really crazy or interesting. It is played really straight and cold and doesn't have interesting twists or really cool cinematic flair and such. It also gets split between being a small monster movie and a big monster movie and meshes both types of tension at least reasonably.

I feel like the vitriol people have with 1998 is that it's not a good Godzilla movie and that's fine, but as a basic movie I felt it was serviceable and entertaining. The only issue at this point is the CG is becoming more and more well... not that great. At least we have ID4 to remain timeless.

I want to engage you on this I really do but my brain honestly can't its reached its limit of 1998 discussion. Unless I get a hypnotist or a priest I can't offer anything more on it for you.
Ill just say this ID4 was a great fun movie.


I went back and watched some of the trailers after I saw it and it's funny how much emphasis is on Cranston in them and his dialogue. They really make it seem like he's the main character in it or close to it.

Just can't help but feel they added him to try get more people to see the movie

Once I saw in the opening credits.

'And Bryan Cranston'
I knew he wasn't going to be in it for very long. The movie certainly misses his energy once he died.

Bravo to the marketing team at least.


"You're not fooling anyone. I'm not the main character. I'm not a leading role. What's really happening is that you're hiding something. And it's going to send this movie back to the stone age!"



Hahaha that was a great opener thanks for that.
Your right the Godzilla movies all range dramatically in tone and style but they all respect this one sacred notion:

Godzilla is here to mess crap up and your going to be so blown away by his sheer awesomeness you will actually come to love him though he truly is the destroyer of your world.

1998 of course didn't have any of that but it has none of the spectacle of ID4 or the overtop humor of Armageddon. It has nothing going for it at all. Just talking about 1998 and forcing my brain to re-live moments of that train wreck is actually making me feel dumber.

I enjoyed 1998, but that's just me. I thought it was fun. Sometimes a silly disaster flick is all a movie needs to be.
Consult a doctor if you have a medical concern.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it hard to: Tell the difference between what is real and not real; Think clearly; Have normal emotional responses; Act normally in social situations.

Signs and tests

Though there are no conclusive tests to diagnose schizophrenia a recent trend has been developing where the patient is subjected to a viewing of the 1998 film Godzilla. Upon waking the patient and removing the restraints it can be clearly concluded based on his reaction and threat of suicidal action should the movie continue whether he is in fact suffering from Schizophrenia. To a person with the clear signs of the mentally degrading disease you will find him in a placid like state whereupon conclusion of the movie will declare he found it in many ways entertaining and doesn't get the big fuss over it. Restraints and medication need to be put forth with extreme prejudice at this juncture.


Hahaha that was a great opener thanks for that.
Your right the Godzilla movies all range dramatically in tone and style but they all respect this one sacred notion:

Godzilla is here to mess crap up and your going to be so blown away by his sheer awesomeness you will actually come to love him though he truly is the destroyer of your world.

1998 of course didn't have any of that but it has none of the spectacle of ID4 or the overtop humor of Armageddon. It has nothing going for it at all. Just talking about 1998 and forcing my brain to re-live moments of that train wreck is actually making me feel dumber

I want to engage you on this I really do but my brain honestly can't its reached its limit of 1998 discussion. Unless I get a hypnotist or a priest I can't offer anything more on it for you.
Ill just say this ID4 was a great fun movie.

1998 had a lot of the stupid humor that Armageddon had. It didn't quite have the spectacle of ID4, I agree, but it has the same feel and tone as both of those movies. It is an American disaster movie from the late 90s and feels like the rest of them. Under any other name, people wouldn't hate it nearly as much. Instead, they'd hate it because it WASN'T called Godzilla. Guaranteed.

It's really more of a King Kong movie, but I'd also much rather watch it than any of the King Kong movies besides the original.

ID4 is fucking STUPID. But it is a super enjoyable stupid movie. Godzilla 1998 is fucking STUPID, but just an enjoyable stupid movie. Not super enjoyable. Just enjoyable. I would never say it is a good movie, but I would also never say any of the Toho movies are good movies. Not even the original. It's a good B movie, maybe. People hold the original up as some triumph of movie making and story, but it really isn't. It's a really good B movie with interesting social commentary. MOST of the Godzilla movies are passable at best. Only a handful out of 30 really stand out as good B movies. Most of them range from super boring to bad. I love the series. I've seen them all multiple times. Most of them aren't good. Some of them are good for the genre, which is inherently silly and hard to take very seriously. Most of them aren't. But even the bad ones are enjoyable in their own way, much like 1998.


Just came back from it. It was...good. The human elements were a little groan worthy (apart from Bryan) but the monster battles were intense. I want that roar as a ringtone.

I did like how they gave Godzilla some personality in the eyes, especially the 'come at me bro' look at one point. I also liked the eye contact between him and Ford toward the end - all that was missing was a fist bump.

I also heard a few laughs in the cinema at the first mention of 'Godzilla'...not sure what was with that...
independence day is pretty stupid. but it had freaking Will Smith AND Jeff Goldblum as main characters. they were both very entertaining performances as well. throw any one of them (at the time) in a godzilla movie like this and they'd make it so much better.

this had cardboard-man (coming soon to avengers 2) and attractive young female. it's unfair comparison.


independence day is pretty stupid. but it had freaking Will Smith AND Jeff Goldblum as main characters.

this had cardboard-man (coming soon to avengers 2) and attractive young female (also coming soon to avengers 2). it's unfair comparison.


Some of the cinematography in this film was GORGEOUS. Literally said "Wow". Dat light that comes into the plane just before they 'cute down...

The lighting for the entire film was really, really good. Lots of variety in the different settings, and even the night scenes were really well lit to show what they want to.
independence day is pretty stupid. but it had freaking Will Smith AND Jeff Goldblum as main characters. they were both very entertaining performances as well. throw any one of them (at the time) in a godzilla movie like this and they'd make it so much better.

this had cardboard-man (coming soon to avengers 2) and attractive young female. it's unfair comparison.
Jeff Goldblum didn't play a character. He just played Jeff Goldblum.
Movie made 35 million on Friday.

Excellent. Very well deserved.
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